Answering Machine: Bill: Hey, This Is Bill. I'm Sorry I'm Not In. Just Leave A Message

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[Phone ringing . . .

Bill: Hey, this is Bill. I'm sorry I'm not in. Just leave a message.
Hey Bill. This is Hank. I'm just calling to let you know that I'll e a little late to the
game tomorrow night. I have to work a !ew e"tra hours to !inish a re#ort. I shoul$ wra#
things u# sometime etween seven an$ eight though. %h, then I'm #lanning on
$ro##ing y &isa's house !or aout an hour since she's een sick recently. 'n$, uh, one
more thing. I'll swing y my house to #ick u# some !oo$ !or the game. (ee you then.
Answering Machine
&isten to the key vocaulary an$ sam#le sentences:
wrap up(phrasal verb): to !inish
- .e nee$ to wra# u# this #roject y the en$ o! the $ay.
drop by(phrasal verb): to visit
- /lease $ro# y my #lace on your way home !rom work.
swing by(phrasal verb): $ro# y, sto# y
- I nee$ to swing y the store an$ #ick u# some !oo$ !or $inner.

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