Avid Course Syllabus 2014-15

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Woodland Hills Academy
(818) 226-2900
Email: bws9411@lausd.net
Course Syllabus
Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to an exciting year of AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination).
AVID is an elective class offered to students who would like to prepare for four-year colleges and
universities. Students must have satisfactory work habits and cooperation marks in addition to
good attendance. Students must also maintain a minimum 2.0 G.P.A. and be motivated to work
towards college eligibility.

The AVID elective class is composed of several different elements, making students more
successful in all of their classes. The week is divided into curriculum days, tutorial days, and
motivational activity days. The two days devoted to curriculum focuses on the WICO-R
methodologies of AVID: Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading. Aside
from WICO-R, the curricular days also develop students note taking and study skills, while also
teaching time management and goal setting. Students participate in weekly collaborative tutorial
groups with classmates and college tutors wherein tutors provide content area support in English,
math, social studies, and science.


1. Bring all required materials to each class meeting (see page two for list of required
2. Be attentive when the teacher, or a classmate, is talking.
3. No swearing or teasing.
4. TARDIES: Students are expected to be in their assigned seat and ready to work when the
bell starts to ring. Students will lose one participation point for each tardy. Students who
are tardy three or more times in a semester will receive an unsatisfactory in work habits on
their report card.
5. No unauthorized food, gum, or drinks.
6. No makeup or accessories.
7. No electronic devices (IPODS, cell phones, PSPs, etc.)
8. Follow all school rules.

GRADING: Each student will receive points for their tutorial work, essays, projects, classwork,
homework, notebook, and participation. All work should be kept in the Interactive Notebook.
Do not throw any work away. Grades will be posted on the LAUSD PASSport website:

The grades will be weighted as follows:

Essays / Projects 35% of total course grade
Tutorials 35% of total course grade
Notebook / Binder 15% of total course grade
Classwork / Homework 10% of total course grade
Participation 5% of total course grade
The grading scale will be as follows:

A 90-100% of points possible.
B 80-89% of points possible.
C 70-79% of points possible.
D 60-69% of points possible.
F 0-59% of points possible.

Excellent = 0-1 incomplete, late, or missing assignments
Satisfactory = 2-3 incomplete, late, or missing assignments
Unsatisfactory = 4 or more incomplete, late, or missing assignments

PARTICIPAITON: Students will receive three participation points per week providing that they
follow all class rules (see page one of syllabus). Failure to follow the class rules will result in a
loss of one participation point for each infraction.

ABSENCES: Students are to inquire about make-up work immediately upon their return from an
EXCUSED absence. The number of days allowed to make up work is equal to the number of
days absent.

Required Materials:

Please make sure to have these materials with you in class on a daily basis:
Spiral Notebook--- single subject, 8 by 11 paper, approximately 150 pages, for AVID
Class only!
Notebooks or course work for academic classes on tutorial days
One or more trapper pouches to hold papers without holes
two pencils and two blue or black ink pens
Roll of invisible tape or glue stick
colored pencils (No Markers!)
Loose leaf lined paper
Personal pencil sharpener

What can parents do to Support AVI D Students?

Parents can check the LAUSD PASSport website to view current grades for their student in their
classes. (passport.lausd.net) Additionally, homework assignments and general announcements
will be posted on the class website whasimily.weebly.com
At home, parents can see to it that students are doing their homework in a quiet place with few
interruptions. By asking your student about his/her day, and inquiring about homework and
events of school, you will bridge what could be a great gap between his/her school life and home
life. When the two are connected, successes increase. In addition, stressing your belief that your
student can be succeed in school and attend college will also motivate your child to work harder
and achieve more. For more information about AVID please visit www.avid.org

I am looking forward to working with you this year. Please feel free to contact me by phone at
(818) 226-2900 if you have any questions or would like to schedule a parent conference. In
addition, you can contact me via email at bws9411@lausd.net

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