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Ewing Township Environmental Commission

7 to 9 pm Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Municipal Complex, 2 Jake Garzio Drive

I. Call to Order - Open Public Meetings Statement

The notice requirements provided for in the Open Public Meetings Act have been satisfied. The
Ewing Township Council properly gave notice of this meeting in the resolution on January 1,
2009, which was transmitted to the Times of Trenton and the Trentonian, filed with the Clerk of
the Ewing Township and posted in the Ewing Township Municipal Complex, on January 2, 2009.

II & III. Roll Call & Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes –Scott finale and Hal
IV. Anchoring 3 ANJEC Workshop(s) Earned by Lisa – Pete, Lee, John
Prioritize; e.g. recycling, selling ET open space assessment, revising the ERI

V. Replacing Scott & Lisa– Pete et al.

Hal Rapp moves up to Regular Member, Mayor made aware 12/7 of 2 alternate vacancies.
Check officer interest pre-Jan election; Sec’y, PB Rep, Vice Chair, Chair.
Confirm that no one’s term is expiring so no swear-ins needed save new Alternates?

VI. Statements/Comments from the public on items on the agenda.

Possible EEC candidate(s) need to write letter of interest to Mayor Ball and enclose CV/Resume’
We encourage participation in our meetings. A member of the public may use five minutes for
specific remarks and questions, unless otherwise engaged in a dialogue with a member of the
Commission. The Chairperson must authorize further remarks or questions.

VII. Progress & action plans on:

John & Pete: GT 12/2 gen’l mtg, 12/3 alt e team mtg & 12/7 Mayor mtg outcomes
Ann, Lee, Pete: Tree & Stormwater Ordinances & invasives latest.

VIII. Reports of Committees and Special Events

A. Hal M: Planning Bd & Site Rev.
B. Helaine & Hal; report on 11/18-19 Water Monitoring Cf @ EcoComplex Columbus

IX. Correspondence and Communications –Scott or Hal

X. Additional Old Business/New Business
XI. Statements/Comments from public on items not listed on the agenda
XII. Adjourn to Freddie’s Dutch Treat Holiday Social – all

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