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Some IE Tools & Terms

*Efficiency :
Efficiency of a system is simply defined as the output received per unit of input. In Production
System, Efficiency is calculated as

*Line Efficiency% = (Line output X garment SAM X 100)/(Number of operators X minute worked in

*Individual operator Efficiency% = (units produced X operation SAM X 100)/Total minutes worked.

*Daily Line Target = (Total working minutes in a day X No. of operators in a line X Line
eff%)/Garment SAM

*Individual operator target = (Total working minutes in a day X line efficiency
%)/Operation SAM

*Machine utilization% = (Actual Machine running Time X 100) / Time available

*Man to Machine ratio = Total manpower of the factory / Total no. of machines (utilized)

*Production Cost pet unit = Total cost incurred in production in a day/ no. of garment produced in a

% 100
60 hour Work Manpower
Production SMV

% 100
Minutes Worked
Minutes Produced

% 100

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