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Bus Trip

Woman: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?Man: It is now. Take a seat.

Woman: Thanks. I had been waiting for over two hours for the bus to come.
Man: eah. The bus broke downabout !" mi#es back. $ctua##%& the bus driver #ost contro#
of the bus when he sp#it hot choco#ate on himse#f& and then as he tried toregain contro# of
the bus& he hit a rock and the bus b#ew a tire.
Woman: 'h. $re %ou sure this bus in safe?
Man: I(m not sure if it(s safe& but %ou can(t beat the price of the trip.
Woman: )o& where are %ou from?
Man: To te## the truth& I rea##% don(t know.
Woman: 'h& what do %ou mean?
Man: We##& %ou see& I was adopted when I was a bab%. I was to#d that I was born in *ew
ork +it%& but I can(t be sure about that. Then& m% new parents raised me in a sma## town
Texas. I(m sure %ou(ve never heard of it.
Woman: ,h.
Man: M% parents& -red and *orma& had a farm& so I grew up mi#king cows andherding
sheep. $ctua##%& I(m on m% wa% to visit them now.
Woman: ou mean back to Texas?
Man: ,h no. The% so#d that farm %ears ago when the% discovered oi# on their propert%.
The% #ive on a ranch right outside of .as /egas. Beautifu# p#ace with a poo# . . .
Woman: .as /egas. .as /egas? I thought this bus was heading to +hicago . . . in the
opposite direction0
Man: $h. ou(re on the wrong bus.
Woman: I got to get off.
Man: 1e%& re#ax. )pend a weekend with me and m% parents on the ranch. I can teach %ou
how to mi#k a cow or something.
Woman: I have to get off.
Man: 2e#ax. $n%wa%& once this bus #eft the station& it ain(t gonna stop unti# the next
stop . . . three hours from now. The driver got rea##% upset when the #ast passenger made a
simi#ar mistake. 1e%& sit and re#ax. .et me te## %ou about farm. I have p#ent% of stories.

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