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Crocodile Board Game

for Year 2 Students

How To Play?
Teacher divides students into small
groups of 4.
Teacher explains to students that they
will play a crocodile board game.
Teacher asks a representative from
each small group to get the crocodile
board game from the teacher.
In each small group, the students will
decide their turn to roll the dice.
According to their turn, they will move
to the targeted tile which contained an
adjective task.

Every students need to complete the
given task. The task is to select the
correct adjective for each sentence

Example of the tasks:

Ali is a _______________ boy.

a) tall
B) short
c) fat

Monster is an ___________ creature.

a) beautiful
b) ugly
c) cute
The adjective tasks for each groups are

The student who give a correct answer
can stay at the targeted tile, while a
wrong answer will cause him/her to go 2
tiles backward.

This activity will be played in the
duration of 20 minutes.

After the game is ended, the teacher
will discuss with the students about
what have been learnt through the
crocodile board game.

As enrichment, teacher will give
exercises on the topic of Adjectives.
Learning Outcomes
Through this activity, the students can
learn about adjectives in an interesting
and joyful way.
They will also be able to enhance and
improve their grammar mastery through
this board game.
The illustration provided will help them
to complete and understand their tasks.

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