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Book project: Third Six Weeks

project Due Date: Friday, December 13

Book Approval Due Date: Friday, November 8
Points Possible: 30

L|ect|ons: 8eao eac| boo| ev|ew omat be|ow. C|oose one o t|e o||ow|ng t|ee
omats to como|ete o you s|x wee|s boo| ooect.

Lxta Ceo|t: ?ou may eao one aoo|t|ona| boo| oe s|x wee|s ano subm|t an aoo|t|ona|
boo| ev|ew ass|gnment o you c|o|ce o exta ceo|t.

1. Book Soundtrack:
Ceate a o|ay||st o e|g|t songs o you nove|. l you c|oose to oo t|e sounotac| ooect,
you must como|ete t|e uoo| Sounotac| ooect wo|s|eet ava||ab|e |n M|ss S|ae's
oom. l|st, you w||| ev|ew ano out||ne t|e ma|n events |n you nove| |n t|e ooe
soec||eo be|ow:
1. Ma|n C|aacte(s) S. Lvent #3
2. Con||ct 6. Lvent #4
3. Lvent #1 /. C||max / 1un|ng lo|nt
4. Lvent #2 8. 8eso|ut|on / Lno|ng

lo eac| oat o you stoy, you must c|oose a song t|at most eoesents t|at event
om t|e nove|, ||st t|e sect|on o |y|cs t|at aoo||es, ano exo|a|n w|y you c|ose t|e song.
See M|ss S|ae's boo| sounotac| o Steo|an|e Meye's nove|, !"#$#%&', o ass|stance.

2. Newspaper Article: C|oose a ma|n event om you nove| ano
w|te a newsoaoe at|c|e about |t, w|tten om t|e oesoect|ve o a eoote. lmag|ne
t|at you |ave been tansooteo |nto you nove| ano ae w|tness|ng t|e events o t|e
|st t|me, w|t|out |now|ng t|e bac|gouno o t|e c|aactes o o|ot. ln you newsoaoe
at|c|e, you w||| o|scuss w|at |aooeneo, w|y you t||n| t||s |aooeneo, ano w|at you
oeo|ct w||| |aooen next. 1llS lS lC1 A lLC1 SbMMA8?! lLLASL SLL MlSS SlAllL8'S
LxAMlLL AlL ASl bLS1lClS ll ?Cb lLLL lLLl vl1l ?Cb8 l8C!LC1!

Ate you |ave w|tten you at|c|e, you must a|so |nc|uoe one aoo|t|ona| oaagao|
exo|a|n|ng w|y you t||n| a news eoote wou|o |nteoet t||s event |n t|e nove| t||s way.

Cnce you |ave w|tten you at|c|e ano eoote exo|anat|on, oaw a o|ctue (o |ave
you |enos ano am||y oess uo as t|e c|aactes ano ta|e t|e| o|ctue) t|at w|||
accomoany you at|c|e on t|e ont oage o t|e newsoaoe.

?ou ent|e boo| ooect must be at |east 3S0 woos. lut you woo count at t|e too o
you ooect ano c|c|e |t.
3. Scene from the Book:
Lo you |||e wo||ng w|t| a gouo` Ae you ove|y oamat|c` 1|en loect #3 may be o

l you ano a |eno ae |n t|e same Lng||s| c|ass ano ae eao|ng t|e same boo| o t|e
t||o s|x wee|s, you may como|ete t||s ooect! ?ou must c|oose a scene om t|e boo|,
w|te you own sc|ot, ano act out a scene om t|e boo| |n ont o you c|ass.

uot| actos must |ave equa| oats |n t|e sc|ot. u|ng |n ooos ano wea a costume to
b|ng you scene o|ect|y |nto you c|assoom!

Aoo|t|ona| 8equ|ements:
! ?ou scene must be at |east 3 m|nutes |ong.
! ?ou scene must |ave at |east two c|aactes. l you wou|o |||e to |ave moe t|an
two c|aactes, you may act as moe t|an one c|aacte |n t|e scene o beg one
o you |enos o you teac|e to be a |e|oe ano act |n you scene, too. le|oes
ae e||g|b|e o exta ceo|t | t|ey |ave t|e| ||nes memo|zeo. "
! ?ou must |ave a|| o you ||nes memo|zeo.
! ?ou MA? lC1 como|ete t||s ooect | you boo| |as a|eaoy been tuneo |nto a

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