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Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d !

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c atau d )
1.Look at the picture ! , That is in my classroom.

n C.Rubber
B. Map D.Blackboar
!.Mr."iayat is a at #utra Ban$sa %lementary &chool
A. "ea Mistress C. Teacher
B."ea master D.&chool $uar
'.Danan$ likes playin$ chees
"e nee a
A.Blackboar C. Chess boar
B.&kateboar D. &nake an laer
(.Bello) are the e*ample o+ $ame, e*cept ...
A. &kippin$ C. "ie an seek
B. Tu$ o+ )ar D Toys s)ors
,. The chilren are playin$ ...
A.-unny sack race C. Tu$ o+ )ar
B."ie an seek D. &nake an laer
.. The /nonesian staple +oo is ...
A. Rice C. Brea
B. Corn D. Cassa0a
1.Bui ha0e a ... +or inner
A. Milk C. Dou$hnut
B. Bur$er D. 2oole
3. A 4 56hat o you )ant to rink 7 5
B 4 5/ )ant to rink a ... o+ co++ee . 5
A.Can C. 8ar
B.Cup D. Bottle
9. 6aitress 4 56hat o you )ant to eat, sir 7 5
Mr 8ono 4:/ )ant to eat a plate o+... 5
A.a co++ee C. +rierice
B.a tea D. a milk
1;. Mrs De)i )orks at library
&he helps the stuents to +in the books
6ho is she 7
&he is ...
A.Teacher C. Librarian
B."ea Master D. &chool $uar
11.Tina 4:6hats o you o in the library, ina 7<
Dina4:/ )ant to borro) ... 5
A.#encil C. Book
B.Clouth D. Bicycle
1!. &tuent 4:Can / borro) this book 7:
Librarian4:=es ... can 5
A./ C. she
B.=ou D. he
1'.Librarian 4: May / help you, 8oni 7:
8oni 4: =es maam, May / brin$ this book to my home 7
Librarian 4: 2o, ... may not.
A./ C. =ou
B.&he D. "e
1(. Librarian 4: >eep ...., #lease !:
&tuent 4: =es maam 5
A.&ilent C. "appinees
B.Disturb D. 2oisy
1,. Teacher 4: 6oul ... open the oor, please 7:
&tuent 4: =es , &ir:
A.=ou C. Am
B. My D. "e
1.. Toni 4: May ... borro) one o+ your pen 7:
2ita 4: &ure , )aits a minute 5
Toni 4 5 Thank you, 2ita 5
A.=ou C. &he
B. / D. "e.
11. Bello) is the mornin$ acti0ities, e*cept ...
A. Break+ast C. a lunch
B. Dinner D. -o to school
My Family

/ am Doni
This is my +amily
Mr. ?ua is my $ran+ather an Mrs.De)i is my $ranmother
Mr. 8oni is my ?ather . "e is a +armer an Mrs. &usi is my mother. &he is a +armer too.
My uncle is Mr. "ai. "e is a octer an Mrs. Tina is my aunt.
My uncle ha0e t)o chilren, there are is Tika an Tomy.
13. 6ho is Doni @s uncle name 7
Doni<s uncle name is ...
A.Mr. 8oni C. Mrs.Tina
B.Mr, "ai D. Mrs &usi
19.Mr. "ai ha0e a son. "e is ...
A. Doni C. Dina
B. Tika D. Tomy
!;.6hat is Mr.8oni 7
Mr. 8oni is a...
A.Doctor C. ?armer
B.Teacher D. 2urse
Texts for number 21-22
My name is >hali+ah. %0ery ay, / $et up at +i0e o<clock, / take a bath at +i0e ten, subuh prayer at
+i0e t)enty. / ha0e break+ast at si* +i+teen. / $o to school at si* +orty +i0e. / come back +rom
school at ele0en o< clock. / ha0e a lunch at t)el0e. / take a rest at t)o o<clock.
!1. 6hat oes >hali+ah o at +i0e t)enty 7
A. Take a bath C. &ubuh prayer
B. Break +ast D. -o to school
!!. >hali+ah al)ays take ... at t)o o<clock
A. a rest C. Break +ast
B. a lunch D. Back +rom school
Look at the Tonis activities
cti!ities "ime
-et up ;,.;; a.m.
Take a bath ;,.1; a.m.
Break+ast ;,.'; a.m.
-o to school ;..(, a.m
-o back +rom school ;1.;; p.m.
#layin$ ;'.;; p.m.
&tuy ;1.;; p.m.
-o to be ;3.'; p.m.
!'. 6hat oes Toni o at se0en o<clock 7
A.-o back +rom school C. -o to be
B. #layin$ D. &tuy
!(. 6hat time oes Toni usually $et up 7
A. a hal+ past si* C. ?i0e o<clock
B. a Auarter to se0en D. si* o<clock
Read the story carefful !
Bnce upon a time, there )as a illi$ent $irl name cinerela. &he )as a poor $irl.
An an$el $a0e her a pair o+ $lass shoes to Cinerela.
Bne ay, Cinerela )ent to the prince<s party.
&he )ore the $lass shoes.
The princee<s +ell in lo0e )ith her
"e marrie Cinerela.
They li0e happily +ore0er.
!,. The tittle o+ story is ...
A. #rince<s party C. The $lass shoes
B. An An$el D. Cinerela
!.. 6ho )as Cinerela 7
&he )as a ...
A. Beauti+ull $irl C. #retty an$el
B .Dilli$ent $irl D. #rince
!1.6here i she $o 7
&he )ent to the ...
A. #alace C. To)n
B .#arty D. Country
For number 28-2
rrange these words in to good sentences !
C susunlah kataDkata ini menEai kalimat yan$ benar F
!3. "oliay G likes D 8aka G on G +ishin$
A. 8aka likes holiay on +ishin$
B. 8aka on holiay likes +ishin$
C. 8aka likes +ishin$ on holiay
D. 8aka +ishin$ likes on holiay
!9. Ari+ D e0ery D campin$ D $oes D to D holiay
A. Ari+ $oes to campin$ e0ery holiay
B .Ari+ $oes e0ery campin$ to holiay
C. %0ery campin$ ari+ $oes to holiay
D. %0ery campin$ $oes holiay to Ari+.
';. Bn this holiay, Daan$ )ill 0isit in Borobuur ...
A. Beach C. Temple
B. -aren D. #ark
'1. Toni usually ... at home , on holiay )ith his +amily.
A. &tay C. 8o$$in$
B. 6ent D.-oin$
'!. A 4 5/ am -oin$ to sleep no), Mom !:
B 4 5B> ...:
A. -oo ni$ht C. Bye
B. -oo bye D. -oo e0enin$
''. =ou come late to school. =ou say ...
A. / am come in, Teacher.
B. / am &orry to comin$ late,&ir 7
C. / am &o &orry, &ir 7
D. 2ice to meet you.
'(. To ay is Rina<s birhay. 6hat o you say to her 7
A. Con$ratulation
B. "appy birthay
C. "appy 2e) =ear
D. -oo ay
',. Ani 4 : / am lea0in$:
Tina 4 5 Be care+ul:
Ani 4 5 / )ill. -oo bye Tina !:
Tina 4 : ... 5
A. 2ice to see you ! C. -oo bye !
B. -oo ay ! D. -oo
##) Fill in the blank !ith correct ans!er !
'.. This ay is Monay
The stuents ha0in$ +la$ ...
'1. 6hat are they oin$ 7
They are oin$ ...
Read the text careful !
(*& '+ P&$#$,

A lon$ time a$o there li0e a priest, his name is >i AEar. >i AEar ha0e a little baby, his baby )as
a snake. >i AEar )ante him to meitate in mount &ileker. "e name his chil Baru >lintin$ .
Bne ay, people o+ Banara)a +oun a bi$ snake then cut into pieces. The spirit o+ Baru >lintin$
become a small boy. "e be$$a +or +oo, but no one care him.
The small boy plante a stick an pulle it out, )ater sprin$ out o+ the hole.
All o+ the 0illa$ers o+ Banara)a e*cept an ol )io), )ere o)ne.
&he )as sa0e because she ha helpe the little boy, by $i0in$ him some +oo an rink.
2o), that<s area is a bi$ lake calle RAWA PENING in &emaran$ re$ency.
'3. 6here i the story happen 7
The story happen in ...
'9. 6hat )as the lake calle 7
The lake calle is ...
For number "# arran$e these !ord in to $ood centences !
C susunlah kataDkata ini menEai kalimat yan$ benar F
(;. ?ishin$ G / G on G likes G holiay
Ans)er 4 ...
(1. Tina ... book in the library
(!. My ... borro) your story books
('. My ?ather ha0e a sister
/ call her ...
((. Riyan 4:Mom, / )ant to sleep , -oo ..., Mom !:
Mom 4:"a0e a s)eet ream.:
(,. =our +rien becomes the champions o+ +ootball competations. =ou sai ...
%%%& Answer these questions with the correct answer !
(.. 6rite three thin$s you brin$ to $o to schools !
Ans)er 4
a. ....................
b. ....................
c. ....................
(1. Mention three kins o+ $ames !
Ans)er 4
a. .........................
b. .........................
c. .........................
(3. Mention three kin a+ternoon akti0ities
Ans)er 4
a. ........................
b. ........................
c. ........................
(9. =ou borro) your +rien pencil but you lose it , you sai ...
Ans)er 4 .....................
,;. Mention three place<s +or recreation !
Ans)er 4
a. ........................
b. .......................
c. .......................

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