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This Project Management Plan Template is free for you to copy and use on your project
and within your organization. We hope that you find this template useful and
welcome your comments. Public distribution of this document is only permitted
from the Project Management Docs official website at:
www. P roject M anagement D
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
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Project Management Pan Tem!ate
The Introduction pro:ides a high le:el o:er:iew of the project and what is included in this
Project Management Plan. This should include a high le:el description of the project and
describe the projects deli:erables and benefits. ';cessi:e detail is not necessary in this section
as the other sections of the project plan will include this information. This section should
pro:ide a summarized framewor< of the project and its purpose. -oo< bac< at the Project
$harter for information to include in this section.
Total +oftware Incorporated =T+I> has recently appro:ed the +mart?oice project to mo:e
forward for project initiation within the research and de:elopment =!@D> group. This project
will result in the de:elopment of new :oice recognition software and supports T+IAs corporate
strategy of pro:iding progressi:e solutions to clients which impro:e producti:ity in both the
wor<place and home en:ironment. While :oice recognition software is currently a:ailableB T+I
belie:es that new technological de:elopments will enable our team to de:elop a solution far
superior to what is currently a:ailable.
T+I has been successful in gaining mar<et share because of its aggressi:e pursuit of product
CualityB ease of useB fle;ibilityB and customer ser:ice. (dditionallyB customers understand that
our products may be applied to a wide range of uses for business and personal functions. .y
le:eraging our reputation for superior Cuality and userDfriendly productsB and capitalizing on new
technologyB T+I can position itself as the premier pro:ider of effecti:e and easy to use :oice
recognitions software in todayAs mar<etplace.
This section is where you outline the o:erall management approach for the project. This section
should describeB in general termsB the roles and authority of project team members. It should
also include which organizations will pro:ide resources for the project and any resource
constraints or limitations. If there are any decisions which must be made by specific indi:iduals
Efor e;ample authorizing additional funding by the project sponsorEthis should also be stated
here. It should be written as an ';ecuti:e +ummary for the Project Management Plan.
The Project ManagerB &oe )reenB has the o:erall authority and responsibility for managing and
e;ecuting this project according to this Project Plan and its +ubsidiary Management Plans. The
project team will consist of personnel from the coding groupB Cuality controlFassurance groupB
technical writing groupB and testing group. The project manager will wor< with all resources to
perform project planning. (ll project and subsidiary management plans will be re:iewed and
appro:ed by the project sponsor. (ll funding decisions will also be made by the project sponsor.
(ny delegation of appro:al authority to the project manager should be done in writing and be
signed by both the project sponsor and project manager.
The project team will be a matri; in that team members from each organization continue to
report to their organizational management throughout the duration of the project. The project
manager is responsible for communicating with organizational managers on the progress and
performance of each project resource.
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
+tate the scope of the project in this section. The scope statement from the project charter should
be used as a starting pointG howe:erB the project plan needs to include a much more detailed
scope than the charter. This detail should include what the project does and does not include.
The more detail included in this sectionB the better the product. This will help to clarify what is
included in the project and help to a:oid any confusion from project team members and
The scope of T+IAs +mart?oice project includes the planningB designB de:elopmentB testingB and
transition of the +mart?oice :oice recognition software pac<age. This software will meet or
e;ceed organizational software standards and additional reCuirements established in the project
charter. The scope of this project also includes completion of all documentationB manualsB and
training aids to be used in conjunction with the software. Project completion will occur when the
software and documentation pac<age has been successfully e;ecuted and transitioned to T+IAs
manufacturing group for production.
(ll +mart?oice project wor< will be performed internally and no portion of this project will be
outsourced. The scope of this project does not include any changes in reCuirements to standard
operating systems to run the softwareB software updates or re:isions.
Pro:ide a summary list of milestones including dates for each milestone. Include an introductory
paragraph in this section which pro:ides some insight to the major milestones. This section
should also mention or discuss actions ta<en if any changes to the milestones or deli:ery dates
are reCuired.
The below chart lists the major milestones for the +mart?oice Project. This chart is comprised
only of major project milestones such as completion of a project phase or gate re:iew. There
may be smaller milestones which are not included on this chart but are included in the project
schedule and W.+. If there are any scheduling delays which may impact a milestone or deli:ery
dateB the project manager must be notified immediately so proacti:e measures may be ta<en to
mitigate slips in dates. (ny appro:ed changes to these milestones or dates will be communicated
to the project team by the project manager.
Milestone Description Date
$omplete !eCuirements
(ll reCuirements for +mart?oice must be determined
to base design upon
$omplete +mart?oice
This is the theoretical design for the software and its
$omplete +mart?oice
(ll coding completed resulting in software prototype 2F,4F;;
$omplete +mart?oice
Testing and Debugging
(ll functionality tested and all identified errors
$omplete Transition of $ompleted software and documentation transitioned 44F,5F;;
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
+mart?oice to T+I
to operations group to begin production
This section should discuss the W.+B W.+ DictionaryB and +chedule baseline and how they will
be used in managing the projectAs scope. The W.+ pro:ides the wor< pac<ages to be performed
for the completion of the project. The W.+ Dictionary defines the wor< pac<ages. The
schedule baseline pro:ides a reference point for managing project progress as it pertains to
schedule and timeline. The schedule baseline and wor< brea<down structure =W.+> should be
created in Microsoft Project. The W.+ can be e;ported from the M+ Project file.
The W.+ for the +mart?oice Project is comprised of wor< pac<ages which do not e;ceed 05
hours of wor< but are at least 0 hours of wor<. Wor< pac<ages were de:eloped through close
collaboration among project team members and sta<eholders with input from functional
managers and research from past projects.
The W.+ Dictionary defines all wor< pac<ages for the +mart?oice Project. These definitions
include all tas<sB resourcesB and deli:erables. ':ery wor< pac<age in the W.+ is defined in the
W.+ Dictionary and will aid in resource planningB tas< completionB and ensuring deli:erables
meet project reCuirements.
The +mart?oice Project schedule was deri:ed from the W.+ and Project $harter with input from
all project team members. The schedule was completedB re:iewed by the Project +ponsorB and
appro:ed and baseDlined. The schedule will be maintained as a M+ Project )antt $hart by the
+mart?oice Project Manager. (ny proposed changes to the schedule will follow T+IAs change
control process. If established boundary controls may be e;ceededB a change reCuest will be
submitted to the Project Manager. The Project Manager and team will determine the impact of
the change on the scheduleB costB resourcesB scopeB and ris<s. If it is determined that the impacts
will e;ceed the boundary conditions then the change will be forwarded to the Project +ponsor for
re:iew and appro:al. The +mart?oice boundary conditions are:
$PI less than 5.H or greater than 4.%
+PI less than 5.H or greater than 4.%
If the change is appro:ed by the Project +ponsor then it will be implemented by the Project
Manager who will update the schedule and all documentation and communicate the change to all
sta<eholders in accordance with the $hange $ontrol Process.
The Project +chedule .aseline and Wor< .rea<down +tructure are pro:ided in (ppendi; (B
Project +chedule and (ppendi; .B Wor< .rea<down +tructure.
This section should describe your change control process. IdeallyB this process will be some type
of organizational standard which is repeatable and done on most or all projects when a change is
necessary. $hanges to any project must be carefully considered and the impact of the change
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
must be clear in order to ma<e any type of appro:al decisions. Many organizations ha:e change
control boards =$$.s> which re:iew proposed changes and either appro:e or deny them. This is
an effecti:e way to pro:ide o:ersight and ensure adeCuate feedbac< and re:iew of the change is
obtained. This section should also identify who has appro:al authority for changes to the projectB
who submits the changesB how they are trac<ed and monitored.
8or comple; or large projects the $hange Management Plan may be included as an appendi; to
the Project Management Plan or as a separateB standDalone document. We ha:e a detailed
$hange Management Plan template a:ailable on our website.
The following steps comprise T+IAs organization change control process for all projects and will
be utilized on the +mart?oice project:
+tep I4: Identify the need for a change =(ny +ta<eholder>
!eCuestor will submit a completed T+I change reCuest form to the project manager
+tep I%: -og change in the change reCuest register =Project Manager>
The project manager will maintain a log of all change reCuests for the duration of the
+tep I,: $onduct an e:aluation of the change =Project ManagerB Project TeamB !eCuestor>
The project manager will conduct an e:aluation of the impact of the change to costB ris<B
scheduleB and scope
+tep I0: +ubmit change reCuest to $hange $ontrol .oard =$$.> =Project Manager>
The project manager will submit the change reCuest and analysis to the $$. for re:iew
+tep I1: $hange $ontrol .oard decision =$$.>
The $$. will discuss the proposed change and decide whether or not it will be appro:ed
based on all submitted information
+tep I9: Implement change =Project Manager>
If a change is appro:ed by the $$.B the project manager will update and reDbaseline
project documentation as necessary as well as ensure any changes are communicated to
the team and sta<eholders
(ny team member or sta<eholder may submit a change reCuest for the +mart?oice Project. The
+mart?oice Project +ponsor will chair the $$. and any changes to project scopeB costB or
schedule must meet his appro:al. (ll change reCuests will be logged in the change control
register by the Project Manager and trac<ed through to completion whether appro:ed or not.
The purpose of the $ommunications Management Plan is to define the communication
reCuirements for the project and how information will be distributed to ensure project success.
7ou should gi:e considerable thought to how you want to manage communications on e:ery
project. .y ha:ing a solid communications management approach youAll find that many project
management problems can be a:oided. In this section you should pro:ide an o:er:iew of your
communications management approach. )enerallyB the $ommunications Management Plan
defines the following:
$ommunication reCuirements based on roles
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
What information will be communicated
*ow the information will be communicated
When will information be distributed
Who does the communication
Who recei:es the communication
$ommunications conduct
8or larger and more comple; projectsB the $ommunications Management Plan may be included
as an appendi; or separate document apart from the Project Management Plan. We ha:e a
detailed $ommunications Management Plan template a:ailable on our website.
This $ommunications Management Plan sets the communications framewor< for this project. It
will ser:e as a guide for communications throughout the life of the project and will be updated as
communication reCuirements change. This plan identifies and defines the roles of +mart?oice
project team members as they pertain to communications. It also includes a communications
matri; which maps the communication reCuirements of this projectB and communication conduct
for meetings and other forms of communication. ( project team directory is also included to
pro:ide contact information for all sta<eholders directly in:ol:ed in the project.
The Project Manager will ta<e the lead role in ensuring effecti:e communications on this project.
The communications reCuirements are documented in the $ommunications Matri; below. The
$ommunications Matri; will be used as the guide for what information to communicateB who is
to do the communicatingB when to communicate itB and to whom to communicate.
Description Frequency Format Participants/
Deliverable Owner
Weekly Status
summary of
project status
Weekly Email
Project Sponsor,
Team and
Status Report
Weekly Project
Team Meeting
Meeting to
review action
register and
Weekly n Person Project Team
Project Monthly
Review #PMR$
metrics and
status to team
and sponsor
Monthly n Person
Project Sponsor,
Team, and
Status and
Project %ate
closeout of
project phases
and kickoff
ne&t phase
"s 'eeded n Person
Project Sponsor,
Team and
report and
phase kickoff
Technical (esign
Review of any
designs or
with the project
"s 'eeded n Person Project Team
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
Project team directory for all communications is:
Name Title E mail Office Phone Cell Phone
&ohn Da:is Project +ponsor ;;;D;;;D;;;; ;;;D;;;D;;;;
&oe )reen Project Manager ;;;D;;;D;;;; ;;;D;;;D;;;;
*erb Wal<er
h.wal< ;;;D;;;D;;;; ;;;D;;;D;;;;
&ason .lac< Programmer j.blac< ;;;D;;;D;;;; ;;;D;;;D;;;;
Mary White
+r. 6uality
+pecialist ;;;D;;;D;;;; ;;;D;;;D;;;;
!on +mith
+pecialist ;;;D;;;D;;;; ;;;D;;;D;;;;
Tom +unday Technical Writer ;;;D;;;D;;;; ;;;D;;;D;;;;
/aren .rown
< ;;;D;;;D;;;; ;;;D;;;D;;;;
$ommunications $onduct:
The Project Manager will distribute a meeting agenda at least % days prior to any scheduled
meeting and all participants are e;pected to re:iew the agenda prior to the meeting. During all
project meetings the time<eeper will ensure that the group adheres to the times stated in the
agenda and the recorder will ta<e all notes for distribution to the team upon completion of the
meeting. It is imperati:e that all participants arri:e to each meeting on time and all cell phones
and blac<berries should be turned off or set to :ibrate mode to minimize distractions. Meeting
minutes will be distributed no later than %0 hours after each meeting is completed.
(ll email pertaining to the +mart?oice Project should be professionalB free of errorsB and pro:ide
brief communication. 'mail should be distributed to the correct project participants in
accordance with the communication matri; abo:e based on its content. (ll attachments should
be in one of the organizationAs standard software suite programs and adhere to established
company formats. If the email is to bring an issue forward then it should discuss what the issue
isB pro:ide a brief bac<ground on the issueB and pro:ide a recommendation to correct the issue.
The Project Manager should be included on any email pertaining to the +mart?oice Project.
Informal $ommunications:
While informal communication is a part of e:ery project and is necessary for successful project
completionB any issuesB concernsB or updates that arise from informal discussion between team
members must be communicated to the Project Manager so the appropriate action may be ta<en.
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
The $ost Management Plan clearly defines how the costs on a project will be managed
throughout the projectAs lifecycle. It sets the format and standards by which the project costs are
measuredB reportedB and controlled. Wor<ing within the cost management guidelines is
imperati:e for all project team members to ensure successful completion of the project. These
guidelines may include which le:el of the W.+ cost accounts will be created in and the
establishment of acceptable :ariances. The $ost Management Plan:
Identifies who is responsible for managing costs
Identifies who has the authority to appro:e changes to the project or its budget
*ow cost performance is Cuantitati:ely measured and reported upon
!eport formatsB freCuency and to whom they are presented
8or comple; or large projects the $ost Management Plan may be included as an appendi; to the
Project Management Plan or as a separateB standDalone document. We ha:e a detailed $ost
Management Plan template a:ailable on our website.
The Project Manager will be responsible for managing and reporting on the projectAs cost
throughout the duration of the project. The Project Manager will present and re:iew the projectAs
cost performance during the monthly project status meeting. #sing earned :alue calculationsB the
Project Manager is responsible for accounting for cost de:iations and presenting the Project
+ponsor with options for getting the project bac< on budget. (ll budget authority and decisionsB
to include budget changesB reside with the +mart?oice Project +ponsor.
8or the +mart?oice ProjectB control accounts will be created at the fourth le:el of the W.+
which is where all costs and performance will be managed and trac<ed. 8inancial performance of
the +mart?oice Project will be measured through earned :alue calculations pertaining to the
projectAs cost accounts. Wor< started on wor< pac<ages will grant that wor< pac<age with 15K
creditG whereasB the remaining 15K is credited upon completion of all wor< defined in that wor<
pac<age. $osts may be rounded to the nearest dollar and wor< hours rounded to the nearest
whole hour.
$ost and +chedule Performance Inde; =$PI and +PI respecti:ely> will be reported on a monthly
basis by the Project Manager to the Project +ponsor. ?ariances of 45K or LFD 5.4 in the cost and
schedule performance inde;es will change the status of the cost to yellow or cautionary. These
will be reported and if itAs determined that there is no or minimal impact on the projectAs cost or
schedule baseline then there may be no action reCuired. $ost :ariances of %5KB or LFD 5.% in the
cost and schedule performance inde;es will change the status of the cost to red or critical. These
will be reported and reCuire correcti:e action from the Project Manager in order to bring the cost
andFor schedule performance inde;es bac< in line with the allowable :ariance. (ny correcti:e
actions will reCuire a project change reCuest and be must appro:ed by the $$. before it can be
'arned :alue calculations will be compiled by the Project Manager and reported at the monthly
project status meeting. If there are indications that these :alues will approach or reach the
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
critical stage before a subseCuent meetingB the Project Manager will communicate this to the
Project +ponsor immediately.
The Procurement Management Plan should be defined enough to clearly identify the necessary
steps and responsibilities for procurement from the beginning to the end of a project. The project
manager must ensure that the plan facilitates the successful completion of the project and does
not become an o:erwhelming tas< in itself to manage. The project manager will wor< with the
project teamB contractsFpurchasing departmentB and other <ey players to manage the procurement
8or larger projects or projects with more complicated procurement management reCuirementsB
you can include the Procurement Management Plan as a separate document apart from the
Project Management Plan. We ha:e a detailed Procurement Management Plan a:ailable on our
The Project Manager will pro:ide o:ersight and management for all procurement acti:ities under
this project. The Project Manager is authorized to appro:e all procurement actions up to
M15B555. (ny procurement actions e;ceeding this amount must be appro:ed by the Project
While this project reCuires minimal or no procurementB in the e:ent procurement is reCuiredB the
Project Manager will wor< with the project team to identify all items or ser:ices to be procured
for the successful completion of the project. The Project Manager will then ensure these
procurements are re:iewed by the Program Management "ffice =PM"> and presented to the
contracts and purchasing groups. The contracts and purchasing groups will re:iew the
procurement actionsB determine whether it is ad:antageous to ma<e or buy the items or resource
reCuired ser:ices internallyB and begin the :endor selectionB purchasing and the contracting
In the e:ent a procurement becomes necessaryB the Project Manager will be responsible for
management any selected :endor or e;ternal resource. The Project Manager will also measure
performance as it relates to the :endor pro:iding necessary goods andFor ser:ices and
communicate this to the purchasing and contracts groups.
It is important that the approach to managing the projectsA scope be clearly defined and
documented in detail. 8ailure to clearly establish and communicate project scope can result in
delaysB unnecessary wor<B failure to achie:e deli:erablesB cost o:errunsB or other unintended
conseCuences. This section pro:ides a summary of the +cope Management Plan in which it
addresses the following:
Who has authority and responsibility for scope management
*ow the scope is defined =i.e. +cope +tatementB W.+B W.+ DictionaryB +tatement of
Wor<B etc.>
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
*ow the scope is measured and :erified =i.e. 6uality $hec<listsB +cope .aselineB Wor<
Performance MeasurementsB etc.>
The scope change process =who initiatesB who authorizesB etc.>
Who is responsible for accepting the final project deli:erable and appro:es acceptance of
project scope
We ha:e a detailed +cope Management Plan a:ailable on our website which can be included as
an appendi; to the Project Management Plan for larger or more comple; projects. .e sure to
re:iew it and determine if itNs necessary for managing your project.
+cope management for the +mart?oice Project will be the sole responsibility of the Project
Manager. The scope for this project is defined by the +cope +tatementB Wor< .rea<down
+tructure =W.+> and W.+ Dictionary. The Project ManagerB +ponsorB and +ta<eholders will
establish and appro:e documentation for measuring project scope which includes deli:erable
Cuality chec<lists and wor< performance measurements.
Proposed scope changes may be initiated by the Project ManagerB +ta<eholders or any member
of the project team. (ll change reCuests will be submitted to the Project Manager who will then
e:aluate the reCuested scope change. #pon acceptance of the scope change reCuest the Project
Manager will submit the scope change reCuest to the $hange $ontrol .oard and Project +ponsor
for acceptance. #pon appro:al of scope changes by the $hange $ontrol .oard and Project
+ponsor the Project Manager will update all project documents and communicate the scope
change to all sta<eholders. .ased on feedbac< and input from the Project Manager and
+ta<eholdersB the Project +ponsor is responsible for the acceptance of the final project
deli:erables and project scope.
The Project +ponsor is responsible for formally accepting the projectAs final deli:erable. This
acceptance will be based on a re:iew of all project documentationB testing resultsB beta trial
resultsB and completion of all tas<sFwor< pac<ages and product functionality.
This section pro:ides a general framewor< for the approach which will be ta<en to create the
project schedule. 'ffecti:e schedule management is necessary for ensuring tas<s are completed
on timeB resources are allocated appropriatelyB and to help measure project performance. This
section should include discussion of the scheduling toolFformatB schedule milestonesB and
schedule de:elopment roles and responsibilities.
.e sure to chec< out the detailed +chedule Management Plan a:ailable on our website. The
separate +chedule Management Plan is suitable for larger projects or projects where the schedule
management is more formalized.

Project schedules for the +mart?oice Project will be created using M+ Project %552 starting with
the deli:erables identified in the projectAs Wor< .rea<down +tructure =W.+>. (cti:ity definition
will identify the specific wor< pac<ages which must be performed to complete each deli:erable.
(cti:ity seCuencing will be used to determine the order of wor< pac<ages and assign
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
relationships between project acti:ities. (cti:ity duration estimating will be used to calculate the
number of wor< periods reCuired to complete wor< pac<ages. !esource estimating will be used
to assign resources to wor< pac<ages in order to complete schedule de:elopment.
"nce a preliminary schedule has been de:elopedB it will be re:iewed by the project team and any
resources tentati:ely assigned to project tas<s. The project team and resources must agree to the
proposed wor< pac<age assignmentsB durationsB and schedule. "nce this is achie:ed the project
sponsor will re:iew and appro:e the schedule and it will then be base lined.
In accordance with T+IAs organizational standardB the following will be designated as milestones
for all project schedules:
$ompletion of scope statement and W.+FW.+ Dictionary
.ase lined project schedule
(ppro:al of final project budget
Project <ic<Doff
(ppro:al of roles and responsibilities
!eCuirements definition appro:al
$ompletion of data mappingFin:entory
Project implementation
(cceptance of final deli:erables
!oles and responsibilities for schedule de:elopment are as follows:
The project manager will be responsible for facilitating wor< pac<age definitionB seCuencingB and
estimating duration and resources with the project team. The project manager will also create the
project schedule using M+ Project %552 and :alidate the schedule with the project teamB
sta<eholdersB and the project sponsor. The project manager will obtain schedule appro:al from
the project sponsor and baseline the schedule.
The project team is responsible for participating in wor< pac<age definitionB seCuencingB
durationB and resource estimating. The project team will also re:iew and :alidate the proposed
schedule and perform assigned acti:ities once the schedule is appro:ed.
The project sponsor will participate in re:iews of the proposed schedule and appro:e the final
schedule before it is base lined.
The project sta<eholders will participate in re:iews of the proposed schedule and assist in its
This section discusses how Cuality management will be used to ensure that the deli:erables for
the project meet a formally established standard of acceptance. (ll project deli:erables should
be defined in order to pro:ide a foundation and understanding of the tas<s at hand and what wor<
must be planned. 6uality management is the process by which the organization not only
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
completes the wor<B but completes the wor< to an acceptable standard. Without a thorough
6uality Management PlanB wor< may be completed in a substandard or unacceptable manner.
This section should include Cuality roles and responsibilitiesB Cuality controlB Cuality assuranceB
and Cuality monitoring.
8or larger or more comple; projectsB the 6uality Management Plan may be included as an
appendi; or separate document. ( detailed 6uality Management Plan is a:ailable for use on our
(ll members of the +mart?oice project team will play a role in Cuality management. It is
imperati:e that the team ensures that wor< is completed at an adeCuate le:el of Cuality from
indi:idual wor< pac<ages to the final project deli:erable. The following are the Cuality roles and
responsibilities for the +mart?oice Project:
The Project +ponsor is responsible for appro:ing all Cuality standards for the +mart?oice
Project. The Project +ponsor will re:iew all project tas<s and deli:erables to ensure compliance
with established and appro:ed Cuality standards. (dditionallyB the Project +ponsor will sign off
on the final acceptance of the project deli:erable.
The Project Manager is responsible for Cuality management throughout the duration of the
project. The Project Manager is responsible for implementing the 6uality Management Plan and
ensuring all tas<sB processesB and documentation are compliant with the plan. The Project
Manager will wor< with the projectAs Cuality specialists to establish acceptable Cuality standards.
The Project Manager is also responsible for communicating and trac<ing all Cuality standards to
the project team and sta<eholders.
The 6uality +pecialists are responsible for wor<ing with the Project Manager to de:elop and
implement the 6uality Management Plan. 6uality +pecialists will recommend tools and
methodologies for trac<ing Cuality and standards to establish acceptable Cuality le:els. The
6uality +pecialists will create and maintain 6uality $ontrol and (ssurance -ogs throughout the
The remaining member of the project teamB as well as the sta<eholders will be responsible for
assisting the Project Manager and 6uality +pecialists in the establishment of acceptable Cuality
standards. They will also wor< to ensure that all Cuality standards are met and communicate any
concerns regarding Cuality to the Project Manager.
6uality control for the +mart?oice Project will utilize tools and methodologies for ensuring that
all project deli:erables comply with appro:ed Cuality standards. To meet deli:erable
reCuirements and e;pectationsB we must implement a formal process in which Cuality standards
are measured and accepted. The Project Manager will ensure all Cuality standards and Cuality
control acti:ities are met throughout the project. The 6uality +pecialists will assist the Project
Manager in :erifying that all Cuality standards are met for each deli:erable. If any changes are
proposed and appro:ed by the Project +ponsor and $$.B the Project Manager is responsible for
communicating the changes to the project team and updating all project plans and
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
6uality assurance for the +mart?oice Project will ensure that all processes used in the
completion of the project meet acceptable Cuality standards. These process standards are in
place to ma;imize project efficiency and minimize waste. 8or each process used throughout the
projectB the Project Manager will trac< and measure Cuality against the appro:ed standards with
the assistance of the 6uality +pecialists and ensure all Cuality standards are met. If any changes
are proposed and appro:ed by the Project +ponsor and $$.B the Project Manager is responsible
for communicating the changes to the project team and updating all project plans and
This section pro:ides a general description for the approach ta<en to identify and manage the
ris<s associated with the project. It should be a short paragraph or two summarizing the
approach to ris< management on this project.
+ince ris< management is a science in itselfB we ha:e many ris< management templates a:ailable
on our website. -oo< for the detailed !is< Management PlanB !is< !egister along with
templates for performing a ris< assessment meeting.
The approach for managing ris<s for the +mart?oice Project includes a methodical process by
which the project team identifiesB scoresB and ran<s the :arious ris<s. ':ery effort will be made
to proacti:ely identify ris<s ahead of time in order to implement a mitigation strategy from the
projectAs onset. The most li<ely and highest impact ris<s were added to the project schedule to
ensure that the assigned ris< managers ta<e the necessary steps to implement the mitigation
response at the appropriate time during the schedule. !is< managers will pro:ide status updates
on their assigned ris<s in the biDwee<ly project team meetingsB but only when the meetings
include their ris<As planned timeframe.
#pon the completion of the projectB during the closing processB the project manager will analyze
each ris< as well as the ris< management process. .ased on this analysisB the project manager
will identify any impro:ements that can be made to the ris< management process for future
projects. These impro:ements will be captured as part of the lessons learned <nowledge base.
The !is< !egister for this project is pro:ided in (ppendi; $B !is< !egister.
Discuss how you plan to staff the project. This section should include discussion on matri;ed or
projectized organizational structure depending on which is being used for this project. This
section should also include how resources will be procured and managed as well as the <ey
resources needed for the project.
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
The +mart?oice Project will consist of a matri; structure with support from :arious internal
organizations. (ll wor< will be performed internally. +taffing reCuirements for the +mart?oice
Project include the following:
Project Manager =4 position> O responsible for all management for the +mart?oice Project. The
Project Manager is responsible for planningB creatingB andFor managing all wor< acti:itiesB
:ariancesB trac<ingB reportingB communicationB performance e:aluationsB staffingB and internal
coordination with functional managers.
+enior Programmer =4 position> O responsible for o:ersight of all coding and programming tas<s
for the +mart?oice Project as well as ensuring functionality is compliant with Cuality standards.
!esponsible for wor<ing with the Project Manager to create wor< pac<agesB manage ris<B
manage scheduleB identify reCuirementsB and create reports. The +enior Programmer will be
managed by the Project Manager who will pro:ide performance feedbac< to the functional
Programmer =4 position> O responsible for coding and programming for the +mart?oice Project.
(ll coding and programming tas<s will be re:iewed by the +enior Programmer prior to
implementation. !esponsibilities also include assisting with ris< identificationB determining
impacts of change reCuestsB and status reporting. The Programmer will be managed by the
Project Manager and feedbac< will be pro:ided to the functional manager for performance
e:aluations by the Project Manager and +enior Programmer.
+enior 6uality +pecialist =4 position> O responsible for assisting the Project Manager in creating
Cuality control and assurance standards. The +enior 6uality +pecialist is also responsible for
maintaining Cuality control and assurance logs throughout the project. The +enior 6uality
+pecialist will be managed by the Project Manager who will also pro:ide feedbac< to the
functional manager for performance e:aluations.
6uality +pecialist =4 position> O responsible for assisting the Project Manager and +enior 6uality
+pecialist in creating and trac<ing Cuality control and assurance standards. The 6uality
+pecialist will ha:e primary responsibility for compiling Cuality reporting and metrics for the
Project Manager to communicate. The 6uality +pecialist will be managed by the Project
Manager who will pro:ide feedbac<B along with the +enior 6uality +pecialist to the functional
manager for performance e:aluations.
Technical Writer =4 position> O responsible for compiling all project documentation and reporting
into organizational formats. !esponsible for assisting the Project Manager in $onfiguration
Management and re:ision control for all project documentation. !esponsible for scribing duties
during all project meetings and maintaining all project communication distribution lists. The
Technical Writer will be managed by the Project Manager who will also pro:ide feedbac< to the
functional manager for performance e:aluations.
Testing +pecialist =4 position> O responsible for helping establish testing specifications for the
+mart?oice Project with the assistance of the Project Manager and Programmers. !esponsible
for ensuring all testing is complete and documented in accordance with T+I standards.
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
!esponsible for ensuring all testing resources are coordinated. The Testing +pecialist will be
managed by the Project Manager who will also pro:ide feedbac< to the functional manager for
performance e:aluations.
The Project Manager will negotiate with all necessary T+I functional managers in order to
identify and assign resources for the +mart?oice Project. (ll resources must be appro:ed by the
appropriate functional manager before the resource may begin any project wor<. The project
team will not be coDlocated for this project and all resources will remain in their current

Include a !esource $alendar as part of your project plan. The resource calendar identifies <ey
resources needed for the project and the timesFdurations theyNll be needed. +ome resources may
be needed for the entire length of the project while others may only be reCuired for a portion of
the project. This information must be agreed to by the Project +ponsor and 8unctional Managers
prior to beginning the project.
The +mart?oice Project will reCuire all project team members for the entire duration of the
project although le:els of effort will :ary as the project progresses. The Project is scheduled to
last one year with standard 05 hour wor< wee<s. If a project team member is not reCuired for a
full 05 hour wor< wee< at any point during the projectB their efforts outside of the +mart?oice
Project will be at the discretion of their 8unctional Manager.
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
This section contains the cost baseline for the project upon which cost management will be
based. The project will use earned :alue metrics to trac< and manage costs and the cost baseline
pro:ides the basis for the trac<ingB reportingB and management of costs.
The cost baseline for the +mart?oice project includes all budgeted costs for the successful
completion of the project.
Project P,a$e %-.gete. Tota Comment$
Planning M,15B555 Includes wor< hours for all
project team members for
gathering reCuirements and
planning project
Design M%15B555 Includes wor< hours for all
project team members for
wor< on +mart?oice
conceptual design
$oding M%55B555 Includes all wor< hours for
coding of +mart?oice
Testing M421B555 Includes all wor< hours for
testing =including beta testing>
of +mart?oice software
Transition and $loseout M415B555 Includes all wor< hours for
transition to operations and
project closeout
This section should include the Cuality baseline for the project. The purpose of this baseline is to
pro:ide a basis for ensuring that Cuality can be measured to determine if acceptable Cuality
le:els ha:e been achie:ed. It is important for all projects to clearly define and communicate
Cuality standards and the Cuality baseline ser:es this purpose.
The +mart?oice Project must meet the Cuality standards established in the Cuality baseline. The
Cuality baseline is the baseline which pro:ides the acceptable Cuality le:els of the +mart?oice
Project. The software must meet or e;ceed the Cuality baseline :alues in order to achie:e
Item Acce!ta/e Le0e Comment$
?oice !ecognition (t least 3HK recognition le:el
with %K or less errors in te;t
#sing standard T+I 'nglish
language databases
$ompatibility o errors associated with
running software with
compatible applications
#sing the PPPPPPP suite of
+upporting Documentation -ess than 4K failure rate in
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
beta testing new users to run
setup and e;ecute software
Project Management Pan Tem!ate
(ppro:ed by the Project +ponsor:
QProject +ponsorR
QProject +ponsor TitleR
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