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Course Overview:

This class will cover Ancient World History. The course is designed to meet the CA Social
Studies Content Standards for 7th grade. This course will incorporate technology, historical
movies, and lmmaking. Therefore, it is important that look over the permission slips included in
this syllabus carefully.
My goal is to create a safe and structured learning environment for all students. I expect all
students to be involved in their own education and to take pride in succeeding. In this class you
will not only be expected to learn the necessary material but learn to manage yourself. I hope to
empower you with the necessary tools to succeed in any future endeavor you may tackle.
Behavior Expectations:
1. Attendance and punctuality are mandatory. Be in class and seated quietly by the bell.
2. Bring the the necessary materials to class everyday. (See list below)
3. Complete homework before each class.
4. Late work will be accepted for HALF credit.
5. It is your responsibility to nd out what you missed while you were absent. You can call or
email a friend, or email Ms. Stewart.
6. WHEN and IF electronics are going to be used in class, it should be considered a privilege
not a right. You must obey all the rules and conditions or you will not be allowed to use
technology in my class.
7. RESPECTFUL verbal and non-verbal communication is expected at all times.
Daily Supplies Needed For Class Assessment Methods:
3 Ring Binder Homework and Classwork
White Lined Paper Projects
Pen and/or Pencil Tests/Quizzes
4GB Flash Drive Class Participation and Behavior
It is my objective to have a successful school year for your child. If you ever have concerns or
questions, please feel free to email me at:
*When you email me, please write your childs name and period number in the subject line.
Bookmark our Class WEBSITE
Ms. Stewarts 7th Grade History Syllabus
I have read and understood the Syllabus. I will be an active participant in my childs education
through open communication and making sure they have the necessary supplies.
Student Name ___________________________________________ Period # _______
Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________________
Email Address ____________________________________
Current Telephone Number _______________________________
Please sign next to each policy to ensure you understand and/or give
permission to the following.
MOVIE PERMISSION _______________________ Signature
During appropriate units, historical movies (or excerpts of) are shown. Please indicate below if
your son/daughter has permission to view these movies in class. Some of these movies may be
rated PG13 or R. Check the appropriate box on the line provided. Your signature indicates
consent to view all films shown in History class.
! I give permission for my child to view movies in class
! I do not give my permission for my child to view movies in class. I am aware my child will
be given an alternate assignment.
CHEATING POLICY _______________________ Signature
There is a zero tolerance for cheating. Students caught cheating will be given an automatic zero
on the assignment, project, quiz or test. The student will also receive a U in cooperation.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying someone elses work, lending your work,
notes and homework to another student, and lending knowledge of a test/quiz to another
student. Dont risk your grade and integrity for a few points.
ELECTRONICS POLICY ___________________ Signature
There may be times when students will be permitted to use an iTouch, iPhone, or other smart
phone for class. The use of this technology can include, but is not limited to, filming video,
taking pictures, and connecting to the internet for research. Any student caught abusing this
privilege by accessing things they shouldnt, playing games, listening to music, etc., will have
this privilege revoked. It is also the responsibility of the student to keep their electronics safe, it
will not be the fault of the school if electronics are broken, lost, or stolen. Students are NOT
required to have these electronics, but if they do then there MAY be times when they can use
them in class.
Ms. Stewarts 7th Grade History Syllabus

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