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Ejercitario de ingles
Haz oraciones utilizando la voz pasiva en las sgtes oraciones
Sofa cooks the italian pastas. ..
They play soccer. .
Maria dances reggaeton.
We learned a new song ..
Mathias buys a new car.
Utiliza el cero condicional en las siguientes oraciones
1. !" you .. #love$ her you #call$ her.
2. !" #she % go$ on a boat& she always #"eel$ sick.
3. His 'other. #get$ annoyed i" #he % be$ late.
4. !" #!% know$ a word& # ! look$ in 'y dictionary.
5. They .#play$ "ootball i" #they % not % have$ any
Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional
sentence - type . !nly use ."#ili$a el primer condicional en las
sgtes oraciones
1% & (to love her)' (to miss) her.
2% & she (to come)' (e (to talk) to her.
3% & he (to have) a temperature' he (to
see) the doctor.
4% & my &riends (to forget) me ' (to
be) very sad.
5% & she (to earn) a lot o& money' she (to
fy) to )e( *ork.
. +,ercise on Present Per&ect Progressive
Positive -entences
(scribe oraciones afr'ativas en el presente per"ecto continuo.
). *hil and +reg % a race % run ,
Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional
sentence - type . "tili$a el -egundo condicional en las
siguientes oraciones
1% & (to go) home earlier' (to
cook) dinner.
2% & (e (to live) in .suncion' /e
(meet) him.
3% & 0avier and 1artin (play) every day'
they (to win) the hockey game.
4% & he (lose) (eithg' (to use) a ne(
5% & 1ary (to sleep) early' she (to have) a
good day.
-. she % her teeth % brush ,
.. the Millers % in /ondon % live % "or three years ,
0. we % on the lake % sail ,
escribe oraciones negativas en el presente per"ecto continuo
). we % not % tea % drink ,
-. we % not % our roo's % clean ,
.. the children % not % on the 1oor % sleep ,
0. 2e3 and /inda % not % cycle ,
4. 5hristine % not % her ho'e % decorate ,
(scribe oraciones interrogativas en el presente per"ecto continuo.
). she % tv % watch ,
-. Maggie % dinner % cook ,
.. 2ane and Mary % basketball % play ,
0. Sue % in the gy' % e6ercise ,
4. 7obert % the roo' % paint ,

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