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The individual elements of the shadbala show different aspects in our life. They are as follows:
1. Sthana Bala: This planet is the giver of position and status. This also shows which positions are most
auspicious for us and where shall we be most comfortable.
2. Dig Bala: This shows the direction which shall be good for us for growth in the career or self
3. aala Bala: This shows which time is best suitable for us for underta!ing an activity.
". #heshta Bala: This shows what drives us$ our inherent desires and purpose of our struggle in this life.
%. &aisargi!a Bala: This is of lesser cons'uence as this remains constant all through out. This is to be
used in con(unction with other strengths. This indicate which planets are naturally more able to dictate
their results.
). Dri! Bala: This shows which planet shall be favourable all through out in the life of native as this is
based on the aspect of benefics on the planet.
Varahamihira: Strength of Planets: The Shadbala - I file:///E:/T.S.RAO/T.S.RAO-1/ASTROLOGY/may-2014/webpage/Var...
1 of 1 04/08/2014 8:02 PM

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