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Fluid Machinery
3 credit hour 3 credit hour
Course teachers
Prof. Mohammad Ali (2 credit hours)
Prof. Mahbubur Razzaque(1 credit hour)
Types of fluid machinery; Rotodynamic and positive
displacement machines; Velocity diagrams and Euler displacement machines; Velocity diagrams and Euler
pump/turbineequation; Impulseandreactionturbines;
Centrifugal andaxial flowpumps; Deepwell turbinepumps; Centrifugal andaxial flowpumps; Deepwell turbinepumps;
Dimensional analysis applied to fluid machinery: specific
speed, unit power, unit speed, unit discharge; Performanceand
characteristics of turbines and pumps; Design of pumps;
Cavitation; Reciprocatingpump, gear andscrewpumps; Fans, Cavitation; Reciprocatingpump, gear andscrewpumps; Fans,
Hydraulic transmission: fluid coupling and torque converter; Hydraulic transmission: fluid coupling and torque converter;
Systemanalysisandselectionof fluidmachine.
Fluid Machinery: Turbomachines
Thepurposeof this courseis to makeelementary engineering
estimatesof theperformanceof fluidmachines. estimatesof theperformanceof fluidmachines.
The emphasis will be upon nearly incompressible flow, i.e.,
liquidsor lowvelocitygases liquidsor low-velocitygases.
Basic flow principles are discussed, but not the detailed
constructionof themachine.
Turbomachines divide naturally into those which add energy u bo ac es dv de atu a y to t ose w c add e egy
(pumps) andthosewhichextract energy (turbines). Theprefix
turbo- is aLatin word meaning "spin" or "whirl, appropriate
for rotatingdevices for rotatingdevices.
Machines which deliver liquids aresimply called pumps, but
if gases are involved, three different terms are in use, if gases are involved, three different terms are in use,
If thepressureriseis very small (afewinches of water) agas If thepressureriseis very small (afewinches of water), agas
pumpiscalledafan; upto1atm, it isusually calledablower,
andabove1atmit iscommonlytermedacompressor.
There are two basic types of pumps: positive-displacement
and dynamic or momentum change pumps. ddy c o o e u c ge pu ps.
There are several billion of each type in use in the world today.
Positive-displacemcnt pumps
Positive-displacemcnt pumps force the fluid along by volume
changes. A cavity opens, and thefluid is admitted through an changes. A cavity opens, and thefluid is admitted through an
inlet. Thecavity thencloses, andthefluidis squeezedthrough
an outlet. Ex: Reciprocating pumps, Vane pumps, Screw
pumps Gear pumps etc pumps, Gear pumps, etc.
Thesepumps deliver apulsatingor periodic flowas thecavity
volume opens, traps and squeezes the fluid. Their great
advantage is the delivery of any fluid regardless of the
viscosity. viscosity.
They develop immensepressureif theoutlet is shut down for
any reason Complete shut down will damage thepump if no any reason. Complete shut down will damage thepump if no
pressurerelief valveisused.
Positive-displacemcnt pumps
Schematic diagrams of (a) reciprocating plunger pump
(b) External gear pump (c) Double screw pump (d) Vane pump
Dynamic pumps
fast-movingblades or vanes or certainspecial designs. Thereis
noclosedvolume: Thefluidincreasesmomentumwhilemoving noclosedvolume: Thefluidincreasesmomentumwhilemoving
pressureincreasebyexitingintoadiffuser section.
A. Rotary
Centrifugal or radial flow, Axial flow, Mixedflow
B. Special designs
J et pump or ejector, Electromagnetic pumps for liquid J et pump or ejector, Electromagnetic pumps for liquid
metals, Fluid-actuated: gas-lift or hydraulic-ram
We shall focus on the rotary designs sometimes called We shall focus on the rotary designs, sometimes called
Rotodynamic pumps.
Dynamic pumps
Dynamic pumps generally provideahigher flowratethan the
positive displacement pumps (PDPs) and a much steadier positive displacement pumps (PDPs) and a much steadier
dischargebut areineffectiveinhandlinghigh-viscosityliquids.
Cutaway schematic
of a
centrifugal pump
Dynamic pumps also generally need priming; i.e., if they are
filled with gas they cannot suck liquid frombelow into their filled with gas, they cannot suck liquid frombelow into their
inlet. ThePDP, ontheother hand, isusuallyself-priming.
Dynamic pumps Vs. PDPs
A dynamic pump can provide very high flow rates (up to
300,000 gal/min) but usually with moderate pressure rises (a , g / ) bu usu y w ode e p essu e ses (
few atmospheres). In contrast, a PDP can operate up to very
highpressures (300atm) but typically produces lowflowrates
(100gal/min) (100gal/min).
Comparison of
erformance performance
(p versus Q) (p versus Q)
At constant shaft rotation speed, the PDP produces nearly
constant flow rate and virtually unlimited pressure rise, with
littleeffect of viscosity Theflowrateof aPDPcannot be little effect of viscosity. The flow rate of a PDP cannot be
varied except by changing the displacement or the speed.
Th d i b id i The dynamic pump, by contrast provides a continuous
variation of performance, from near-maximum pat zero flow
(shutoff condition) to zero pat maximum flow rate. High- ( ) p g
viscosity fluids sharply degrade the performance of a dynamic
Centrifugal Pumps
A centrifugal pumpconsistsof twoprincipal parts: animpeller,
which imparts a rotary motion to the liquid, and the pump
housing, or casing, which directs the liquid into the impeller
regionandtransportsit awayunder ahigher pressure.
In atypical single-suction radial flow centrifugal pump, the
impeller is mounted on a shaft and is often driven by an impeller is mounted on a shaft and is often driven by an
electric motor. The casing includes the suction and discharge
nozzlesandhousestheimpeller assembly.
Centrifugal Pumps
Th ti f th i di th i ll i t d th The portion of the casing surrounding the impeller is termed the
volute. Liquidenters through thesuctionnozzleto theimpeller eye
andtravels alongtheshroud, developingarotary motiondueto the
i ll It l th l t i i h ll t hi h impeller vanes. It leaves the volute casing peripherally at a higher
Some singlesuction impellers are open with the front shroud Some single-suction impellers are open, with the front shroud
removed. Double-suction impellers have liquid entering fromboth
In a radial-flow pump, the impeller vanes are commonly curved
backwardandtheimpeller isrelativelynarrow.
Centrifugal Pumps
As theimpeller becomes wider, thevanes haveadoublecurvature,
becoming twisted at the suction end. Such pumps convey liquids
with a lower-pressure rise than radial-flow pumps and are called with a lower pressure rise than radial flow pumps and are called
mixed-flow pumps.
At theoppositeextremefromtheradial-flowpumpis theaxial-flow
pump; it is characterized by the flow entering and leaving the
impeller regionaxially, parallel totheshaft axis. Typically, anaxial-
flow pump deliversliquidwitharelativelylowpressurerise.
For axial-flow pumps and some mixed-flow pumps, the impellers
areopen; that is, thereisnoshroudsurroundingthem. Various
typesof impellersareshowninFigure122 typesof impellersareshowninFigure12.2.

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