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Mini-Mental Status Examination

Task and Questions Maximum Score

1. Ask the patient: What year, season, date, day, and month is it?
2. Ask the patient: What state, country, town, hospital, and floor are
we in or on?
(1 for each correct
1. Ask the patient to name o!"ects, repeat them aloud to the
patient, and ask the patient to say them a#ain.
2. $f the patient cannot recall the o!"ects, repeat them !ack until
the patient learns all . %ount the num!er of trials and record:

(1 for each correct

Attention and calculation
1. 'a(e the patient recite serial )s, to 5.
2. Alternati(ely, ha(e the spell *world+ !ackward.
(1 for each correct
Ask the patient to name the o!"ects from the re#istration task.

(1 for each correct

1. ,how the patient a pencil and a watch and ask what they are.
2. ,ay *-o ifs, ands, or !uts. and ask the patient to repeat it.
. Ask the patient to follow a /sta#e command: .0ake a piece of
paper in your ri#ht hand, fold it in half, and put it on the floor..
1. Ask the patient to follow sin#le commands: *%lose your eyes,+
*Write a sentence,+ and *copy this desi#n+ (after showin# the
patient a desi#n of intersectin# penta#ons).
(1 for each correct
-ote.3 A score of 425 indicates dementia. 6atients with the !eni#n for#etfulness of
senility #enerally ha(e a score of 725. 8enerally, any score less than 21 is considered
a!normal, !ut the cutoff (aries with the patient9s le(el of education. :ecause the results
for this test can (ary o(er time, and for some people results can (ary durin# the day,
record when (ie, the time and date) this test was performed. Also assess the patient9s
le(el of consciousness alon# a continuum: alert, drowsy, stuporous, comatose.

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