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Chapter 3: Application In Malaysia

Good community who know his strength is then reinforced, and realize his weakness,
and improved with sincere, honest, assertive and bold. The actual quality of the
development of a nation depends on the quality of individual and community self-
development as well as the effects of the abandonment of the other community and
environment. These effects are not only limited to physical, perhaps more should
include the morality of mankind.
Indeed step towards improve a madani society requires a good understanding and
cooperation. roblems faced by the society can only be overcome through patience
and an open mind. Therefore, openness in accepting religious diversity and thought,
the government!s stance in relation to the people and the e"istence of a culture of
knowledge and mutual help is the key towards the formation of a madani society. The
foundations of a society are how the formation and implementation of the law is
implemented. #ccording to ound $%&'%(,
The purpose of the law is to meet as many people and in this regard the law attempts to
reduce conflicts caused by conflicts and conflicts of interest. The law also seeks to
standardize the purpose, requirements, and demands of individuals and society
Good Governance
)alaysia is a democratic country. eople are given the freedom to speak, to move,
association and e"pression, but must follow certain restrictions. #mong the freedoms
enshrined in the )alaysian *onstitution is freedom of speech, freedom of religion.
The diversity of society in )alaysia, is epitomized it is a unique country and accept
diversity as a basis for the formation of a nation. *itizens of )alaysia consist of
)alays $+,.-.(, *hinese $%-.+.(, India $,./.( and other $&.,.(.
The percentage distribution of the population by religion in )alaysia %&'&, Islam is
the most widely professed religion in )alaysia with a proportion of +'./ per cent. #s
' Aziz Bari. 2012. Undang-undang Dan Masyarakat. Membina Bangsa
Malaysia. Selangor. Strategic Information And Research Develoment
!entre. "o 1. #.$ .
% )alaysia. 0abatan erangkaan )alaysia. Laporan Dan Taburan Penduduk Di Malaysia. #ccessed1 '+ 2cember %&'/ .
a multi-racial, other religions practiced are 3uddhism $'4.5.(, *hristians $4.%.( and
6induism $+./.(.
In confronting the diversity of the practice of religion, thought and belief of the legal
framework designed to celebrate this diversity. 7ne of the important things that
should be looked into is to give space to each individual or group of people to e"press
their views or their votes in accepting his rights as a citizen. To compensate for this,
then )alaysia has set aside the law to provide a space for them, and is based on the
constitutional )alaysia1
#rticle '&1 $#( 8very citizen has the right to freedom of speech and e"pression, $b( #ll
citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms9 $c( #ll citizens have the right
to form associations
Therefore, people in )alaysia have the space and opportunity to e"press their views
and ideas, whether to give a new or state to state shortfall incurred by the government.
6owever, in developing the concept of madani society, every space and also granted
the opportunity to have the values and ethics that must be understood and complied
with by each community. #ccording to #ishah $'44&(1
The law recognizes the freedom of speech and printing. 6owever, the law provides a number
of prevention and procedures to be followed. In addition to the rights granted freedom, but the
law also protects the right of self-respect and personal
This is important for people instilled with an open mind and a critical assessment. It
is important for the formation of the country because there will be a two-way
communication between citizens and government by mass media into Intermediate
Therefore, everything must be done or uttered based on the requirements and the
appropriate argument. Indeed this was stated by #llah in the ;uran1
/ Ibid .
- Malaysia. n.d. Federal Constitution. Article 10 %1& .
: Aishah 'a(i Bidin. 1))0. Undang-Undang Tentang Kebebasan Bersuara
Dan Mencetak Di Malaysia. *+rnal ,om+ni-asi. .ol /. #. 20121 .
+ )u<ahid =usof. %&&4. Waah !aru Politik Malaysia. >elangor. #nbakri ublika >2? 362.
. 5, .
9E 4 F
9E 4 K< 6
>ay1 @roduce your proof if ye are truthful.@
#ccording to al-;urt AbB1 !urh"n means evidence to show the truth. #l-TAabarB said,
seeking evidence in this situation is to show their truth and to deny otherwise. If you
know that your belief and your word that you enter the paradise, you have to show
this by giving the evidence
In addition, the relationship between man and God and the relationship among people
is the most important fundamental in maintaining a harmonious relationship and
situation. That is relation between human and God and men between themselves
The test of a society!s success must be the inner assurance of the individual that he or
she can practice and profess his or her own faith and culture without insecurity or fear.
To earn the confidence of the minority groups, living side by side with the larger
ma<ority, hardly fails to pose the challenge. This challenge cannot be met without
establishing and maintaining a secure social environment and good governance
In this regard, we can see that )alaysia, the items are described and included in the
*onstitution of )alaysia, that every race can worship and practice speaking the
language. 8very person has the right to profess and practice his religion
, #l-;uran. #l-3aqarah, %1''' .
5 #l-;urt AubB, #bB #bd #llah bin #hAmad al-#ns AarB. %&&-. Ta#s$r al%&urt ' ub$. Cebanon. 2Dr al-
Eutub al- Imiyyat. F.%.. :% .
4 Gamadan, Tariq.%&&'. (slam) The West and The *hallenges +# Modernity. Hnited Eingdom.
The Islamic Ioundation. . 4+ .
'& Eamali, )ohammad 6ashim. %&&5. (,(- Malaysia: ./ploring The (ntellectual 0ori1ons
+# *ivili1ational (slam. >elangor. The International Institute of #dvance Islamic >tudy
$I#I>(. . -5 .
'' )alaysia. n.d. 2ederal *onstitution. #rticle ''$'( .
#s a result of this practice is the narrow re<ection of democracy, namely the concept
of the dictator and close the space for those who have a different view. The practices
should be more open and pluralistic like mass media and newspaper. Thus, freedom of
opinion and e"pression is granted in the political debate within a legitimated respect
of the constitution
It is more important is the emergence of the idea of madani society making room for
diversity of political and social views. The diversity of people in this country claims a
relationship between the non-cross national requirement and merely a moral and
religious need. Thus, the nature of the dignity of humanity should be understood and
practiced by communities in )alaysia. #ccording to #nwar Ibrahim $'44,(1
?o doubt, which the formation of a civil society must go through hardship and patience.
riority is to keep the community and the cornerstone of a civilized society is openness,
loving and dignity of humanity
?o one nation can raise up and have self-respect than the people rise on the strength
of strong moral and religious. If morality is to find the good and pure as determined
by the culture, the religion is the position that determines the relationship with God
and e"presses the goodness of the human being
. #nd this is in practice demanded by
religion, that God e"plains in the ;uran1
K4 L 79M
Q> ;
Y 4 3Z
\< R
]4 9D
`H 9a
` 7
+ mankind3 We created you #rom a single 4pair5 o# a male and a #emale) and made
you into nations and tribes) that ye may know each other 4not that ye may despise
4each other5.
'% Gamadan, Tariq. %&&'. (slam) The West and the *hallenges o# The Modernity. Hnited
Eingdom. The Islamic Ioundation. . 4/ .
'/ Anfar Ibrahim. 1))0. Gelombnag Kebangkitan sia. ,+ala g+m+r.
Defan Bahasa Dan #+sta-a. #. 20 .
'- )u<ahid =usof. %&&4. Waah !aru Politik Malaysia. >elangor. #nbakri, ublika >2?
362. . /+ .
#ccording to >haJqDnB, the community who gather together and they are created to
get the advantage from one and other. There are not to be proud of their family, race,
origin and their community. That is why #llah clarifies it by saying that the most
generous among you is the pious. )eaning that, the privilege is given to those who
are pious, not to those who have big community, powerful race or ethnic.

?ational unity today will be the basis of the formation of )alaysia for diversity.
Therefore, recommendations for the government to make an appreciation of religious
life and to be helping as national needs and not <ust limited to individuals and political
parties. In addition, all religious leaders must understand their respective followers of
the teachings that call for unity and respect across racial and ethnicity for the success
of the concept of unity in the form of )alaysia
3esides that, in developing the idea of working towards the formation of madani
society, during the community dialogue and communication should be a key element
in the implementation of the idea. 3ut the more important thing than it is to consider
the diversity of social and political e"periences of different communities and of
course this can only be achieved without stability and understanding
. >o all these
things will be done, if the society is governed by a concept of good leadership and
organized. #ccording to )ohammad 6ashim Eamali $%&&5(
The principle on participatory and consultative governance that places <ustice at the forefront
of its commitments. Trustworthiness $am"nah( and <ustice $ adl ( are the two principles of
good governments. Two additional requirements are consultation $sh8r"( and commitment to
people!s welfare $mas ' lah ' ah(
': #l-;uran. #l-6Au<urDt, -41'/ .
'+ #l->haJqDnB, )uhAammad bin #lB. n.d. 2ath al%&ad$r. 3eirut, 2Dr al-Eutub al- Ilmiyyah.
Fol :. . 5/ .
', )u<ahid =usof. %&&4. Ka<ah 3aru olitik )alaysia. >elangor. #nbakri, ublika >2?
362. . -& .
'5 #nwar Ibrahim. '44,. 9elombang :ebangkitan ,sia. Euala Cumpur, 2ewan 3ahasa 2an
ustaka. . -+ .
'4 Eamali, )ohammad 6ashim. %&&5. (,(- Malaysia: ./ploring The (ntellectual 0ori1ons
+# *ivili1ational (slam. >elangor. The International Institute of #dvance Islamic >tudy
Therefore, )alaysia is a country that is supporting and democratic. Thus, each
individual is given the opportunity to choose their candidate. )ahathir had said in his
speech, LIn a democracy, which is a ma<or and important people have the right to
choose who leads the government. If people are not like, how the change of
government or heads does not involve violence, simply by voting changes can be
6owever, the requirement to leadership in )alaysia, consultation requirements is the
basis for the formation of democratic values by determining the policies and direction
of the country. This is as a measure to kill the government and people together in
creating an environment, and to ensure that the concept dignity of humanity.
7n top of that, should the practice of politics in )alaysia, especially for those who
are selected by the people as their representatives, should be open in receiving the
views of various parties including the government or the opposition. This is a way for
the government at a tender age, including people to be a counterweight to the
democratic system and the government in implementing the actions and follow the
development of the community. In addition, this is clearly stated by #llah in the
IQ> ;
E > F
Kho $conduct( their affairs by mutual *onsultation
#ccording to al-;urt AJbB, mutual consultation the rophet )uhammad 3H6 used to
seek opinion from his companion on the issues regarding the war and other daily life
issues but did not seek the opinion on the Islamic Caw , because this Gevelation from
$I#I>(. . %/ .
%& #li. >yed 6ussin, %&&-. Merdeka ;akyat Dan Demokrasi. Euala Cumpur. >trategic
Information Gesearch 2evelopment. . %4% .
%' #l-;uran. #l->hurD, -%1/5 .
%% #l-;urt AubB, #bB #bd #llah bin #hA mad al-#ns AarB. %&&-. Ta#s$r al%&urt ' ub$. Cebanon. 2Dr
al-Eutub al- Imiyyat. F. 5. .%: .
In addition, the principle of <ustice is the main base in the formation of madani
society. Government or leaders of a society that does not trust the government unfairly
regarded as incompetent and will destroy civilization of a nation. rinciples of <ustice
to be so in the formation of madani society
. Kithout these principles in the
implementation of the concept of law is meaningless.
In developing this idea, )alaysia is a country that practices parliamentary democracy
open pit. 2emocracy is a form of government in which the power to enact laws and
government structure is determined by the people. In a democracy, laws are made
either by the people or through delegates, representatives chosen by the people to
speak in the 6ouse of Gepresentatives.
2emocracy is premised on the sovereignty of the people is formed. This means that
the parliamentary role in drafting and approving policies affecting the interests of the
people through representatives chosen by them. #ccording to Kan #bdul Gahman

The relationship that e"ists between the government and the people to determine the
effectiveness of the people in the power of checks and balances on the government. In
addition, the government has limitations in doing something without the agreement of all
Therefore, the relationship that e"ists between the government and the people to
produce a result and listen completely and balanced state. In addition, all the problems
and decisions to be implemented by the government must be based on the needs and
desires of the community. This also makes some people cannot take advantage of the
power entrusted to him, because all the actions and the implementation of a thing
must be based on the consent of all members of parliament.
%/ Kan )ohd ?or Kan 2aud, %&&'. Pembangunan Di Malaysia :e arah -atu :e#ahaman
<ang Lebih -empurna. Euala Cumpur. I>T#*. p.'&: .
%- ian Abd+l Rahman. 200j. Demokrasi Di Malaysia! ntara "ersaingan
Dan "er#akilan. #oliti- Di Malaysia.kniversiti ,ebangsaan Malaysia. "o.1.
#. 2/ .
Iurthermore, <ustice is a core human value. The same principle of <ustice is deeply
ingrained in human nature so loyal individuals strive to understand and practice it.
3esides that, people are willing to get up the truth and defend <ustice even in a
depressed state
. Therefore, <ustice must not only be implemented with only
economic development, but should be followed attach to human development in terms
of knowledge, the current and peaceful environment.
)anaging the economy in fact none other than addressing the question of human life.
8conomic resource management policies must be geared to the dignity of man
Therefore, all the space and opportunity should be available to the community, not
<ust keep upgrading their lives, but more important is the e"istence of two-way nature
of the relationship between government and citizens, to ensure a balance is reached.
2evelopment of course also needs to establish peace and harmony in the country.
6owever, as already noted, that the economic growth is not a tender age cannot be
used by all residents at the same rate. 8conomic inequality and a widening income
gap raises grievances and conflicts in the society of the country. This is because the
findings can only be en<oyed by a part of leader. Indeed, this is clearly stated by #llah
in the 6oly ;uran1
` 7 n
H Tmm`
t <u
`H v
,nd do not eat up your property among yourselves #or vanities) nor use it as bait #or
the udges) with intent that ye may eat up wrong#ully and knowingly a little o# 4other5
people=s property
#ccording to al-)arDghB, don!t eat another person property un<ustly, because we have
to recognise another person property and protect it for the owner, taking another
%: #nwar Ibrahim. '44,. 9elombang :ebangkitan ,sia. Euala Cumpur. 2ewan 3ahasa 2an
ustaka. . +/ .
%+ Ibid. . 44 .
%, #l-;uran, al-3aqarah, /9'55 .
person property it is crime on community, which the person we take his property is
one of them definitely it we be the detrimental to the owner
Good Society
)alaysia is a country whose population consists of three ma<or races, )alay, *hinese,
and Indian. Khile our multi-racial society and have different backgrounds, but
)alaysians can live unite in peace and harmony. #ccording to )ean )onthly Gross
6ousehold Income by 8thnicity, )alaysia, in year %&'% the percentage of population
in )alaysia are, !umiputera1 -,-:,, *hinese1 +,/++, Indians :,%//, others1 /,5-/
Therefore, in determining the relationship between religion and race remain entwined
with good space for interfaith dialogue and tolerance between communities is the way
to be implemented in order to provide space for the whole community in voicing their
rights and needs. #ccording to )u<ahid =usof $%&'/(1
Islam wants to ensure that the friendship is useless and leads to corruption and undermine
religious person. #s long as we are friends without compromising all the questions, it is
considered a good friendship
Therefore, the culture of dialogue is to be nourished in the conte"t of our country to
strengthen the ties of national unity and national integration is the key to the survival
of unity. In addition, the e"istences of two-way interaction of the two sides are able to
narrow the gap between minorities and the ma<ority. Iurthermore, good dialogue
skills and prudence were well into our society. Ior dialogue to be effective solidarity
mechanisms, among which we need to allow our scientific disclosures to make
accurate <udgments about the historical relationship between religions in our country.
In order to ensure that the interaction between religion and race continues to be
e"tended and be in harmony, some things should be researched and implemented. In
%5 #l-)arDghi, #hmad )us At AafD. '445. Ta#s$r al%Mar"ghi. Cebenon. 2Dr al-Eutub.v.:. . %:- .
%4 )alaysia, @nit Perancangan .konomi) Aabatan Perdana Menteri. Table %1 )ean )onthly
Gross 6ousehold Income by 8thnicity, >trata and >tate, )alaysia, '4,&-%&'% accessed, %+ 2ecember %&'/ .
/& )u<ahid =usof. %&'/. !erdialog Dengan 9erea. >elangor. Ilham *entre. . -: .
addition, all parties must mutually engage and create mutual understanding between
each other. #ccording to Gahimin #ffandi $%&''(1
>cholars either )uslim, 6indu, 3uddhist, *hristian together in developing a new paradigm in
addressing religious conflict in )alaysian society that is diverse religion, culture, civilization
and culture
Gealize this approach, the former rime )inister of )alaysia #hmad 3adawi had
emphasized in his speech e"pressed the importance and the need for International
2ialogue as the only way to find peace in a world filled with hatred, suspicion and
violence. In addition, in another speech in %&&- at the 7"ford *entre of Islamic
>tudies, he has offered to Euala Cumpur became a centre of international civilization
In addition, there are several agencies involved in the success of this dialogue as the
*entre for 2ialogue of *ivilisations Hniversity, #cademy of *ivilization, Institute of
Islamic Hnderstanding, ?ational Hnity and Integration 2epartment, )alaysian
Interfaith ?etwork and a number of departments and ?G7s such as Islamic
Information O >ervices Ioundation $I>>( and others
Iurthermore, the question of tolerance in a pluralistic society in )alaysia is a sub<ect
that should be e"plored and thus it is highly relevant to position )alaysia as a country
with a variety of religious backgrounds, languages and cultures. eople, who e"ercise
tolerance capable of bearing a stress or distress and unable to accept criticism, help
others and be open. >uch features are important in a pluralistic society internalized so
that harmony can be achieved.
6owever, sometimes there arises a number of issues and conflicts that undermine the
relationships that e"ist, because people who have a diversity of opinions, attitudes and
behaviours. 8ven differences in the race and religion often create a polemic among
/' Gahimin #ffandi. %&''. ;eligious Dialogue: (ts ;eality ,nd Prospects (n Malaysia.
0ournal Ea<ian )alaysia. Fol %4. ?o. %. . 4'-''& .
/% #hmad 3aharuddin, %&&5. eranan 2ialog eradaman 2alam Tamadun )elayu. 0urnal
eradaban, usat 2ialog eradaban Hniversiti )alaya. Fol '. . '% .
// Ibid. . '+ .
these diverse communities for the rights and interests of the people and their religion.
#ccording to )ohd ?or )anuty $%&&4(M
In the conte"t of )alaysian society nowadays is manifest shallowness of knowledge about the
culture of non-)uslims who have been part of a multi-racial society has led to some negative
perceptions of other races and religions
Thus, mi"ing and communication in a variety of confidence, trust, way of life and this
position is a comple" life and need a basic guide to maintaining a relationship in order
to safeguard peace and stability of the state. The values of the religion of every nation
should be nurtured and practiced by society to create simplicity, tolerance,
understanding, respect, tolerance, peace and unity. The values that erupted from the
roots of tradition every race and all races are capable of creating social cohesion
strength of )alaysia.
In strengthening tolerance in )alaysia, somewhat elements should be developed to
ensure that )alaysian society is able to understand and perform this well.
Implementation of the tolerance should be seen and studied from various angles to
ensure these ideas can be implemented with care. #ccording to 3udi #nton $%&&5(1
*reating harmony in multi-religious )alaysia is not an easy thing to accomplish. It not only
depends on the macro-economic, social and political, but also influenced by the micro as
interaction within the community
3ased on this, several approaches have been implemented in )alaysia, for developed
e"ceptional tolerance into the community themselves. In doing this, the government
has laid the foundation of education as a foundation for understanding the formation
of the community to e"press1
Khereas the education policy as declared in the 8ducation 7rdinance, '4:, is to establish an
educational system that will meet the needs of the country and promote the development of
cultural, social, economic and political
/- )ohd ?or )anuty. %&&4. (slam Dan Toleransi Dalam Masyarakat Malaysia. >imposium
Iiqh )asyarakat 3ukan Islam 2i )alaysia. >elangor .
/: 3udi #nton. %&&5. Pengaruh ,gama Dalam (nteraksi Dan Toleransi Dalam Pelbagai
.tnik. Hniversiti )alaysia >abah. .% .
In addition, apart from the formation of the constitution which gives space to other
religions to practice their religion, education is the most important fundamental in
developing a good understanding of them into society. Iormation starts from how an
educational philosophy designed and implemented. This matter can be e"amined in
the philosophy of education in our country.
hilosophy of 8ducation also founded to focus on efforts to produce individuals who are
knowledgeable and ethical, balanced and harmonious, which can achieve well-being and
contribute to the betterment of the society and the nation
Therefore, openness in confronting diversity of opinion and differences of race and
religion is the prerequisite to the formation of a harmonious society. In addition,
tolerance or mutual respect within the community is a sign that society is heading to
Culture of Knowledge
Good progress and development in a country, not <ust rely on infrastructure
development. #ppreciation and involvement of the community in shaping the culture
of knowledge is the basis of most of the development of a country. Enowledge that is
based on truth and trust will break free from personal and societal ignorance and <ust a
mere follower
. #ccording to Kan )ohd ?or $'44,(1
The e"istence of a learning culture in the community, making a community is able to develop
a practice that makes a decision to be decided and the actions to be performed based on
>o with the involvement of all parties and the formation of a culture like this, making
a competitive society in developing their situation especially in the education. The
/+ )alaysia. n.d. 2asar endidikan Eebangsaan. #ccessed1 '/
0anuary %&'- .
/, Ibid. #ccessed1 '/ 0anuary %&'- .
/5 )uhammad Painiy Hthman. %&'%. Pemikiran Dan Pembinaan Tamadun. utra<aya.
#kedemik Eenegaraan 3T?. . :, .
/4 Ibid. . /- .
problems that occur between people as well can be solved and communicate well, as
something that is done must be done based on the knowledge and the right idea. #nd
this is as described by Kan )ohd ?or $'44,(1
In addition, if this is carried out properly, then the community is able to re<ect and resent the
views that are not based on knowledge and truth, without regard to race, ethnicity and
Thus, the e"istence culture of knowledge in )alaysia should, be an agenda on the rest
of society in all layers. This is critical because society built on areas of knowledge and
a good idea, a society that is able to develop and educate the community to face many
obstacles and problems. In addition, the most important thing is all the development
and cultural beliefs, particularly matters affecting religious sensitivities or other
nations could be resolved amicably.
3ased on the interest and appreciation of science, )alaysia has put several programs
and important element in creating a society that truly appreciates the culture of
knowledge. This is formed by two main elements, such as a reading culture as the
theme for )alaysians and also the formation of the university as a center of
In '455, former rime )inister )ahathir )ohammad has put the theme of the L=ear
of GeadingM. In addition, in con<unction with the teacher in the same year, the theme
chosen is LIounding Teacher Geading *ultureM. In addition, the )inister of =outh and
>ports also puts theme L=outh Enowledge 2eveloped *ountriesM as the theme for the
youth during the year
It showed that people in )alaysia are aware of the appreciation and participation in
the implementation culture of knowledge. In addition, this thing done is to create a
system of informal learning, educating the community to continually review and
discuss not only in schools and universities, but at all times and places.
-& Ibid. p./: .
-' Kan )ohd ?or Kan 2aud, '44,. Penelasan !udaya (lmu. Euala Cumpur. 2ewan 3ahasa
dan ustaka. .' .
In addition, #lbert 8instein once said Leducation is what remains a#ter one has
#orgotten what one learned at schoolM
. Iurthermore, the )alaysian Government
under the )inister of 8ducation has launched a program for students in school.
rograms that have been implemented are Badi (lmu ,malan Membaca $?IC#)(.
#ccording to Iatimah 6ashim $%&&:(1
$?IC#)( is a systematic reading program and continued throughout the year to achieve the
ob<ective of producing an Qavid reader! of reader firmware that makes a habit of reading as a
habit that sustained them
)oreover, the implementation of such programs, provide e"posure and opportunities
for students to acquire and share knowledge with my friends and train them to think
creatively and get new knowledge from other students. Therefore, the program
assumes that the best way to foster a culture of reading is through training and
guidance when an individual is still young. 3esides that, these activities make them a
competitive edge in education.
-% Paini H<ang. %&&4. Menghayati !udaya (lmu. Euala Cumpur. Hniversiti Teknologi
)alaysia. .'- .
-/ Iatimah 6ashim. %&&:. :esan Program Bilam TerhadapTabiat Membaca Menurut
Pandangan Murid Dan 9uru. 0urnal endidikan. Hniversiti )alaya .

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