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Hosted by Lisa (INSEAD) and Ridham Rahim (Marketing INSEAD)

Age range 23-3

2-! y o" #orking e$%erien&e
No regiona' ()otas
No dominant &)'t)re--*di+ersity,
Singa%ore - 2.. st)dents--*more &'ose'y knitted &omm)nity
/ontaineb'ea) 3.. st)dents0
A')mni +ery im%ortant as "ar as 1ob h)ntingis &on&erned--* ta%%ing into a')mni in a targe ind)stry
is &riti&a' and may 'ed to 'and the desired 1ob0
--* remember to mention &hats #ith %eo%'e in the energy ind)stry and the %ossibi'ity to ta% into
them d)ring the 1ob sear&h0 I may a'so mention that gi+en my 'ang)age ski''s2 I &o)'d targe and )se
the a')mni net#ork in So)th Ameri&a0
3idding system to a%%'y "or &am%)s e$&hange and e'e&ti+es0 Ea&h st)dent is %ro+ided #ith a gi+en
n)mber o" %oints that he m)st )se #ise'y0
4s)a''y2 st)dents tend to es&a%e E)ro%e in #inter0
5he %ro"essors sho#&ase a broad range o" tea&hing sty'es2 "rom &ase-method to 'e&t)res and e+en
ro'e-%'ay (/irst 6.. years)
3e a#are that INSEAD e$%e&ts st)dents to get in+o'+e in so&ia' a&ti+ities--*
678 o" st)dents &arry their &hi'dren
3est 9 to a&t)a' st)dents0
Ho# intense is the %rogramme:
;hat is the %art that yo) en1oyed most:
;hat abo)t yo)r team d)ring the "irst %eriods:
It is im%ortant to demonstrate 'eadershi% %otentia' and the abi'ity to &ontrib)te to INSEAD2 as #e''
as my internationa' moti+ation0
<rodigy Loan2 the a+arege 'oan is 3...=2 b)t it de%ends on ")nds a+ai'abi'ty0
It is high'y re&ommendab'e to seek other a+ai'ab'e so)r&es to ")nd the M3A0
S&ho'arshi%s,,,,, d)ring R2 a%%'i&ation0

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