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Business Intensive Program

Professional Writing: Business Letter Template

Hiromasa Hirano
August 10, 2014
Mr. Stephen Delaney
Engineering Manager
Belcan Corporation
10200 Anerson !ay
Cincinnati, "H 4#242
Dear Mr. Delaney$
!hen % &as loo'ing (or a )o* relate to a +uel Cell Engineering, % (oun this opportunity on the
internet$ % (elt % &oul *e an e,cellent match (or your Automoti-e +uel Cell
.echnician position.
%n my ma)or in mechanical engineering at /yushu 0ni-ersity in 1apan, % ha-e emonstrate
strong acaemic per(ormance in all engineering courses incluing the strength o( materials, (lui
ynamics, thermoynamics, an electrical engineering, maintaining a 2.3 45A. %n particular, the
courses % ha-e complete ha-e gi-en me a soli (ounation o( the Automoti-e +uel Cell
Engineering *ecause % ha-e researche an e-elope (uel cells (or 2 years in a la*oratory at
/yusyu 0ni-ersity. % ha-e a pro-en a*ility to learn challenging concepts 6uic'ly an ha-e
e-elope competencies in i-erse areas, incluing$
Synthesi7ing alloys *y Arc Melting Metho
Composition analysis *y SEM 8Scanning Electron Microscope9 o*ser-ation
:;ray i((raction<=eutron i((raction analysis
>iet-el analysis
%n aition, % *ring to the ta*le a-ance computer s'ills$ e,pertise in the Microso(t "((ice Suite
o( proucts.
% am impresse *y Belcan?s attitue to help people succee *y eli-ering high per(ormance
engineering solutions, an % &oul -ery much li'e to *e part o( such a truste engineering
company to contri*ute to society.
.he enclose resume pro-ies more etails o( my s'ills an achie-ement trac' recor. %( you
agree that % &oul ma'e a -alua*le aition to your team, please (eel (ree to call me at 82@392@@;
1A03 or email me at .han' you (or your time espite your *usy
scheule. % am loo'ing (or&ar to spea'ing to you.
Hiromasa Hirano
Enclosure$ >esume
University of Pennsylvania | English Language Programs | Business Intensive Program

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