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Activated Upa usb 2014 Upa usb V1.

3 Upa eprom programmer

Upa usb 2014 device programmer with cracked UUSP UPA USB
v1.3.0.14 software. 2014 chia Upa usb !1.3 ot o"# ca support
$p s#stem% but a"so support !ista ad &idows '. (B)2*uig
offer Activated Upa usb 2014 +hia Upa usb !1.3 upa eprom
programmer 1.3 with fu"" upda usb adapters o"# eed 11,usd.
2014 +hia upa usb !1.3 Upa usb device programmer fu""
Price- 11,usd
Software versio- ! .!1.3/
Support 0aguage- 1ussia ad 2g"ish
(peratig s#stem- 344bit &idows 5P6 &idows !ista6 &idows '
2014 chia Upa usb !1.3 Upa eprom programmer 1.3 7uctios-
1. Added Bu"k erase data memor# to P8+s 1379134'6943%
2. :+9S12;<346;A32 support.
3. Seria" 7"ash memor# support-
4. 24+1024% 24+102, support.
,. Script fuctio >et Page.
3. Script fuctio Auto Baud 1ate )evice .hc0= devices o"#/.
'. Script fuctio >et Programmer 7rame +hi"d +tr". A +hi"d +tr"
?ame- strig/- *+otro".
=. Script fuctio 2ab"e Pic :emor# Areas . AProgram% A8)%
A+ofig% A+a"ibratio% A22P1(:- boo"ea /- boo"ea.
9. 7i$ bug with script fuctios Program )evice% 1ead )evice @
whe used with P8+s.
10. 7i$ bug with Set ;+0= Securit# B#tes .Sec B#tes- strig/
11. 7i$ bug with 3=hc11 readig if (sci""ator is ot set to Auto.

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