Sas U S History Course Syllabus 2014-15

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SAS Course Syllabus 1

Mr. Simily
Grade SAS U.S. History
Woodland Hills Academy
(818) 226-2900

Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to an exciting year of United States History. This class will include an in depth
study and exploration of U.S. History covering the time period from Colonization through
Reconstruction. There will be
additional focus on geography and
relevant current events in the world.

ATTENDANCE: Attendance is
essential to the learning process. You
cannot expect to succeed if you do not
participate in the daily activities of the
class. Make-up work is the sole
responsibility of the student. Students
are to inquire about make-up work
immediately upon their return from an
EXCUSED absence. The number of
days allowed to make up work is equal to the number of days absent.

TARDIES: Students are expected to be in their assigned seat and ready to work when the bell
starts to ring. Students will lose one participation point for each tardy. Students who are tardy
three or more times in a semester will receive an unsatisfactory in work habits on their report

1. Bring the following material to class everyday:
textbook, notebook, lined paper, two blue or black
pens, two pencils, glue stick, and a set of colored
pencils. Students will not be permitted to retrieve
items from their locker during class.
2. Be attentive when the teacher, or a classmate, is
3. No swearing or teasing.
4. No unauthorized food, gum, or drinks.
5. No makeup or accessories.
6. Follow all school rules.

GRADING: Each student will receive points for tests, quizzes, essays, projects, classwork,
homework, and participation. All work should be kept in the Interactive Notebook. Do not throw
any work away. Grades will be posted on the LAUSD PASSport website:

SAS Course Syllabus 2
The grades will be weighted as follows:

Tests / Quizzes 50% of total course grade
Essays / Projects 25% of total course grade
Homework / Classwork 10% of total course grade
Notebook 10% of total course grade
Participation 5% of total course grade

The grading scale will be as follows:

A 90-100% of points possible.
B 80-89% of points possible.
C 70-79% of points possible.
D 60-69% of points possible.
F 0-59% of points possible.

Excellent = 0-1 incomplete, late, or missing assignments
Satisfactory = 2-3 incomplete, late, or missing assignments
Unsatisfactory = 4 or more incomplete, late, or missing assignments

PARTICIPAITON: Students will receive three participation points per week providing that they
follow all class rules (see page one of syllabus). Failure to follow the class rules will result in a
loss of one participation point for each infraction.

ASSIGNMENTS: All Assignments are to be completed and turned in on time. Assignments
turned in after the due date are LATE and will be awarded only partial credit. All late work is
due two weeks prior to the end of a grading
period. Late work will be accepted for that
grading period only. Assignments and general
announcements will be posted on the class website

required to maintain a U.S. History Interactive
Notebook. Maintaining the notebook will count
towards the students academic grade. Please see
the U.S. History Interactive Notebook Guidelines
and Interactive Notebook Rubric for additional

TESTS & QUIZZES: Only those students with
excused absences can take make-ups for tests and

Please call (818) 226-2900 if you have any
questions or if you would like to schedule a
parent conference. In addition, you can
contact me via email at

SAS Course Syllabus 3

I have read the course syllabus for Mr. Similys class.

Students name (please print) ________________________

Student signature ____________________________ date_______________

Parent/Guardian signature _________________________ date___________

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