Verb Patterns

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To express a purpose: They follow a special diet to live longer.
fter certain ver!s: agree" appear" decide" expect" hope" plan" pro#ise" refuse"
would li$e" would prefer" would love%
They&ve decided to exclude ani#al products fro# their diet.
They would li$e to !e vegetarians
fter ad'ectives which descri!es feelings(e#otions )happy" sad%*"
willingness(unwillingness )willing" eager" reluctant%*" refer to a person&s character
)clever" $ind%*and the ad'ectives luc$y and fortunate.
Every!ody was glad to see +eter again.
fter too(enough: ,he isn&t tall enough to reach the cup!oard.
To tal$ a!out an unexpected event" usually with only
I went out only to -nd out it was snowing
.ith it + !e + ad'ectives(noun: It wasn&t easy to -nd good places at this price.
fter !e + -rst(second(next(last%: /ou was the -rst one to see the play.
fter as$" learn" explain" decide" -nd out" want" want to $now + a 0uestion word:
,he hasn&t decided what to do yet
In the expressions to tell you the truth" to !e honest" to su# up" to !egin with
To !e honest" she was no ready.
Note: If two to1in-nitives are lin$ed !y and or or" the to of the second in-nitive
can !e o#itted.
Every!ody wanted to go and en'oy the perfo#ance.
+ ing for#: when you did so#ething and now you re#e#!er it5 after you did sth.
I don t $now how the !urglar got in. I clearly re#e#!er loc$ing the door.
+ to 6 in-nitive: you re#e#!ered that you had to do sth" so you did it5 !efore you did it
I re#e#!ered to loc$ the door !ut I forgot to shut the windows.
+ ing for#: try sth to see if it wor$s or solves the pro!le#
I&ve got a terri!le headache. .hy don&t you try ta$ing a pill8
+ to in-nitive: atte#pt to do" #a$e an e9ort to do sth.
I tried to $eep #y open !ut I couldn t.
+ ing for#: to give up" -nish with sth co#pletely
I stopped s#o$ing two years ago. )I don t do it any#ore*
+ to in-nitive: stop doing what you are doing at the #o#ent in order to do sth else
I was reading a !oo$. The phone started to ring. I stopped to answer it
+ ing for#: sth. needs to !e done a!out sth else )the #eaning is passive*
/oo$ at this roo#. It needs painting.
+ to in-nitive: it is necessary for #e to do it
;e put on weight. ;e needs to ta$e #ore exercise. I need to do the shopping today.
+ ing for#: an i#personal su!'ect" refers to what is involved .
If we catch an early train" it will #ean getting up at <.==.
to in-nitive: to intend
,orry" I #eant to tell you a!out the party.
+ ing for#: I did sth and now I a# sorry a!out it.
I now regret saying what I said.
+ to in-nitive: regret to say(tell(infor# you ? I # sorry I have to say%
I regret to tell you that you have failed the test.
@an !e followed !y to1in-nitives or in-nitive without to
I help her )to* swi# ashore
fter #odal ver!s. I can run.
fter the ver!s: let" #a$e" see" hear" feel 4AT we use to1in-nitives after: !e
#ade" !e heard" !e seen )passive for#s*
The oBcer #ade the driver stop the car
;e was #ade to stop the car
fter had !etter and would rather
They had !etter call a doctor
1 IN> FO23
s a noun: ,peeding is dangerous
fter certain ver!s: ad#it" appreciate"avoid" continue" deny" fancy" go )for
activities*" i#agine" #ind" #iss" 0uit" save" suggest" practise" consider" prevent"
love" li$e" en'oy" prefer" disli$e" hate
@hildren prefer playing outside
fter expressions such as: !e !usy" it&s no use" it&s )no*good" it&s )not* worth"
what&s the use of" can&t help" there&s no point in" can&t stand" have diBculty )in*"
have trou!le%
It&s no use calling hi#. ;e&s not at ho#e
fter spend" waste or lose )ti#e" #oney%*
;e wasted a lot energy -xing the old car
fter the preposition to in loo$ forward to" !e used to" in addition to" o!'ect to"
prefer )doing sth to sth else*
I prefer diving in the open sea to diving in the !ay
fter others prepositions:
There are #any ways of saving ti#e and #oney at ho#e
fter hear" listen to" notice" see" watch" and feel to descri!e an inco#plete action:
I heard #y parents tal$ing to the doctor 4AT to descri!e co#plete action we use
in-nitive without to: I heard #y parents tal$ a!out his health condition )I heard the
whole conversation*

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