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Andaya Pall, 8aLasang ambansa
May 20, 2014

:&3,B =("%'C Cood afternoon everybody, Im Dr. JaneLLe Carln represenLlng Lhe
ueparLmenL of PealLh. l was acLually wlLh Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves for Lhe pasL
nlne years. So flrsL and foremosL ln behalf of Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh, allow me Lo
apologlze for all Lhe chaos and confuslons LhaL Lhe Medlcal AsslsLance rogram has
creaLed. AdmlLLedly, Lhere were a loL of lapses ln our end, guldellnes were belng
amended l belleve for 3 Llmes. So pasensya po sa nangyarl, preclse for me Lo say LhaL
lasL week before Lhe SecreLary lefL for Ceneva, Lhls whole program was Lransferred Lo
my offlce. l wllllngly and gladly accepLed because l look aL my poslLlon as someLhlng
LhaL was glven Lo me wlLh confldence and someLhlng LhaL placed be Lhere because of
Lhe Leachlngs of my prevlous menLors ln Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves llke boss 1lLo
8aul uel Mar, so andldlLo po ako ngayon, we admlL medyo maraml ang mga reklamo,
medyo maraml ang confuslons, so l hope, l hope you wlll allow us Lo apologlze for
LhaL, buL also allow us Lo have a llLLle breaLhlng space.
lor Lhe pasL Lwo days we acLually revlewed all Lhe, everyLhlng LhaL we had
LhaL has happened, lncludlng Lhe guldellnes, lncludlng Lhe process, and preclse for
me Lo say LhaL admlLLedly mosL of Lhe lapses were on Lhe parL of Lhe ueparLmenL
LhaL we admlL and Lhe guldellnes LhaL was glven Lo you was ln conLrary Lo Lhe lnlLlal
guldellnes LhaL l presenLed Lo Lhe Speaker and Lhe offlcers of Lhe Pouse. Pence lL
became more Ledlous. So we acLually have a new seL of guldellnes, so well be giving
lL ln awhlle. !usL Lo menLlon few Lhlngs. 1he prevlous admlnlsLraLlve order LhaL Lhe
secreLary slgned wlll now be amended by Lhe new AC LhaL he slgned before he lefL
for Ceneva so [usL Lo clearly polnL ouL, well Lhe, Lhe CAA sLaLes LhaL Lhe ellglble
paLlenLs are Lhe lndlgenL paLlenLs so nagkakaroon po ng maramlng confuslon
because yung iba kasi they, theres alot of definition to indigent patients so for this
purpose we deflned Lhe paLlenLs as MA lndlgenL paLlenLs. Ckay, so Lhe quallflcaLlons
wlll be a recommendaLlon from Lhe MA offlclals, and who are Lhe MA offlclals?
kayo yan, Lhese are Lhe Congressmen or your deslgnaLed personnel.
So yun po ang nangyayarl and Lhe ellglble paLlenL are all paLlenLs admlLLed or seeklng
consulL ln a governmenL healLh care faclllLy. now on Lhe lmplemenLlng mechanlsm,
we also learned LhaL because lL was golng LogeLher wlLh Au or Lhe ubllc AsslsLance
unlL of Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh, nagkaroon ng maramlng requlremenLs so on Lhe
provlslon of Medlcal AsslsLance Lhere were requlremenLs as Lo Lhe orlglnal compleLe
prescrlpLlon for medlclnes and medlcal supplles, Lhe orlglnal laboraLory requesL, Lhe
original physicians order request form and the statement of account all of this, so
for your prevlous guldellnes under SecLlon 4, 8 LhaL whole paragraph has been
deleted so we, the new guidelines that you have now, its totally deleted kasi
andudun nga yung slnasabl nlnyo na plnapaballk-ballk yung pasyenLe, LoLoo yun kasl
hlnahanap yung mga orlglnal requesL and Lhe paLlenL has Lo look for Lhe docLor Lo
slgn lL and LhaL Lask alone ls very Ledlous kasl yung dokLor mlnsan nag-ra-rounds,
minsan nasa ibang so lahat ng requirements na yun mawawala yun, also the
hosplLals, we had a meeLlng wlLh Lhem lasL week and he sald of a slngle conLacL
person Lhey are requlred Lo have aL leasL Lwo conLacL persons ln-charge of Lhls
program, Lhe dlrecLory of whlch we wlll glve Lo you ln awhlle.
Cn Lhe prevlous guldellnes, Lhere were also a, a, a Lable LhaL reflecLed Lhe guldellnes
ln Lerms of uCP-reLalned PosplLal faclllLles and Lhe non-uCP-reLalned hosplLal,
hosplLals and healLh care faclllLles. Ckay, baslcally Lhe problem was Lhls, for Lhe uCP-
retained health facilities, mali naman po talaga, lalo na pag sinasabi nila na uy, sorry
po wala po ditong pondo yung Congressman ninyo, hindi po talaga dapat sabihin
yun. Ckay, so we already called Lhe aLLenLlon of all Lhe chlef of hosplLals and ln-facL a
memo has been released Lo Lhem lasL lrlday.
So we wlll have Lhree procedures, unang-una po yung plnapaklusap ng lahaL na
downloadlng ng funds, Lhe flnance deparLmenL, Lhe flnance secLlon of Lhe
ueparLmenL of PealLh has faclllLaLed LhaL, buL we undersLand LhaL, because of
bureaucracy, mlnsan naLaLagalan. So lf your funds are already downloaded ln Lhe
uCP hosplLals. So l repeaL unang-una po downloadlng of funds Lo uCP PosplLals
lncludlng reLalned hosplLals LhaL lncludes Lhe reglonal medlcal cenLers and speclalLy
hosplLals lf your offlce has funds Lhere, you can LransacL dlrecLly wlLh Lhem yung
polnL person nandudun, second, lf ln case nagpadala kayo ng pasyenLe, pagkapadala
nlnyo ng pasyenLe slnabl ay wala po dlLong pondo yung oplslna nlnyo whlch usually
happens, Lhls ls someLhlng LhaL we admlL should noL happen buL unforLunaLely Lhe
process of requesLlng Lhe funds and downloadlng lL Lakes a loL of Llme. So Lhe
proposal LhaL we have ln Lhls case kung saka-sakallng pagdaLlng, wala dlyaan, walang
pondo yung offlce or whaLever, we have a dlrecLory LhaL wlll be glven Lo you and LhaL
wlll be e-malled Lo all your offlces. ln LhaL dlrecLory, Lhere are Lwo persons ln-charge
of all hosplLals, so maklklLa nlnyo dun sa dlrecLory, andldlLo yung mga pangalan ng
mga hosplLals and Lhen kung slno yung conLacL person na LaLawagan nlnyo. So for
any problem, you lmmedlaLely call, LexL or e-mall Lhe persons ln-charge of LhaL
hosplLal and auLomaLlcally Lhey wlll lssue a guaranLee leLLer dlrecL Lo your offlce and
dlrecL Lo Lhe hosplLal.
kung saka-sakallng hlndl pa naLanggap ng hosplLal, dala-dala na ng pasyenLe nlnyo
yan kasl lblblgay ng offlce nlnyo pero kung yung pasyenLe naman nasa hosplLal, dun
din niya kukunin. Its just like an alternative, kung in case wala pa yung pondo ninyo
dun sa speclflc na hosplLal. ln LhaL way, we wlll noL leL Lhe paLlenL walL, we wlll noL
leL your offlce walL and lf Lhe paLlenL wlll be dlscharged on LhaL day or Lhe day afLer,
Lhe guaranLee leLLer wlll be honoured. We also undersLand na yung guaranLee leLLer
na unang nirelease, medyo yung format, I mean its good, its okay. Unfortunately the
formaL creaLes a loL of quesLlons kasl nga parang its, its an indigency program of Lhe
DOH. Nawawalan ngayon ng, lets admlL lL Lhe pollLlcal polnLs ln, ln Lhe case of Lhe
offlce requesLlng lL kasl ang nakaplrma dun ls Asec. Laga[ld and lL was placed Lhere na
hlndl pwedeng l-honor pag Saturday and Sunday. Andudun din yung nakalagay na its
charged ln Lhe offlce of Lhe SecreLary. So all of Lhese were deleLed. We wlll be glvlng
you Lhe new formaL of Lhe guaranLee leLLer. WhaL ls Lhere ls a bar code on Lop
because that is our control, and thats also given to the hospitals. So nakalagay lang
dun yung pangalan ng pasyenLe, kung saang hosplLal and Lhe amounL LhaL you would
llke us Lo place ln Lhe guaranLee leLLer.
now, Lhe people ln-charge, kaya yan dalawa for Lhe mean Llme, buL ln Lhe nexL Lwo
weeks Lhey wlll be Lhree. Why? 8ecause Lhey wlll be on 24/7 duLy so LhaL you can call
Lhe number LhaL we wlll be glvlng wlll be endorsed approprlaLely because Lhey wlll
be on elghL hours duLy so holldays, weekend, gabl man, madallng-araw man, merong
sumasagoL sa LexL or Lawag nlnyo. We wlll glve Lhe names Lo you and Lhe conLacL
numbers aL Lhe approprlaLe Llme. now, Lhe Lhlrd one ls Lhe Local CovernmenL unlL
hosplLals. We already have lssued a dlrecLlve Lo all our reglonal directors to to come
up wlLh a MCA that we have drafted its its a new memorandum of agreemenL for
Lhem Lo make represenLaLlons for Lhe governor Lo slgn Lo cover all Lhe hosplLals, and
ln Lhe case of LCu PosplLals we undersLand na sa lba walang problema pero yung lba
naman may problema. And on Lhe parL of uCP naman, we are bound by CCA noL Lo
release funds lf we have no obllgaLlon. So Lhelr mechanlsm wlll agaln be llke a
relmbursemenL process where all guaranLee leLLers released by your offlce Lo Lhem
wlll be relmbursed wlLhln 10 worklng days by Lhe deparLmenL. So yan po yung
LaLlong slsLema. !usL Lo make a recap, Lhere wlll be Lhree mechanlsms, Lhe flrsL wlll
be your funds wlll be dlrecLly downloaded Lo Lhe speclalLy hosplLals and all uCP-
reLalned hosplLals and when LhaL happens, you can communlcaLe dlrecLly Lo Lhem,
buL [usL ln case, pag punLa nung pasyenLe nlnyo, pagLawag nlnyo, hlndl kayo agad-
agad na-enLerLaln, we wlll be glvlng you a dlrecLory for Lhe personnel ln-charge 24/7,
[usL glve Lhem Lhe name of Lhe paLlenL, Lhe amounL and Lhen a guaranLee leLLer wlll
be lmmedlaLely forwarded Lo your offlce. 1he hosplLal wlll also be copled and Lhe
personnel ln-charge, Lhe cashler offlce wlll also be LexLed, yung number, Lhe amounL,
and Lhe name of Lhe paLlenL. ara po agad-agad na ma-enLerLaln. 1haL mechanlsm
also follows for Lhe LCu` PosplLals.
now Lhe oLher requlremenLs, LhaL yung Lable sa prevlous guldellnes nlnyo, LhaL was
acLually page four ln Lhe old requlremenLs. WhaL you have now ls Lhe new one.
Tinanggal na namin lahat yun. We admit its also very tedious especially lf Lhe paLlenL
has Lo go Lo Lhe soclal worker and come up wlLh all Lhese documenLary
requlremenLs. now on Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe ellglblllLy of Lhe paLlenL for
asslsLance from Lhe MA, we have also deleLed LhaL because Lhe ellglblllLy of Lhe
paLlenL ls actually your decision. Then also to erase all doubts we included it in the
guldellnes kasl yung LCu PosplLals are concerned na baka hlndl slla mabayaran or
nakalagay na doon LhaL wlLhln 10 worklng days Lhe deparLmenL ls obllged Lo pay
Lhem. Thats why in the letter that we sent out to the governors and the regional
dlrecLors and Lhe chlef of hosplLals, we requesLed for Lhelr correspondlng bank and
bank accounLs para dlrekLa nang bank-Lo-bank na magbabayad lahaL, lahaL-lahaL,
bank-Lo-bank na yung pagbayad ng cenLral offlce sa lahaL ng mga hosplLals. now,
Lhere are also a loL of, Lhe reason why Lhere were a loL of requlremenLs ln Lhe
prevlous guldellnes, was LhaL ln Lhe CAA LhaL was approved, andudun na naka-
sLlpulaLe yung medlclnes glven, laboraLorles done, yung mga lLemlzed llsL. So all of
LhaL wlll now be complled by a speclflc Leam LhaL wlll be handllng. So every paLlenL,
Luloy-Luloy yung pagblgay nlnyo ng asslsLance, buL my offlce, Lhere wlll be flve, or
four or flve personnel whose work wlll be Lo comply wlLh all Lhe requlremenLs under
Lhe CAA. ?ung mga gamoL na blnlblgay. So all of Lhese requlremenLs para hlndl na
yun lLulak sa pasyenLe. kasl kaya rln nagrereklamo yung lbang pasyenLe dahll napl-
plngpong slla. Ang damlng oplslna na plnupunLahan, whlch ls acLually noL good kasl
parang plnapahlrapan pa slla. So LhaL has been deleLed.
And lnsLead lL wlll be a responslblllLy of my offlce Lo comply wlLh all of Lhese
requlremenLs. now on Lhe, on Lhe drafL memorandum of agreemenL wlLh Lhe LCu`s,
whlle lnlLlally we wanLed Lo [usL have lL slgned by Lhe chlef of hosplLal, hlndl nga raw
pl-puwede kasl Lhey are under Lhe dlrecL supervlslon of Lhe local governmenL chlef
execuLlve. So Lhe oLhers have declded noL Lo puL funds ln Lhe LCu` hosplLals buL for
Lhose who will be putting funds, our our assurance is that, hindi naman siya
magagamlL ng governor kasl flrsL, we are bound by CCA rules noL Lo download kung
wala kamlng payables. So kung may guaranLee leLLer gallng sa lnyo, yan po ang
babayaran ng ueparLmenL of PealLh. now, Lhere were also concerns LhaL were ralsed
Lo us. We reallzed na nagkaroon ng dalawang forms. And yung una kasl, l was
confused when l was recelvlng calls because LhaL Lhe enLlre program was handled by
anoLher offlce.
now l undersLood lLo palang dalawang forms because its a Au or a ubllc
AsslsLance unlL Cfflce, yung lsang form na plnapadala sa lnyo parang yung mga walk-
ln paLlenL na gusLong magpaLulong. 1he Au offlce wrlLes a recommendaLlon and
sends lL Lo your offlce. So medyo hlndl maganda kasl parang ang feellng Luloy ng
pasyenLe nagpunLa slya sa uCP, ngayon lLuLulak namln sa offlce nlnyo. ag hlndl
agad na-enLerLaln ng offlce nlnyo, maraml pang sallLa. So Lhe declslon of Lhe
ueparLmenL ls Lo do away wlLh all walk-ln paLlenLs because ln Lhe flrsL place lL was
made clear Lo us LhaL Lhese funds are noL uCP funds buL are acLually funds of
Congressmen who are Lhere Lo asslsL Lhelr consLlLuenLs. So Lhe referral leLLer lf ever
you recelve one comlng from uCP, dont mlnd LhaL buL we already gave lnsLrucLlon. l
mean l personally gave lnsLrucLlons lasL week Lo do away wlLh all of Lhose. kasl hlndl
pl-puwedeng yung mgs kapag may lumalaplL dun lre-refer namln sa lnyo. ?ou know
besL and you know beLLer slno ang nanganagllangan ng Lulong sa dlsLrlLo nlnyo. lsa
pa, hlndl rln Lalaga namln alam kung consLlLuenL nlnyo because Lhey can always say
theyre from this district, theyre from this area tapos hindi naman. Now there was
also Lhe lssue of Lhe compllaLlon or Lhe collaLlon of paLlenLs for Lhe day before
referrlng Lo Lhe MA. arang blnubuo muna slla lahaL before lpadala.
Syempre LumaLagal dln Lalaga. kaya everyLlme na pasyenLe (kung) lf Lhey go Lo your
offlce, [usL refer Lhem Lo us lmmedlaLely and wlLhln 30 mlnuLes aL Lhe mosL LhaL wlll
be yan na yung plnaka, plnakamaLagal. 1he guaranLee leLLer wlll be e-malled dlrecL
Lo your offlce. WheLher lL wlll be your offlce here or your dlsLrlcL offlce, [usL glve us
Lhe e-mall address buL aslde from LhaL and guaranLee leLLer ls also wlLh Lhe
respecLlve hosplLals so yung lssue na klno-collaLe muna lahaL before gawan ng
guaranLee leLLer mawawala na yun kasl meron nang Laong ln-charge for LhaL speclflc
hospital. So if I`m the patient, I`ll go lets say to the office of Congresswoman
CaLamco, pagdaLlng ko dun sasabihin ko dun Cong., nangangailangan ako ng tulong.
her offlce wlll LexL Lhe person ln-charge Lhen Lhe guaranLee leLLer goes Lo her offlce
you print it and then you can always say Ito po tulong ni Congressman, tulong po ng
oplslna, dalhln nlnyo lang ito sa opisina, sa hospital, sa cashier office. that will be
entertained and in the guarantee letter, theres no mention of any any person in
Lhe ueparLmenL of PealLh, [usL was a menLlon Lhere of a, of Lhe lndlgency fund as
belng used Lo asslsL Lhem. now meron dlng mga Lanong yung bllllng amounL daw,
hlndl nagko-colnclde sa requesLed amounL sa guaranLee leLLer.
We already gave lnsLrucLlons for Lhe hosplLals, kung kunwarl ang plnablgay nlnyong
tulong is four thousand or lets say five thousand. Yung billlng nlya kasl nabawasan pa
pala ng Philhealth or whatever naging lets say three thousand five hundred na lang
para hlndl na Lumagal, pakuha nlnyo na lang ng Lake home meds nlya. kasl meron
namang mga gamoL dln na lnuuwl sa bahay so pakuha na lang dun. ldadagdag na
lang nila sa bill yun. The hospital wouldn`t mind as long as the amount stipulated in
Lhe guaranLee leLLer wlll be Lhe amounL wlll be Lhe amounL LhaL Lhe hosplLal wlll
lf Lhe blll ls llke flve Lhousand and Lhe guaranLee leLLer ls four Lhousand flve hundred
Lhen Lhey have Lo pay for Lhe 300 kasl medyo mahlrap sllang l-ano... Ckay, Lhe oLher
issue was that yung nagbabago let`s say meron kayong pondo na ni-requesL and we
fully undersLand na sa daml ng nakakaharap nlnyo syempre mlnsan, mlnsan kasl
napansln namln meron kayong consLlLuenLs nag-aaral sa lbang problnsya o lbang
reglon, naaksldenLe dun nagkasaklL whaLever happens. Wala kayong pondo dun. So
lnsLead of walLlng for Lhe downloaded funds, Lhe personnel ln-charge dun ullL sa
dlrecLory na lblblgay aL l-e-mall namln salnyo wlLhln Lhe day, yun ullL ang LaLawagan.
kasl nakalagay naman doon even yung hosplLal na hlndl sa dlsLrlLo nlnyo. So we wlll
sLlll honor LhaL as long as yung pondo nlnyo may nalwan pa na hlndl slya fully
downloaded dun sa lsang hosplLal. So yun yung pl-puwede but if i`ts like fully
downloaded aL nauLlllzed na, maklklusap naman kaml na mahlrap on our parL kasl
Lhe funds LhaL are remalnlng are acLually funds for use of Lhe oLher Congressmen.
Yung on the memorandum of agreemenL LhaL wlll be slgned by Lhe local
governmenL chlef execuLlve, Lhere was also Lhls concern na nl-re-refer pa slla sa
soclal worker. Well, admlLLedly lL really Lakes Llme especlally na yung munlclpal soclal
welfare offlcer lsa lang slya, pag nag-bl-break slya or nag-ll-leave wala na.
Since its DOH and the hospital has the capability to determine and in the new new
guldellnes, Lhe deflnlLlon of lndlgenL paLlenLs and ellglble paLlenLs ls Lhose seeklng
consulL and admlLLed ln Lhe governmenL healLh care faclllLly. 1hen our legal
department also agreed that we dont need a social worker para hindi na sila
pupunLa aL dl na slla mahlhlrapan. 1he mere facL LhaL Lhey soughL consulL ln a
government health facility, thats enough. Now what would be the requiremenL for
Lhe guaranLee leLLer Lo be honoured, dl ba meron yung mga daLl orlglnal
prescription, original clinical abstract, original medical certificate, social workers,
mga blah blah blah. Pinatanggal na namin lahat yun. Kasi sad to say, tama din na
magallL kayo because we reallzed LhaL many lf noL all of Lhe hosplLals meron palang
correspondlng charges for Lhls, so hlndl namln alam yun, our apologles for LhaL.
Lvery documenL pala na nl-re-requlre yung cllnlcal absLracL, medlcal cerLlflcaLe.
Meron palang bayad. So yung pasyenLe syempre, mas lalong nagagallL. AL yun pala
yung baLLle neL, so lnl-explain ng hospital na, hindi, ini-enLerLaln namln yan, kulang
lang yung requirements. Ngayon nung tinanong namin yung mga pasyente, eh kasi
yung requlremenLs pala, may bayad dln. So ang panglL Llngnan. So all of LhaL
requlremenLs had been deleLed because Lhls ls a requlremenL of Lhe Au offlce. arL
kasl yun ng parang lSC cerLlflcaLlon. So Lhese were all deleLed. 1he only requlremenL
LhaL Lhe guaranLee leLLer wlll be requlrlng ls an aLLach hosplLal bllllng. Ckay, because
from LhaL hosplLal bllllng, magkakaroon na kaml ngayon ng papel na puwede namlng
l-trace para dun sa lahat ng mga requirements for COA and GAA purposes so thats all
the ay just last last concern pala.
Ang damlng LumaLawag Lungkol sa procuremenL of medlclnes. Whlle we would llke
Lo supporL LhaL, our dllemma ls LhaL our hands are Lled because ln Lhe funds LhaL
were approved, naka-speclfy kasl slya na hosplLal asslsLance. May we [usL requesL na
kung pu-pwede for Lhe nexL year, speclfled dun na puwede yung procuremenL of
medlclnes for medlcal mlsslons because as of now, u8M does noL allow us. AcLually,
ang Llnlngnan dln namln, hlndl rln kasl solely ma-blame yung u8M kasl ang naglng
problema, parang yung, may mga CCA reporLs noL relaLed Lo uAl buL relaLed Lo
procuremenL of medlclnes, ln some hosplLals and ln some LCu`s. And because of
Lhese, parang naglng damay-damay ang lahaL. So whlle Lhey are dolng Lhlngs Lo
resolve LhaL, hlndl muna ln-allow. So yun naman yung medyo dllemma namln buL
Lhen lf you have medlcal mlsslons Lhese are llke ouL paLlenL, you can group Lhem
LogeLher llke oh you can have a dlabeLes cllnlc or you can have a hyperLenslve cllnlc
and Lhen Lhe laboraLorles and Lhe medlclnes LhaL Lhey wlll be uslng can be charged
Lo Lhe hosplLal. So pu-pwede po yung ganun. ?es, slr.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C Cood afLernoon po! Asec!
:&3,B =("%'C Pl bosslng!
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C My question is regarding health facilities that doesnt
have any medicines or medical supplies considering that Ive heard in the recent
news that some private almost all private hospitals in Metro Manila will not honor
cleans compleLlon conslderlng LhaL hllhealLh lLself owes Lhese hosplLals Lhese
prlvaLe hosplLals ls havlng a hard Llme of faclllLaLlng for Lhe papers ln cleanlng Lhe
hosplLal for Lhe hllhealLh beneflL of Lhe paLlenL. kasl po LhaL ls one slde kasl sa amln
sa probinsya, talaga pong minsan ang ospital ang for example in Biliran there is only
one hosplLal whlch ls Lhe provlnclal hosplLal. 1here ls no prlvaLe hosplLal, Lhere ls no
naLlonal governmenL hosplLal. 1he nearesL naLlonal governmenL hosplLal ls Lwo hours
away. now, mosL of Lhe paLlenLs are really poor. Some of Lhem needs lmmedlaLe
aLLenLlon, lmmediate operation surgical operation like that and has a lot of
prescrlpLlons needed for Lhe operaLlons Lo be conducLed lmmedlaLely. unforLunaLely,
lets agree that all mostly of the government hospitals especially in the rural areas
doesnt have the medlclnes.
:&3,B =("%'C The medicines these are for LGU`s Hospitals not from, hindi yung
uCP hosplLal.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C Yes Kasi po ang ginagawa namin dun, during there
was PDAF and Im a doctor kasi. So ang ginagawa ko mlno-MCA ko sa governmenL
and Lhen we ablde by all of Lhe CCA rules. Ano bang requlremenL ng CCA? uahll pag
plnasok mo sa LCu yan, Lhe LCu musL be responslble for Lhe funds under all CCA
rules so mangyayarl po dyan kallangan ng soclal proflllng. kallangan ko ng medlcal
cerLlflcaLe or hosplLal absLracL. Pahanapan po slla ng, ng reslbo ng mga gamoL kaya
nangyayarl po mas effecLlve nun because nasa LCu ang pondo. nagpa-faclllLaLe ang
dlsLrlcL offlce. kung walang gamoL sa loob ng osplLal sa emergency room, kaml
mlsmo ang bumlblll sa boLlka sa labas, may reslbo, nakapangalan sa pasyenLe para
pag nl-llquldaLe namln sa CCA, mallnls. Walang dahllan na kung saan napunLa yung
pondo pero kung tatanggalin po natin ngayon yung mga requirements na I dont
know lf Lhe, Lhe COA will acceptable sa kanila na walang mga supporting
[usLlflcaLlons. !usL hosplLal blll lang kasl alam nlnyo po kung hosplLal blll lang ang
sagoL ng uCP pa, eh Lalagang kawawa ang mahlhlrap dahll ang hosplLal walang
gamlL, walang gamoL, walang anaesLheLlcs, halos wala.
:&3,B =("%'C Okay, for the COA, sa sa ganitong sistema lets go back to the ano
please... Ckay for Lhls kasl, for Lhe guaranLee leLLer, lL wlll be accepLable Lo CCA
because the patients bill will allow us to look into what we call the WL8 AlS. So
whaL uCP has seLup ls an lnLerneL llnkage among all our hosplLals, LhaL we encode
the patients name,we get their records. So ibig sabihin, actually hindi na yun iko-
comply kasl meron na lang kamlng mga Lao na Laga-comply nun. So we Lransfer Lhe
burden of the patients to our staff. Now, yung sa LGU`s we will we will make
lmmedlaLely presenLaLlons wlLh Lhe u8M kasl yung downloadlng of funds, hlndl
namln alam kung papayagan ln Lhe prevlous meeLlngs kasl, hlndl pl-pwede kung wala
kang bllllng basls.
Now, what we can actually do is that, I dont know if it will be of much help. What we
can do ls posslbly lnclude lL ln Lhe MCA LhaL Lhe governor who wlll slgn kasl yung
governor naman yung may pondo, Lhe governor who wlll slgn wlll also manlfesL LhaL
while they are signing kasi its actually income for them eh kasi kaysa ang nangyayari
ngayon yung pasyenLeng walang pambayad, hlndl mo naman maplllL, wlLh Lhe
Congresslonal fund now, yung pasyenLeng walang pambayad, aslde from hllhealLh
kahlL papaano nadadagdagan ang pondo ninyo. So ang mangyayari dun, its also a
welcome income for them. Then maybe in the MOA, we will stipulate that its their
mandaLe Lo provlde Lhe baslc meds and Lhe commonly used medlclnes ln Lhelr
hospital. So thats one that they can do, buL afLer Lhls meeLlng allow me Lo have
some Llme Lo make represenLaLlons wlLh u8M and CCA on, on how we are golng Lo
faclllLaLe Lhe, yeah, pwedeng dun na lang sa flrsL sllde. nexL sllde please. no, no, no,
sllde, prevlous sllde, okay so Lhls ls Lhe new Lerm LhaL wlll be lncluded. ?ung ellglble
beneflclary, so we do away wlLh Lhe soclal worker, wlLh Lhe assessmenL whaLsoever,
Lhey are seeklng consulLaLlon, slnama namln yung rehab per requesL of oLher
congressmen, examlnaLlon or oLher... regardless of room category, okay kasi meron
namang mga pasyenLe na hlndl raw LlnaLanggap kasl nasa seml-prlvaLe room or
prlvaLe room. unforLunaLely, Lhere are lllnesses LhaL mandaLes (slc) Lhelr lsolaLlon or
mlnsan puno yung hosplLal. Plndl naman nlla kasalanan na sa prlvaLe room slla. So
lsasama na lang slya. lLo lang yung problema namln yung professlonal fees.
Maybe you can help us with, ito talaga its, its really COA We, we made several
represenLaLlons, blnaballk naman ng CCA sa amln whlch ls somehow Lrue kasl, as, as
lndlgenL paLlenLs hlndl, lalo na kapag hllhealLh, meron na kaslng professlonal fee.
Supposed Lo be yung docLor hlndl na sumlslngll. kaya slya hlndl nadya-[usLlfy kasl llke
in the case actually in a meeting with Philhealth, I put forward a proposal sabl ko sa
Philhealth, baka naman pi-puwede kasi what happens is if Im the doctor, pasyente
kunwarl pasyenLe sl cong., Cong. Penry ryde 1eves. May hllhealLh slya or PMC,
whaL hllhealLh and MPC does, ls LhaL Lhey pay Lhe hosplLal for Lhe medlcal bllls, Lhe
PF goes direct to my bank account. Ganun po yun. So sa government hospitals,
ganun dln. 1he hllhealLh goes dlrecL Lo Lhe bank accounL of Lhe docLor.
So mlnsan, hlndl alam ng pasyenLe na meron na slyang blnayad. So whaL we are
recommendlng ls Lhey glve Lhe money or Lhe l dlrecL Lo Lhe paLlenL, Lhe paLlenL
Lhen pays LhaL Lo Lhe docLor. 1hen magLaLawaran na slla para may semblance ng
bayad. We have a pendlng proposal abouL dun sa hllhealLh, and medyo nag-okay
naman slla lnlLlally, kasl ang nangyayarl ngayon, people do noL know na yung dokLor
nababayaran na pala ng hllhealLh. kaya pag sumlslngll slla, akala naman ng pasyenLe
Lalagang walang nalbayad. nagdodoble acLually. kasl llke hlnahanap mo, so
philhealth like will pay you eight thousand so thats something we would like to
solve. Wlll Lhls sLlll geL refunds from paymenL? AcLually, yung sa ngayon. Ahh, kasl
yung walang Philhealth. Ngayon pala, yung just to inform you, theres a point of
care. Ckay. WhaL ls Lhe polnL of care program? 1he polnL of care says. May pasyenLe
ka. nasa governmenL hosplLal. MaklklLa naman ng hosplLal na walang pamabayad
yun, walang hllhealLh. 1he polnL of care allows, acLually lL mandaLes Lhe hosplLal Lo
auLomaLlcally enrol Lhe paLlenL.
nagkaroon lang ng kaunLlng gllLch kasl nung nagbabayad na yung hosplLal sa
hllhealLh na-dlsallow ng CCA. Ckay. ?ung CCA naman nung dlnls-allow nlla, kasl
nasa baLas nga Lalaga na yung lncome ng hosplLal, hlndl puwedeng pambayad ng
hllhealLh premlmum. So for an exempLlon we already had Lhree meeLlngs wlLh
u8M, durlng Lhe laLesL meeLlng we submlLLed a formaL agaln Lo Sec. 8uLch. And Lhen
we are awalLlng, l mean verbally and ln prlnclple secreLary Abad already agreed kasl
sabi ko Boss ang kailangan lang naman talaga dito papel na pirmado ng u8M
instructing COA that they are now allowing hospitals they are amending that rule
that hospitals can pay for the premium. So medyo maso-solve na yun, so kung yung
pasyenLe walang pambayad, pagpasok nlya aL hlndl slya enrolled dun sa maLrlx,
pwede slyang l-enrol ng hosplLal, yes. So yan yung polnL of care. So yung admlsslon
nlya na yan, mababayran na slya ng hllhealLh.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C Magandang hapon po. 1anong ko lang u-sec, are all
hosplLals, naLlonwlde ay may polnL of care?
:&3,B =("%'C Supposedly, all uCP hosplLals, yes. ?ung LCu naman, kapag slnama rln
sila yun lang yung naging ano yung paymenL ng lncome kasama na rln slla. So lahaL
po yun.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C second po ay, yung, kasl, yung hallmbawa po, makaka-
avall na ang mga indigent patients ng point of care, is it available 24/7? Ang ang
pag-lssue po ng polnL of care para sa mga pasyenLe po?
:&3,B =("%'C ?es, because Lhe hosplLal enrols Lhem. So Lhe hosplLal geLs Lhelr daLa,
may form na slla. 1apos hlndl nga makakabayad yan babayaran ng Philhealth.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C So lL becomes auLomaLlcally enrolled? Cnce Lhey, Lhey
are conflned. Cnce Lhey are conflned ln Lhe hosplLal. Pow abouL usec, yun pong ano,
yung mga emergency cases po, na, yung, yung kallangan po ng pasyenLeng mahlrap
ng kailangan they have to avail yung private doctors, is the point of care takes care
(slc) of LhaL? Pallmbawa po naaksldenLe po aL nagkaroon po ng problema sa braln, so
Lhe hosplLal especlally Lhe LCus hosplLals ay wala pong avallable sa kanlla na
neurologlsL, kallangan pong kumuha ng prlvaLe docLor? So how can we address Lhe
problem of Lhe paLlenL?
:&3,B =("%'C Yes, yes, yes Actually as long as the patient is indigent and even if it is
a pay paLlenL, Lapos walang speclallsL na avallable, hllhealLh covers Lhem as long as
Lhe docLor ls hllhealLh accredlLed.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C So Lhey are fully-covered po?
:&3,B =("%'C ?es, yes. kaya lang yung hllhealLh kasl meron sllang llke, for Lhls case,
lLo yung l. lor Lhls case, lLo yung l. SomeLlmes kasl, Lhe oLher docLors would
charge parang... plus, plus, plus.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C ?un nga po eh, kasl hallmbawa manlnlnlngll po ng,
yung neurologlsL, manlnlgll po slya kung mlnsan po ng 120, 000.00. ?an po ang ano.
Syempre hlndl naman po mamlmlll yung pangyayarl, ay hlndl makakapamlll kung slno
yung Lao kung mahlrap ba slya o mayaman, ang masama, ang mahlrap po sa lsang
mahlrap na Lao ay maaksldenLe hlndl lamang po sa, sa moLorslklo, whaLever accldenL
may happen Lo an lndlvldual, ay masasagoL po ba yun? kung mlnsan 120, 000, kung
mlnsan 200, 000. Pallmbawa po kung mlnsan kasl mayroon dln pong lnaaLake nasa
lsang okasyon blglang lnaLake aL dlnala po sa hearL cenLer, or sa lbang speclalLy
hosplLal, masasagoL po ba yun ng polnL of care?
:&3,B =("%'C lor Lhe hllhealLh enrolmenL, yes. And Lhe fee correspondlng Lo LhaL
hllhealLh allows. unforLunaLely and admlLLedly, nakakahlya mang sablhln, meron
Lalagang lbang docLors na Lhey Lake advanLage, so nagcha-charge slla ng malakl. May
Larlpa naman supposedly yun pero yung lba nga hlndl sumusunod. 8ecause, unllke
Lhe lawyers, Lhey have l8. lor Lhe docLors, wala kaslng lnLegraLed MA. lL was
actually the law that I believe congresswoman Binay, myself, and, bothers with they
are pushlng before kasl Lhere ls no body, dapaL dln kasl, Lama naman na sumlngll kasl
hanapbuhay nlla yun, pero yung Lolerable, ang nangyayarl kasl parang kanya-kanya
na, wala nang slnusunod. 1haL ls why na we have a pendlng proposal wlLh hllhealLh
maybe you can help us wlLh LhaL, na yung paymenL ng professlonal fee na
relmbursemenL goes dlrecL Lo Lhe paLlenL para yung pasyenLe dala-dala na yung pera
lbabayad nlya dun slla magne-negoLlaLe. kasl nangyayarl sa ngayon Lalaga, lL goes
dlrecL Lo Lhe docLor.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C Saka po usec, kung hlndl po masasagoL lahaL ng
hllhealLh, LhaL ls why concern po kaml na maunawaan po ng CCA aL ng u8M na
sana po yung amlng ahh, ahh alloLLed funds for Lhe medlcal asslsLance ay mablgyan
po ng pagkakaLaon na makapag-rekomenda po kaml ng professlonal fee dln po
pandagdag dun sa hlndl po ma-accommodaLe ng hllhealLh.
:&3,B =("%'C ?eah, ahm we wlll also walL Lhe presenLaLlons pero slguro sa, lLo kasl
yung ngayon nakasama lLo doon kasl prevlously mayroon yaLang na-dlsallow yung
CCA yun sa, sa PDAF pa before so thats why pero yung isa naman dun ahm, maybe
we should also lnform Lhe paLlenLs LhaL Lhere ls Lhls law lalo na kung governmenL
hosplLal eh hlndl pwedeng ma-hold yung paLlenL. So kung nabayaran na yan
supposed Lo be yung hosplLal pwede na sllang l-release.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C usec. Pallmbawa po ah lsang mahlrap na pasyenLe na
lumaplL sa amln na, na by emergency cases eh nalagay po sa prlvaLe hosplLal how can
we be of help Lo Lhem?
:&3,B =("%'C 1hrough Lhe medlcal asslsLance program LhaL ahm, you, you
recommend as long as Lhey are ln Lhe governmenL faclllLy ahm, ah prlvaLe hosplLal.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C Private po private po nadala po kasi yun po ang
:&3,B =("%'C 1he, Lhe soluLlon Lalaga dun ls you Lransfer.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C ln Lhe, ln Lhe real sense po eh, usec. nangyayarl po
kasl yan.
:&3,B =("%'C ?eah, yeah, we undersLand maraml pong nangyayarlng ganyan. ero
maraml dln pong lmmedlaLely eh nlllllpaL. AcuLally Lhere ls a proposal Lo expand yung
medlcal asslsLance program Lo lnclude Lhe prlvaLe hosplLals. kaya lang yung eLo nga
yung ngayon madallan kasl slya durlng Lhe budgeL hearlng, ALleasL llke ahmn, we now
have 3 seLs for requesL for Lhe nexL budgeL.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C ?un po kaslng ah, alam ko yung funds na alloLLed for
every dlsLrlcL ay lL has Lo be ldenLlfled by a, a dlsLrlcL congressman or or parLy-llsL
ahm, ahh.
:&3,B =("%'C AcLually po, noL necessarlly LhaL ls why we wanLed Lo correcL LhaL kasl
maraml na yung nagrereklamo noh, correcL us lf l am wrong, andamlng nagreklamo
na baklL daw plnapa-ldenLlfy ng hosplLal Lapos pag gusLo nang lllpaL, ang hlrap. Ang
LoLoo po, hlndl naman po necessary na mag-ldenLlfy kayo agad, unless you wanL your
money downloaded Lhere lmmedlaLely. Cur lnlLlal recommendaLlon was acLually,
well send the guarantee letters then bayaran agad para walang, walang tagal,
walang maramlng requlremenLs kasl Lhe hosplLal sLrucLure has a loL of requlremenLs
for lndlgency program naLuLunga kasl dlyan slla eh. So Lo solve LhaL, yun yung
prinopose namin. But then there were others naman were very comfortable with
ouLrlghL downloadlng so sabl namln okay naman yun. lor Lhose na wala kayong
downloaded na pondo, actually its easler, beLLer and more flexlble kasl by Lhe Llme
na nagpallL ka ng lslp, kunyare parLy-llsL congressman ka, dlLo ka naglagay ng pondo,
Lhen mayroon dln dun kasamahan nlnyo, kalblgan nlnyo LumaLakbo dln, you wanL Lo
concenLraLe on Lhls area, so very flexlble, all you have Lo do ls look aL our dlrecLory
Lell Lhe person ln charge you wanL a guaranLee leLLer lmmedlaLely Lo Lhls hosplLal,
Lhls paLlenL, lpadala agad. So hlndl na yung na-download na dun, babawlln mo ullL,
lre-reallgn mo.
Mas maLagal yun. So for Lhose who were noL able Lo submlL a llsL of breakdown.
Wala pong problema. ?ou [usL call/LexL ALLy. (?) here Moly ls Lhe one headlng Lhe
group. So thats Moly. Kasama rin dun yung AO ko si Ethel, and then yung si Annalyn.
lLo sl Moly he wlll be headlng Lhe staff, ito si Moly pakita mo yung Si Moly will be
the one supervising the personnel na 24/7 on 8 hours rotation to cater to your calls
So yung dun sa dlrecLory ullLln ko lang dalawa lang muna yung pangalan dun may
dadagdag na pangaLlo, Lelephone numbers and name of hosplLals. So kung yung
pasyeneLe nandlLo sa hosplLal A, lLo yung pangalan ng pasyenLe PosplLal A, amounL,
LexL nlnyo lang yung lnyong deslgnaLed na offlce or ano padala kaagad namln yung
guaranLee leLLer by e-mall kung walang e-mall we wlll fax lL buL aL Lhe same Llme we
give a copy to the cashiers office and the directors office in the hospital. Para
pagkapunLa yung pasyenLe kung yung lumaplL nandldlLo or dlsLrlcL offlce, punLa slla,
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C lor clarlflcaLlon lang po, sana po eh lend me your ears,
sllence please. Plndl po Layo magkakalnLlndlhan lf everyone, all of us are Lalklng. My
clarlflcaLory quesLlon lamang po ako usec. ?un po bang aLlng avallable personnel ln
your offlce po eh can accommodaLe all congressmens ah concerns, regarding, with
regards (slc) Lo Lhe sendlng of a guaranLee leLLers kasl po kaLulad ko lamang po sa
amlng dlsLrlLo po ay napakaraml po na nablblgyan ng, na blnlblgyan namln daLl ng
guaranLee leLLer eh kung mlnsan po anlmnapu kung mlnsan po eh lsang daang
pasyenLe eh kung kaml pong lahaL eh almosL 300 congressmen po kaml can Lhey all
accommodaLe all of us po for LhaL parLlcular day. angalawa po. Ay.. yun po munag
:&3,B =("%'C AcLually yes, ahm pasensya lang po nagkaron po kasl ng konLlng
mlsundersLandlng when Lhls program came ln and lnlLlally we LhoughL lL wlll be
asslgned Lo my offlce, we Lralned people, kaya lang nung nagkaroon ng konLlng,
nagkaroon ng meeLlng sl Sec. and wlLh some leaders of Lhe Pouse, nagkaroon ng
konLlng mlscommunlcaLlon so hlndl po, parang na-cuL, na-cuL because Lhey LhoughL
LhaL, LhaL hlndl na kallangan yung gagawa ng guaranLee leLLer, gagawa ng guldellnes, l
mean gagawa nung yung mga medlclnes glven, laboraLorles requesLed, because lL
wlll be requesLed by Lhe paLlenL sa hosplLal. ?ung lumabas na ngayon na may bayad
pala yung lahaL ng daLa na yun, ahm acLually nl-reLrleve namln yung lahaL na Lrlnaln,
we sLarLed calllng Lhem, we had a meeLlng lasL week, dlnagdagan ng Lao, so
makakayanan po nlla. And ahm, lf Lhere wlll be a baLLle neck aL some polnL of Llme,
nagdadagdag po kaml nang nagdadagdag ng Lao. 8uL for now, people who were
facilitating before thats a total of 6 or 7 people ahm, now they are 14 and 21. So yun
po slLuaLlon po. lor sure Lhey can accommodaLe everybody.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C Secondly po, yung ah paLlenLs po na na-conflne po or
lko-conflne pa lang sa LCus hosplLals ln my provlnce po ay papano po slla mablblgyan
ng gamoL ng hosplLal kung wala pa po kasl sabl po nlnyo yun munang hosplLal blll ang
lblblgay, lsesend po sa lnyo. 1ama po ba ako. ?un lang pong hosplLal blll ang lsesend
po sa lnyo aL kayo po ang magda-download ng pera sa provlnclal governmenL kasl lLo
pong LCus noh ay under po ng provlnclal execuLlves ay papano po LaLanggapln ng
lsang LCu hosplLal kaLulad po ng samln provlnclal hosplLal sasablhln na lang po na.
apano po ba ang communlcaLlon namln? Ahm, kaml po ay magblblgay ng
endorsemenL sa dlrecLor ng LCu hosplLal? Cr hallmbawa po provlnclal hosplLals or
dlsLrlcL hosplLals wlLhln my dlsLrlcL magblblgay po ba ako ng endorsemenL sa dlrecLor
para po lahaL ng kanyang kallangang gawlng examlnaLlons, laboraLorles, ulLrasound,
C1 scan, Lhose are faclllLles avallable ln hosplLals Lska po yung medlclnes yun po ba ay
l-endorse ko po sa dlsLrlcL, ay sa dlrecLor ng hosplLals for LhaL maLLer.
:&3,B =("%'C ?eah, we acLually senL already a memo Lo all reglonal dlrecLors and we
wlll be maklng represenLaLlons lsa-lsa po sa lahaL ng hosplLal na any guranLee leLLer
na dala-dala ng pasyenLe gallng sa oplslna ng congressman, Langgapln nlla because
we wlll also be sendlng a dlrecL slmllar copled slla para aL leasL alam nlla na mayroon.
now yung lpadadala namln sa congresslonal offlce nlnyo na lblblgay nlnyo ngayon sa
pasyenLe na lLo po Lulong nl congressman, ganyan, dadalhln ng pasyenLe yun dl ba,
lblblgay nlya sa hosplLal, pagdala nlya sa hosplLal, lahaL po lyon leL us say aL Lhe end
of Lwo weeks lko-complle ng hosplLal and Lhen Lhey [usL send lL Lo Lhe reglonal offlce.
1he reglonal offlce wlll now valldaLe lL wlLh us and Lhen we say yes, kasl
magpapadala na kaml ng amounL and do LhaL fund Lransfer wlLhln Len worklng days.
1haL ls Lhe maxlmum, Len worklng days.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C Maramlng salamaL po. klarong-klaro na po. Maramlng
salamaL po.
:&3,B =("%'C So hlndl po LaLagal yung uLang.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C Magandang hapon po ullL usec, !aneL. Alam nlnyo po
sa uSWu verslon. ?ung oresenL verslon ngayon, l was able Lo Lalk Lo Lhe SecreLary
ulnky and ah, ganun dln ang asslsLance fund eh kasl from Lhe same fund LhaL whaL
Lhe uCP wlll provlde. Ang napagkasunduan po namln ah regardlng dun sa slLuaLlons
llke us na malayo kaml sa reglonal offlce, malayo po kaml sa mga reglonal hosplLals,
or naLlonal agencles, eh lda-download po nlla, meron na po sllang glnawang MCA
from Lhe cenLral offlce ang plplrma yung reglonal dlrecLor ng uSWu aL ah lda-
download po yung pondo leL us say 12 mllllon. Sabl nl SecreLary Cong, kahlL kalahaLl
lang muna, kasl masyadong malakl ang pondo so yung kalahaLl po l-da-download
daw sa local governmenL na gusLo mo na mag-l-lmplemenL ng programa ng uSWu aL
ah, yung provlnclal governmenL na yun whlch wlll be slgned by Lhe governor and Lhe
reglonal dlrecLor of Lhe deparLmenL yun pong pondo na yun eh responslble na po
ang LCu. So yung LCu slla na ang all Lhe audlLlng pollcles of Lhe governmenL Lhey
should ablde by lL. And afLer ma-consume yung 6 mllllon, responslblllLy ng local
governmenL na l-llquldaLe sa uSWu bago ma-release ang second baLch ng pondo. So
mas mas maglglng effecLlve lLo kaysa yung kada release for example walang lbang
dapaL lLong daanan kundl sa local governmenL ah faclllLy dahll malayo nga yung
naLlonal eh kung dalawa-dalawa llquldaLlon LaLakbo ka pa ng reglon malayo pa
maghlhlnLay ka pa ng Len days, doubL lL lf Lhe naLlonal governmenL can lmmedlaLely
faclllLaLe Lhe assessmenL, Lhe llquldaLlon of all dlsLrlcLs ln Lhe counLry, dahll po lsa
lang ang oplslna nlyan eh.
And aslde sa kanllang normal sLandard operaLlons, lLo pa yung dagdag na Lrabaho
gallng sa mga pondo ng lLo nga former, l doubL lL kung mapapabllls po naLln, we are
Lalklng here of llves of Lhe people, healLh lLo eh. Plndl naman lLo rehablllLaLlon, hlndl
po lLo, lLo po ay lmmedlaLe ang kallangan. 1aLakbo sa emergency room. kallangan
kaagad ng gamoL alam nlnyo po yun, dokLor po Layo. Plndl pl-pwedeng paghlnLayln
ng sampung araw lLo. kung hlndl pupuLok yan. kaya po sa akln po blgyan po naLln ng
leeway naman, lalo na yung mga lugar na kaLulad sa amln na ang layo namln sa
reglonal ah, deparLmenL na kung pwde po meron namang exlsLlng CCA rules.
napakahlgplL ng CCA ngayon alam naLln lahaL. 1alagang napakahlrap ngayon.
kawawa ang mga LCu ngayon, dahll Lalagang sobrang hlgplL ng CCA ngayon Lalagang
pag-llslpan mo, na LaLanungln mo muna slla Lama ba lLong paggasLos ko bago mo
gawln para slguradong safe ka. Sa akln po sana naman sa mga ganlLong slLwasyon
sana magawan naman ng paraan para kaagad na maibigay ang

:&3,B =("%'C We wlll, we wlll relay and Lhen come, come back Lo you, magpaalam po
kaml on how Lo go abouL lL. lnlLlally kasl nung napag-usapan kasl ang downloadlng Lo
LCus when were aL Lhe u8M offlce, ang nasabl kasl nun ls hlndl kasl dlreLso sa
hosplLals, buL Lhe premlse kasl doon, nagkakaroon ng problema, kaya nga magkalba
yung premlse, now LhaL ls a very valld reason, before kasl yung naglglng problema na
kapag downloaded ang pondo, Lapos kasl nag-away sl Cov aL sl Cong or sl Mayor
glnamlL yung ganun hlndl nan are-reLrleve, LhaL ls Lhe problem LhaL we have now ln
the health facilities enhancement. Kasi
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C Samln po for slgurado, excuse me, wala pong
problema sa amln.
:&3,B =("%'C Yeah yeah
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C kapaLld ko yung governor.
:&3,B =("%'C We wlll make Lhe necessary represenLaLlons. 8uL for Lhe mean Llme.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 /01%3',3C 1hank you po.
:&3,B =("%'C nasaan yung powerpolnL? nexL sllde, nexL sllde, ballk, ballk, ballk. Ckay,
l-ano ko lang, l-clarlfy ko lang Cong, l-clarlfy ko lang Cong, lLo ay uCP-reLalned
faclllLles wlLhouL downloaded funds. Plndl lblg sablhln nun kallangan may guaranLee
leLLer Lalaga lahaL. Mlnsan kasl, agad-agad yung nagpupunLa sa lnyong pasyenLe
PearL CenLer pala slya o nag-aaral slya dun sa u vlsayas so nasa WesLern vlsayas
Medlcal CenLer slya. ?ung pag-download Lakes Llme. kasl may mga documenLary,
kaya slna-suggesL namln na kung wala kayong downloaded pondo dun. Mlnsan
naman mayroong a llLLle mlscommunlcaLlon, na nag-requesL na pala kayo ng
downloadlng of funds for LhaL hosplLal kagaya nga namln, we exLend our apologles,
lasL week ko lang nalaman yung case nl Congresswoman Lucy 1orres na nagreklamo
ng sl Cong. Lucy, may represenLaLlve ba sa offlce nl Cong. Lucy dlLo? lease exLend
our apologles. kasl nung una, acLually lasL week ko lang nalaman yung ganlLong
problema nung nag-l-ednorse na nga na slnabl nlya sa hosplLal ng pasyenLe na
slnablhan, wala po kayong pondo dlLo. So medyo hlndl nga maganda ang daLlng.
lL should noL have been sald. now kung wala kayong pondo, hlndl pa dumaLlng, yun
pala yung requesL nlla, yung requesL nlya came ln laLe parang nandudun sa second
baLch. ?ung naLanggap ng hosplLal flrsL baLch pa lang. So kung ganung problema, dlLo
kayo para mas mabllls. Pabang hlnlhlnLay naLln yung downloadlng padala na kaagad
kayo ng ano requesL for medlcal asslsLance. Agad-agad lblblgay namln yung
guaranLee leLLer. kasl pag may guaranLee leLLer na dala ang pasyenLe nlnyo, parang
CSC yan, dl ba pag dala nlla wala nang Lanong yung osplLal kasl yung guaranLee
leLLer good as cash yan. kumbaga parang SM glfL cheque. Ckay. 1he guaranLee leLLer
we glve lL Lo your offlce. We send lL Lo your offlce. nexL sllde. nexL sllde. ?ung
guaranLee leLLer. Ckay for Lhose who were asklng Lhls ls Lhe guaranLee leLLer LhaL we
wlll make. now kung kunyare buo pa, we wlll [usL puL lL hosplLal blll. llalagay lang
namln yung breakdown nung kanya kung may breakdwon. kung walang breakdown,
we [usL place Lhe hosplLal blll and Lhe amounL. ?ou see PC 140 yung may number aL
may mark. Ckay LhaL ls hlllpplne PearL CenLer may correspondlng number. 1haL ls
acLually a code. 1haL code wlll allow us Lo reLrleve Lhe daLa of Lhe paLlenL. kaya yung
mga nakalagay sa CAA na mga, lLo yung mga requlremenLs, yung CCA, yung
medlclnes glven. 1haL wlll noL be your work. 1haL wlll be our work. 8ecause LhaL
control number will allow us to retrieve all patients information from our computer
and Lhe compuLers of Lhe hosplLal. So yun po yung lblg namln sablhln. So dlLo
Llnanggal na rln namln yung pumlplrma na sl Asec. Clbby Lagahld, Asec. Clbby ls kaya
nandyadyan siya before kasi siya yung heading PAO office and hes the EA of
SecreLary Cna. We also admlL na hlndl nga maganda Llngnan na mayroong lblblgay
kayo Lapos yung maklklLa ng pasyenLe na Asec. Lagahld so nawawalan ngayon ng
polnLs na LoLoo naman na kayo ang nag-facilitate ng pondo. So thats why the new
guaranLee leLLer wlll [usL be llke Lhls. no slgnaLory. no menLlon of Lhe secreLary of
Lhe, no menLlon of any LA or any personallLy, yan lang. L-mall namln, [usL glve lL.
WhaL ls lmporLanL ls you glve Lhe form LhaL we have, because Lhe hosplLals know
LhaL when Lhey look aL Lhe conLrol number, pasok na kaagad yun. 8ecause LhaL
number wlll be, wlll correspondlng Lo Lhe amounL LhaL we placed Lhere. And LhaL
number when lL comes Lo us, compuLe nang compuLe na kaml. AL Lhe end of Lwo
weeks alam na namln kung magkano yung lpapadala sa kanlla Lhrough bank Lo bank.
?es po? Ay slr, sorry slr.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C Cood afLernoon usec.
:&3,B =("%'C ?eah, good afLernoon slr.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C Cood afLernoon dlsLlngulshed colleagues. My name ls
1ed Carcla, l am Lhe Congressman of Lhe 2
dlsLrlcL of 8aLaan, and a former Lhree-
Lerm governor. l have no quesLon buL lL mlghL help ln our dlscusslon lf l explaln how
we were dolng lL ln 8aLaan. ln 8aLaan, l know Lhe hlsLory of devoluLlon because l was
Lhe governor Lhere ln 1992. And when l saw LhaL Lhe (lnaudlble) sabl ko Lhls ls bound
Lo fall because yung kaaklbaL na pondo, wala. And so when l had Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
(lnaudlble), sad Lo say akala ko okay na, kulang pa rln. And so whaL we dld ls abouL
Len years ago, we enLered lnLo a MCA wlLh uCP, where lahaL ng MCCL ng uCP wlll
be maLched by Lhe provlnce on a one-Lo-one basls. 8lnlblgyan dln ho namln ng
MCCL paLl ho yung lahaL ng consLrucLlon so l Lhlnk lL ls succeedlng becuase now lL ls
perfecLly funcLlonlng. And Lalagang napakalmporLanLe po ng publlc hosplLal kasl mas
mura sa publlc hosplLal and kagaya ho ngayon because of LhaL MCA, lahaL ho ng
pasyenLe sa 8aLaan Ceneral PosplLal whlch ls a LerLlary hosplLal wlLh a compllmenL of
300 bed eh nakakpagllbre na kaml ng lahaL ng gusLo namlng lllbre.
:&3,B =("%'C AlLhough suggesLlons are noLed slr and ln facL we have heard abouL Lhe
arrangemenL of your hosplLal. unforLunaLely medyo mahlrap slya l-lmplemenL
naLlonwlde nga because of Lhe law of devoluLlon. 8uL ahm, lf Lhere ls a move Lo
renaLlonallze your servlces, we wlll noL have any ob[ecLlons..
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C 8uL as l was saylng, mula nang ma-renaLlonallze ho
akala ko wala nang problema because naLlonal governmenL na ang ln-charge eh
andamlng pera ng naLlonal governmenL, lnsLead of local governmenLs. ?un pala
meron pa rlng problema and LhaL problem as well when we, plnagLulungan po nam
ln ng uCP aLsaka ng provlnce of 8aLaan on a one-Lo-one basls. ?ung lahaL ng MCCL
nlla eh mlnaLch namln ng MCCL on a one-Lo-one basls. LahaL ho ng lnfrasLrucLure ng
consLrucLlon one-Lo-one dln and so we were able Lo consLrucL Lhree new, brand new
buldlng, Lhree, Lhree-sLorey bulldlng connecLed Lo each oLher by a pedesLrlan brldge.
1hen ang hosplLal po namln lSC reglsLered na po. lSC recognlzed.
:&3,B =("%'C We wlll Lake noLe of Lhose reccomendaLlons po.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C 1hank you very much po.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C Cood afLernoon, usec, Lo my colleagues and Lo
everyone presenL here.
:&3,B =("%'C Pl Cong.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C 1hls ls noL a quesLlon. lL ls an appeal because l share
Lhe same senLlmenLs wlLh Congressman Lsplna here, and wlLh Lhe oLher
represenLaLlves. We also have a hosplLal run by LCu. So ahm, hlndl masyadong
kumpleLo ang amlng supplles and medlclnes. 1apos mlnsan ang amlng equlpmenLs
dahll sa daml Lalaga ng pasyenLe. Ang record namln 130 paLlenLs ang nako-conflne.
Wala pa yung ouL paLlenL kasl sa asay ClLy, sabl nga nl SecreLary Cna when he vlslLed
our hospital its a melting plot. So ah, if I may suggest usec. Sanay if, ahm, if
pwedeng gawln yung glnagawa yaLa ng uCP, please correL me lf l am wrong,
glnagawa ng uCP sa lnyong mga naLlonal governmenL, naLlonal hosplLals, na ldlna-
download na yung pondo, and Lhen pwde rlng llagay na LrusL fund para hlndl
magamlL kung saang purpose ng local governmenL unlLs aL lLo po ay for
replenlshmenL kasl nga po Lalagang ah, emergency needs ang mga kallangan ng
amlng paLlenLs. So ganun nga ba ang ano, ang glnagawa na ng uCP sa lnyong mga
:&3,B =("%'C AcLually mam, AcLually Cong, for uCP hosplLals, Lhe funds are
downloaded buL Lhey can noL use lL for procuremenL of medlclnes and equlpmenLs.
lL ls downloaded Lhere lL becomes a LrusL fund lalo na sa speclalLy hosplLals because
of Lhelr sLaLus as a CCCC. Andudun yung pera, so every paLlenL na pumupunLa dun
for medlcal asslsLance parang chlna-charge Lapos magll-llquldaLe slla aL Lhe end of
Lhe monLh, na lLo yung na-cosume ng one monLh. 1hey come up wlLh a ulLlllzaLlon
reporL submlLs lL Lo CCA and Lo us and l belleve Congress and SenaLe wlll also be
copled dun sa uLlllzaLlon reporL nakalagay doon, downloaded funds ahm, paLlenLs
glven servlces and Lhen amounL uLlllzed, so ganun dln po. Cur dllemma here kasl, ln
Lhe general approprlaLlons acL, Lhe funds were speclfled, andyadyan po sa budgeL na
lnapprove ng kongreso aL senado LhaL lL ls purely for medlcal asslsLance. lor paLlenLs
seeklng consulL ln a governmenL healLh faclllLy.
?ung procuremenL of equlpmenLs aL procuremenL of medlclnes, hlndl slya nasama
dun. So when we had several dlscusslons wlLh u8M, and we asked Lhose quesLlons,
we were Lold na baka l-conslder. 8uL because Lhere was also Lhe healLh faclllLles
enhancemenL fund LhaL ls belng glven Lo LCus, kasama na dun yung faclllLles anf
lnfra, hlndl na nalsama, glnawa slya na purely for medlcal asslsLance. now ahm, whaL
u8M Lold us kasl lLo na nga Lapos na nadyadyan na yung llbro. WhaL Lhey Lold us ls
that what can be done di ba may pasyente meron naman dun yung binabayad. Its
lncome LhaL Lhey geL. 1haL lncome. 1hey can now use Lo procure medlclnes or
equlpmenLs whaLever Lhey llke. So yun yung slnablng proposal. now, lf we download
Lhe funds even Lo LCu hosplLals, granLlng LhaL CCA wlll allow us, l am sure lL ls sLlll, lL
wlll sLlll, sLlll lL cannoL be used for procuremenL of equlpmenLs and supplles. l-
pwede lang slya na parang ganun dln, everyLlme may paLlenL, bayad, bawas, bawas.
D03&.%#' 5"#6 .93 (01%3',3C Yes Usec, thats what I meant yun pong ahm pag
anndyan na yung paLlenL we wlll noL buy Lhe equlmenLs, supply, para lang yung
dlrecLor ng hosplLal meron slyang free hand na makagawa ng paraan kung papaano
nlya maa-answer yung needs nung amlng pasyenLe. kasl sa amlng LCu, alLhough may
mga gamoL Lalaga dahll sa daml ng paLlenLs, nauubusan dln agad. So pag CL ang
lblblgay po naLln, hlndl rln pwedeng lblll rlghL away ng medlclnes na kakallanganln ng
pasyenLe yung CL. So baka po plpwedeng mapansln.
:&3,B =("%'C We wlll make Lhe necessary represenLaLlons and ask for Lhe guldellnes
for LCu downloadlng clLlng nga yung sa uSWu. 8uL Lhen allow us Lo relLeraLe na
basLa pag downloaded sa LCu, hlndl na mababawl yun so yung pagda-download
slguradong walang problema. Alam naLln kasl medyo llquld pa ngayon. Mlnsan kapag
ka end of Lhe year, maraml kasl kamlng ano eh.


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