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to make decisions that are made at the time of speaking

to state a fact about the future
to make a promise
to make a prediction
with words like I think, I guess, I hope, probably, possiblyBE GOING TO
a future event that has been planned before the time of speaking
to make a future prediction based on facts / evidence
Fill in the blanks with the words into brackets using will or be
going to.
My brother will be (be) 45 in ctober!
" #he phone is ringing and I$m in the shower%
" &on$t worry Mark, I will answer (answer) for you!
'ames 'ones be going to (probably / become) the ne(t )resident!
Mum is unemployed but she isn$t going to (not / apply) for that *ob because it isn$t
I$m so e(cited% +e be going to (move) to a bigger house ne(t month!
My parents will be (be) very proud, I have passed all the e(ams!
I think my sister will pass (pass) the e(am, she has studied very hard so far!
I am going to take (take) the kids to the mountains this winter!
#here isn$t any milk left in the fridge
" I know, I$m going to do(do) the shopping this afternoon!
#here isn$t any milk left in the fridge
" h sorry%, I will give (give) you some *uice instead!
,ook at the clouds, it going to rain (rain)- you should take an umbrella%
#here$s a knock at the door- that will be (be) the postman!
.oys will be (be) boys%
+hen the cat is away, the mice will play (play)
I$m not feeling well, I$am going faint (faint)!
It$s //011pm- I think I will go (go) to bed now!
2he is going to meet (meet) them at 3011pm!
#hat will be (be) the book you are looking for!
#here will be (be) a gale!
2ally is a big girl now, we as going to buy (buy) her a scooter!

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