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Adapted from 642 Things to Write About

By the San Francisco Writers Grotto

1. What can happen in a second
2. The worst Thanksgiving dish you ever had
3. A houseplant is dying. Tell it why it needs to live.
4. Write Facebook status updates for the year 2017.
5. You are an astronaut. Describe your perfect day.
6. Tell a story that begins with a ransom note.
7. Describe: something you had that was stolen, the long lost roommate, what a character
holding a blue object is thinking right now.
8. Write a scene where the only spoken dialogue is Uh-huh, Umm, Urrrr, or Mm-
9. Tell a complete stranger about a beloved family tradition
10. You have just swallowed your pride and done something you didnt want to do. Your friend
wants to know why. The two of you are driving around an almost-full parking garage looking for
a space for a friends oversize pickup. Write the scene.
11. Pick a small object to be given one day to your great-grandchild. Write a letter to that child
explaining why you have chosen this object.
12. Describe yourself in the third person your physical appearance and personality as
though you were a character in a book.
13. Describe something you wanted badly and, once you got it, never used.
14. Describe an electronic device in the future that you wont know how to operate.
15. Name the trees that stood in the neighborhood where you grew up.
16. Describe the most recent moment when you couldnt think of anything to say. Were you
having a hard time making conversation, or were you simply dumbfounded?
17. Describe five memories-events you remember really well. Then take one of them further.
18. Write a recipe for disaster.
19. Your friend calls to say she saw you in the back of a police car yesterday. What happened?
20. If you had one week to live.
21. The next blockbuster medicine that will be invented and what will happen as a result.
22. What you would run out with if your home caught on fire and why?
23. Describe each person in your family with just one word.
24. Write a scene that begins: Joe was the last person on Earth I expected to do that.
25. The time you were the most terrified-your knees were knocking, your heart was racing, you
could barely stand to be in your own skin.
26. Describe your city one hundred years from now.
27. Write a short story in which you are a villain.
28. Would you rather win the Nobel Peace Prize or be a rock star?
29. What would you be doing if you werent doing this?
30. Write, in ridiculous detail, directions on how to get to your house.
31. You are a midlevel Greek deity, hoping to move up the ranks of Olympus. What are your
powers, and how will you use them to impress Zuess and the others?
32. Youve just realized that youve lost something valuable at the mall (a necklace, a wallet, a
phone_. What happens next?
33. Write about a difficult conversation youve had recently. Then rewrite the conversation,
saying what you couldnt say at the time.
34. Write about the next sound you hear and describe in great detail what caused it.
35. Write from the perspective of a historical figure like Franklin Roosevelt, Marilyn Monroe, or
Jack the Ripper.
36. Describe one of your bad habits and why you secretly get joy out of it.
37. Start a story with the line When I confronted him, he denied that hed ever said it.
38. Your bedroom from the point of view of a stranger forced to occupy it for a week.
39. What your desk thinks about at night.
40. The first time you were worried that you had come off sounding racist and what you said.
41. An email or text that you inadvertently sent to someone who wasnt supposed to see it.
42. Describe your favorite room in your home. Describe your least favorite room in your home.
43. Describe your favorite piece of playground equipment.
44. The person in your life youre most jealous of
45. The one thing you are most ashamed of
46. Find a journal entry that has no energy to it and rewrite it as one lone sentence. Be sure
that the sentence keeps expanding outward, dont worry about it being a run-on, and just let it
47. You are lost in a foreign country. You cant find anyone who speaks English. How do you
react, and how do you find your way?
48. Make a scene with a character exhibiting really bad behavior.
49. Finish the sentence that begins What Ive always wanted to say is
50. What would you buy from the SkyMall catalog? Why?
51. Find a world map or globe, close your eyes, pick a spot. Write about a person arriving there
for the first time.
52. Open your kitchen cabinet. Write a scene incorporating the first three things you see.
53. You are Frankenstein. Write a letter to Mary Shelley thanking her for making your story
54. Begin a letter: I am telling you this story because you are the only person who will not
judge me
55. Things you should throw away but cant.
56. The way the sky looks today. What does it mean to you.
57. One day a young boy climbs a tree and decides he wont come down until his parents stop
their divorce proceedings. Write about the event from the point of view of each parent.
58. Google search your own name. Write about the search result that is closest to your name
but isnt you.
59. You are a customer lying face down on the floor during a bank robbery. Describe the
robbery from this vantage point.
60. Your favorite quote and what it means to you.
61. What was the most recent incident in your life that made you upset?
62. What was the most recent incident tin your life that made you laugh?
63. Describe your best friend.
64. Describe Heaven.
65. Its 2100 and the world is running out of fresh water. Describe a typical day.
66. You wake up in an open field wearing an astronaut suit and lying on a surfboard. What
67. Your dogs last dream
68. Describe one or all of the following; your favorite TV newscasters hair, your favorite jeans,
where will you be exactly one year from this moment, the last time you cheated.
69. How is hand-held technology (i.e., cell phones, iPods) affecting public social behavior and
interaction in the public space? How has it impacted everyday street life and our ability to meet
and deal with strangers?
70. Describe a trip to an amusement park, focusing on the colors, sounds, smells, and tastes of
the day.
71. Youre confined to your bed for three months due to a serious illness. What do you miss,
and whats the first thing youll do once they let you outside?
72. Tell the story of a time you lost an argument.
73. Write a love letter to a person you dislike.
74. What wont you touch with a 10-foot pole? Why?
75. Everyone has a special talent. Whats your special skill?
76. Five ideas for a novel that youll never write.
77. What did you dream about last night?
78. Describe the face of someone you love.
79. A day in the life of a person who sits at your table in English class.
80. Think of a person you despise. Now describe all the wonderful things about this person.
81. How your cat sees the world
82. Everyone was laughing, but you.
83. Write a story based on the title of your favorite song.
84. List two events from your dayhow do you fell about them. If you could change them,
what would you make happen?
85. Write down the interior monologue you experience when you sit down to write.
86. Each member of the San Francisco Giants can request the song that will be playing when he
goes up to bat. Write the lyrics to the song that would be playing when you are up to bat.
87. You walk into your bedroom and discover someone going through your drawers
88. You know the person with whom youre talking is lying. Do you confront him or let him
89. You have a time machine, but it can only go back in time two days. What would you
90. Describe the smell of a place you love.
91. Time magazine just named you Person of the Year. Why?
92. Spin around until you get so dizzy you fall down. Write about the first thought that comes
into your head.
93. Explain what people dont understand about you.
94. Fix the plot of the worst movie youve ever seen.
95. Write the lyrics of a rap song. They must include a cop, a bad arrest, and a dog.
96. Ethan Canin said that he wrote The Accountant (in The Palace Thief) because he wanted
to write a story in which a pair of socks seemed important. Pick and ordinary object. Make it
someones obsession. Write a story about the obsession.
97. You are in a department store in another city, and you see one of your teachers weeping.
Write the scene.
98. Five things you see out the nearest windowwith as much detail as possible.
99. Re-create your earliest childhood memory.
100. James Joyce said that a mans errors are his portals of discovery. What mistakes have led
to epiphanies for you?
101. Where do you go to escape?
102. Write about what you are worrying about right now.
103. Through a freak illness, you lose one of your senses. Which sense is it, what happens to
you, an dhow do you deal with it?
104. Put your iPod on random shuffle, write down the lyric of the first song that comes on, and
use it as an opening line.
105. Choose a family story for which you were not present. Choose the narrator of the piece
(your mother, your older brother, your great-great-great aunt) and writ e the event in his or her
106. A lie you told and got away with.
107. Create an imaginary friend (human or not).
108. Describe in detail an everyday object a piece of fruit, a water bottle, or your beat-up old
109. Imagine yourself at age eight. What would you tell yourself?
110. Imagine yourself at age eighty. What would you tell yourself?
111. What is public and what is private? What should be public and what should be private?
What do these terms mean now?
112. Write ten sayings for fortune cookies.
113. Sitting in a single location for 20 minutes, take notes focusing exclusively on the sounds
you can hear.
114. A time you made someone cry. A time someone made you cry.

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