Minutes of The 76th CSMC Held On 28.8.09

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Government of India

Ministry of Urban Development

New Delhi, dated the 16th September, 2009

Office Memorandum

Subject: Minutes of the 76th meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) under UIG
of JNNURM held on 28th August, 2009

A copy of the minutes of 76th meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee
(CSMC) of the Sub Mission on Urban Infrastructure and Governance under Jawaharlal Nehru
National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) held on 28th September, 2009 under the
Chairmanship of Secretary (UD), Govt. of India is forwarded herewith for necessary action.

(S. K. Sarkar)

Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Tel. 23063217



1. Dr. M. Ramachandran, Secretary (UD), Ministry of Urban Development- Chairman, CSMC

2. Ms. Kiran Dhingra, Secretary, M/o Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Nirman Bhawan, New

3. Mrs. Sushma Nath, Secretary, Department of Expenditure, M/o Finance, North Block, New Delhi.

4. Shri Vijai Sharma, Secretary, M/o Environment & Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

5. Shri K.M. Acharya, Secretary, M/o Social Justice and Empowerment, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.

6. Shri Harish Chandra, Advisor (HUD), Planning Commission, Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi.

7. Dr. R. K. Vats, Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of
Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

8. Shri P.K. Srivastava, Joint Secretary & Mission Director (JNNURM), Ministry of Urban
Development, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

9. Shri J.B. Kshirsagar, Chief Planner, Town and Country Planning Organisation, I.P. Estate, New

10. Advisor, Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organisation, M/o Urban
Development, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.

11. Shri K.L. Dhingra, Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Housing and Urban Development
Corporation (HUDCO), India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

Copy to:

1. Shri Ramesh Ramanathan, Founder, National Technical Advisor, Janaagraha Centre for
Citizenship & Democracy,4th floor, UNI Building, Thimmaiah Road, Bangalore (fax : 080

2. Shri K.C. Sivaramakrishnan, Member, TAG, 24, Aradhana Enclave, Sector-13, R.K. Puram, New

3. Prof. O.P. Mathur, Member, TAG, NIPFP, 18/2 Satsang Vihar Marg, Special Institutional Area
New Delhi (fax : 26852548)

4. Shri M.P. Vasimalai, Member, TAG and Executive Director, DHAN Foundation, 18, Pillayar Kovil
Street, S.S. Colony, Madurai-625010

5. Smt. Sheela Patel, Member, TAG and Director, Society for the Promotion of Area Resource
Centre, 52, Miami Bhula Bhai Desai Road, Mumbai-400026 (Fax : 022 23887566)

6. Prof. R.V. Rama Rao, Member, TAG, Chief Project Coordinator, Institute of Development &
Planning Studies (IDPS), Visakhapatnam (Fax: 0891-2573294)

7. Mrs. Aditi S. Ray, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Urban Development, Nirman Bhawan, New

8. Shri Ameising Luikham, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Minority Affairs, 11th Floor Paryabharan
Bhavan, CGO Complex, New Delhi

9. Shri S.K. Lohia, OSD (MRTS), M/o Urban Development, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

10. Shri Yogesh Sharma, Director, M/o Environment and Forests, CGO Complex, New Delhi.

11. Shri P.K. Monga, Director (PF-I), Department of Expenditure, North Block, New Delhi.

12. Shri S. L. Jain Directo(CSO), CPWD, Min. of Urban Development

13. Shri Chetan Vaidya, Director, NIUA, Zone IV B, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi

14. Dr. Chary Vedala, Professor, Administrative Staff College of India, Andhra Pradesh

15. Shri Cherian Thomas, Senior Director, Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd. (IDFC
Ltd.), 6th Floor, The Capital Court, Olof Palme Marg, Munirka, New Delhi - 110067

16. Shri B.S. Chauhan, Addl. Director General, PIB, Room No. 103-B, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

State Governments / Cities

1.Shri Saraswati Prasad, Secretary (UD), Government of Assam, Dispur, Assam-781005

2.Ms. Pushpa Subramaniyam, Principal Secretary (UD & MA), Government of Andhra Pradesh,

3.Mrs. Gauri Kumar, Principal secretary(UD & Housing), Government of Gujarat, New Sachivalaya
Complex, Gandhi Nagar-382010

4.Shri Niranjan Mardi, Principal Secretary, Municipal Administration & water Supply Department,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Chennai-600009

5.Shri Manu Kumar Srivastava, Principal Secretary (UD), Government of Maharashtra

6.Principal Secretary (UD & MA), Government of West Bengal, Kolkata

7.Shri Vivek Bhardwaj , CEO, KMDA, West Bengal, Kolkata

8.Mr. Norman Putsure, Principal Secretary (UD), Civil Secretariat, Kohima-797001

9.Shri Anup Wadhawan, Secretary, Urban Development Department, Govt. of Uttarakahand

Copy to:

1. PS to UDM

2. Dir (NURM-III)

3. Dir ( NURM-I)


5. Team Leader, Technical Cell

F.No. K-14012/2(76)/2006-NURM-III
Ministry of Urban Development
JNNURM Directorate

Minutes of the 76 t h CSMC held on 28.8.2009 under the

Chairmanship of Secretary (UD)

The 76 t h CSMC was held on 28.8.2009 under Chairmanship of

Secretary (UD), Government of India. The list of participants is

The following proposals were taken up by the CSMC:

A. New Projects

Tamil Nadu:

1. Coimbatore: Construction of storm water drainage system

in the Coimbatore city in the Municipal Corporation
(Presentation made by the ULB is at Annexure I)

The ULB submitted that Coimbatore city is experiencing
flooding during the monsoon period, causing considerable damage
to the existing infrastructure and properties due to water logging
and inundation. The Corporation area has been divided into 112
drainage sub-zones based on outfall points. The proposed project
will cover 33 problematic and vulnerable zones after discussions
with elected representatives and CTAG members. Integration of
these zones has been designed such a way to facilitate storm water
runoffs from each zone to be disposed into nearest natural drain.
About 25% of the existing drains are found to be capable of
carrying the storm water runoffs. The existing storm water drains
are not in regular shape, and are of earthen channels for some
lengths, needing up gradation.

The total existing road length of the Corporation area is 1150

km, and the overall drain length of 2281 km has been considered
for hydraulic network design by the Corporation.
Chairman, CSMC enquired whether the State Govt. would bear
the cost over and above the Central share, as the available balance
for the city under additional allocation is only Rs.90 cr. The
Commissioner, Coimbatore indicated that the city can redesign the
project to bring down the cost to match with available Central
assistance of Rs 90 cr., and the remaining works can be taken up in
the second phase.

CPHEEO indicated that Phase-I of the project is crucial. The

proposed project has several catchments, and the project can be
redesigned by deleting catchments, for Zone No.-102 to reduce the
cost to Rs. 180 cr. and ACA committed to Rs. 90 cr. The remaining
catchments can be taken up in 2 n d phase. Clarifying the need of the
project, the city stated that storm water drains cover only in 35%
area of the city. The project has been designed after proper survey
and analysis of rainfall data from IMD, Pune and Chennai and zones
have been delineated as per natural drains. Storm water drained
out during rains would be used for recharging of water bodies and
ground water through the 8 water bodies proposed in the CDP for
recharging as 5 to 6 months in a year rainfall is received on a
regular basis. The project will accrue benefits to around 4.08 lakhs
people, including 37,500 urban poor and 66,500 minorities. Some of
the wards have a sizeable minority population. Entire slums
encroached on these drains at present will be rehabilitated under
BSUP with 9000 houses will under the project in which 3000 homes

are under construction in 50 acres land wherein existing slum
population will be shifted into.

Mission Director observed that there should not be delay in

the execution of the project and construction of BSUP houses.
Municipal Commissioner stated that encroachment removal will not
be a problem and biometric survey has been completed for
rehabilitation of slum population. The city indicated that Rs.19 cr.
has been provided under the current year budget towards the ULB
share against Rs. 68 crore needed for the project and TUFIDCO loan
will be taken for the rest of the amount and the project will be
started immediately after the approval i.e. issue of minutes of the
CSMC meeting. The project will be implemented in 18 months, and
all administrative clearance will be obtained within 45 days. The
annual O&M expenditure of Rs. 55.12 lakhs will be met by the
corporation from within its own expenditure.

The ULB informed that out of 7 projects sanctioned under

JNNURM, tenders have been issued in respect of all projects, and
3 have claimed second installments. All packages have been
started in respect of water supply projects. Some of the projects
have been delayed due to elections and a number of bye-elections
in the State.
Ministry of Environment & Forests enquired from the city
whether the proposed project will improve the frequent inundation
by the river. The State confirmed that the present project will
improve the situation.

The CSMC approved the project subject to CPHEEO’s observations

and condition that project would be completed in 18 months from
October 2009 for a total cost of Rs.18000 lakhs and Central
assistance of Rs.9000 lakhs as detailed below:
(Rs. in Lakhs)

Mission City/
*Project Project Title/name
is against additional Project
allocation Central
for city Install-
as per Planning
State Cost Share ment

(25% of Central Share) to be


1.Coimbatore, Storm Water Drainage 22675.00 9000.00* 2250.00

Tamil Nadu System in the
Coimbatore City (capped) (1st inst.)
Municipal Corporation

2. Guwahati : Storm Water Drainage for Bahini and Noonmati

(Presentation made by the ULB is at Annexure-II)

Presenting the project, the ULB stated that Bahini river is the
major primary drain responsible for carrying entire basins runoff. It
has a catchment area of 16.83 sq. km., whereas the Noonmati basin
at North Eastern part of South Guwahati, has a catchment area of
12.5 sq. km. The main Guwahati city and the business districts are
located on the banks of River Bharalu. The floods are accentuated
due to erroneously constructed and connected drains and absence
of flood walls has reduced the flood absorbing capacity of the river
Bharalu, causing floods and water logging during the monsoon
period. Most of the existing drains of basins are not connected to
final outfalls and there is heavy siltation due to hill area catchment.

To eliminate the problems the ULB has proposed to implement

the project in view of strengthening and providing comprehensive
plan of the two basins in South Guwahati, Bharalu and Noonmati
drainage system that have outfall into Brahmaputra River to solve
water logging by constructing new RCC drains, rehabilitation of
existing drains, diversions of excess runoff from the major drains,
establishment of silts cum grits traps at the foot hills. State Govt.
of Assam has taken up 2 other smaller basins for Rs. 60 crores
project and the basins now remaining for Guwahati city would be
funded either by State Govt. or taken up under JNNURM.

CPHEEO informed that certain drainage projects have been

approved under NRCD. In response to a query by Secretary (UD)
the State informed that the proposed drainage project will divert
about 70 cumecs of water to decongest river Bharalu. The State
further clarified that due to inadequacy in the existing drainage
most of the water coming from the hills entered the roads causing
floods. The project will use modern technology and innovative
solutions to treat the water coming from the hills by erecting speed
breakers before water flow to the river to deposit the silt. The
sediment, sand and silt accumulating at the speed breakers can be
used for other purposes, like construction work, manure etc.

Rive Baharalu is at 48 to 49 m levels at Central/Old Guwahati
part while width of Brahmaputra North is 5 Km and near city is 800
m which is constricted to 500 m further where Bharalu discharges
leading to flooding in the city. To present this it is proposed to have
a diversion channel along Bahini Road and along VIP Road into
Citzapur water body and then to main River. Another diversion at
Bahini basin which would result in silt deposits not occurring in
Bharalu River. Both these diversions would result into diversion of
70 cumecs and net remaining would be 83 cumecs making the flood
level now at 47.5 and all low lying areas which get inundated now
for 15 to 20 days at a stretch will now be in elevated status.

The project will accrue benefit to 3.25 lakh population and

22% minority population as most the urban poor of Guwahati city
are living on the banks of Bharalu. The city also stated that two
projects have been sanctioned under BSUP for construction of
20000 houses, and these BSUP houses will be covered under the
proposed project. This project will be linked for water supply and
sewerage to ongoing UIG projects. No land acquisition is needed for
the project.

Regarding O&M cost, the State informed that the O&M cost of
Rs. 21.47 lakhs p.a. will be met by the ULB. Project implementation
will be done by the ULB. The election of the ULB is scheduled in
December, 2009. It was informed that through 3 r d SFC for Assam,
Guwahati was devolved Rs. 24 crore last year and Rs. 74 crore for
current financial year. It was informed that there are 2 ongoing
projects both of which have moved for 2 n d installment and will be
completed in 2010 & 2011.

Ministry of Environment & Forests observed that as the

pumping stations are lower than the level of river Brahmaputra,
there will be a problem to make water flow to the river. ULB would
have to a mechanism to enable to raise water to discharge in the
river Brahmaputra from the pumping stations. The ULB stated that
4.6 cumecs pumping station will now become adequate once 70
cumec gets diverted. In response to query by Mission Director, the
ULB informed that no alternative channeling or diversion of river
and acquisition of land is involved in the project.

The CSMC observed that the balance available under

additional allocation for the city is only Rs.9000 lakh and therefore,
additional cost of Rs. 45 crores over and above Central share would

have to be borne by the State to which the Secretary UD , Govt. of
Assam agreed.

The CSMC approved the project subject to the above

observations and CPHEEO’s observations as follows: (In Rs.

Mission City/ Project Title/name Project Central Installment

State Cost Share (25% of Central Share)

to be released

2. Guwahati, Storm Water Drainage 12536.00* Capped at 2250.00

Assam project for Bahini and 9000.00*
Noonmati Basins (1st inst.)

* Project is against additional allocation for city as per Planning

Commission’s O.M. dt. 24.12.2008.

West Bengal:

3. Kolkata: Water supply scheme for Bhatpara Municipal area

(Presentation made by the KMDA is at Annexure-III)

The KMDA stated that Bhatpara is one of the 39 Municipalities in

Kolkata Urban agglomeration at a distance 35 kms. from Kolkata and
situated on the eastern bank of the river Hoogli in the district of 24
The existing water network covered about 73% of population, was
constructed 30-40 years ago. The Central Ground Water Board has
identified the 24 Parganas as sensitive for ground water quality due to
presence of excess iron and incidence of arsenic. The present water
supply system is based on ground water lifted by 72 deep tubewells
with 29.05 MLD installed capacity.
The proposed project aims to reduce dependency on ground water
by construction of 104 MLD water treatment plant to improve the water
demand for the year 2026. The project will achieve 100% households
with of 24x7 service pattern. The project will have linkages with BSUP
projects, through demand nodes created to match the network and will
accrue benefits to about 41,000 urban poor and 88000 minority people.
The project envisages raw water intake, jetty water treatment
plant, 3 ELSR’s to supplement existing, primary grid distribution
network and bulk metering. Project will have service level benchmark

for raising coverage from existing 73% to 100% population of city, 135
LPCD supply against current 59 LPCD, 100% metering of connections
from no metering at present, 15% NRW from current 35 to 40%, 24×7
supply against 8 hours at present, a dedicated customer complaint
cell, treated water supply to be of potable quality, 90% collection
efficiency from 40%, 100% cost recovery. Project duration will be 28
months and project design life is till 2041.
O&M will be done by Bhatpara Municipal Corporation for which a
Resolution to levy domestic and water rates has been passed by the
ULB and against a target of Rs. 35 lakh collection per annum, Rs. 30
lakh has been collected this year. KPT permission for water drawal has
been obtained and raw water quality of Hooghly before Palta intake
has been tested.
The project will be implemented by KMDA on behalf of the
Bhatpara Municipality, and the Municipality has passed a Resolution for
the ownership and execution of the project, Works under the project
will be started by next month. In response to query to Secretary (UD),
KMDA informed that three projects are expected to be completed by
this year, and formal communication in this regard has been sent in
respect of two projects. CEO, KMDA informed that out of 39 projects
sanctioned, works have started on 37 projects, two projects are sub-
judice, implementation of reforms are on time, excepting ULCRA
(committed for 2011) which has examined by a Committee that has
submitted the report.
Ministry Environment & Forests enquired whether the water to be
taken from the river Hoogli is treatable. KMDA and CPHEEO observed
that there are adequate technologies available to treat the salinity and
hard water. CPHEEO observed that proposed technology has been
found to be feasible.

The CSMC approved the above mentioned project of Bhatpara MC

subject to CPHEEO’s observations as follows:

(Rs. in Lakhs)

Mission City/Raniganj
Asansol- Project
: Title/name Project Central Install-

State Cost Share ment

(25% of Central Share) to

be released

3.Kolkata, West Water Supply Scheme 24970.42 8739.65 2184.91

Bengal for Bhatpara Municipal
Area (1st inst.)

4. Sewerage Project for Raniganj Municipality
(Presentation made by the ULB is at Annexure-IV)

Raniganj with 1.13 lakh population in 25.23 sq kms has no

organized sewage system and it gets discharged directly into Damodar
River. The project aims at addressing 100% needs of the core urban
area of 8.38 sq kms and 16.85 sq km of peri-urban area in total 15
wards in conformity with NSUP Guidelines. Zones have been delineated
so that sewage flow is by gravity for 15.15 MLD (2011) with STP’s two of
which would be close to the Core Area. A total of 51.3 sq km of sewer
network with 100% coverage with waste water treatment and 25% reuse
of recycled water in a 24 months implementation period is proposed.

The project will benefit 21,000 urban poor and 61,000 minorities.
STP-I of MLD will cost Rs. 1.50 crore while STP-II of 4.15 MLD will cost
Rs. 1.27 crore.
The ULB submitted that the Project aims to augment the raw water
pumping capacity, water reservoir augmentation of pumping station,
increase in capacity distribution network under Zone I to Zone III of
Raniganj, and installation of laboratory in the Treatment Plant Complex.
The project will provide treated water supply based on surface water
source to the population of Durgapur Municipality. The project will be
implemented by Asansol, Durgapur Municipality Authority and the O&M
cost will be met by Raniganj Municipality.
The project will benefit 21,000 urban poor and 61,000 minorities.
STP-I of MLD will cost Rs. 1.50 crore while STP-II of 4.15 MLD will cost
Rs. 1.27 crore.
The ULB stated that the implementation of water supply project
sanctioned under JNNURM is expected to be completed by October,

The CPHEEO stated that the project has been appraised and found
technically feasible.

Asansol (Durgapur) :

5. Construction, widening and improvement of road from

Raghunathpur to Dhupchuria and Akandara to Fulijhore at
(Presentation made by ULB is at Annexure-V)

The project was stated to be important as growth to the south is
restricted by Damodar River and road is accident prone with 597 deaths
in 297 accidents on the N.H.
Major work under proposed project is to construct, upgrade and
improve the existing road into two lane carriageway facility from
Raghunathpur SH-14 to Dhupchuria via Molandighi with an additional
link from Akandara to Fuljhore for a length 44.89 km, covering 21
wards out of 25 wards of the municipality zone. The project components
include: Construction of missing links, widening, upgradation and
improvement of the existing road to 2 lane facility, construction of one
major bridge, and four minor bridges, reconstruction of one hundred and
twelve numbers cross-drainage. The project will be implemented by
Asansol ULB for which ULB as passed a Resolution.

ULB submitted that 70% of works under water supply and Solid
Waste Management projects is completed. Tenders have been awarded
on PPP basis to a private agency for household collection of solid waste
who will meet 60% of the cost of transportation of collection and
treatment, Composting and landfill for 15 years commissioning and
O&M. It was stated that door to door collection is going on in 18 out of
43 wards in Durgapur, 31 out of 58 wards in Assansol and 21 out of 51
wards in Raniganj and there is a mandate for levying penalties for
littering once the project is implemented.
The ULB also stated that under the proposed road widening project,
toll Plaza will be set up to divert heavy vehicles. There is no land
acquisition problem and O&M cost will be met by the Municipal
Corporation which will also own the project. A dedicated cycle track will
be constructed by the ULB through its own funds.
CPWD observed that there is sufficient width from existing 3.84 m
wide road and no land requisitions envisaged.

CSMC approved the above mentioned two projects of Asansol

(Raniganj) and Asansol (Durgapur) subject to above observations and
observations of CPHEEO as follows:

(Rs. in Lakhs)

Mission City/ Project Title/name Project Central Installment

State Cost Share (25% of Central Share)

to be released

4.Asansol Construction, Widening and 9492.26 4746.13 1186.53

(Durgapur), West Improvement of Road from
Bengal Raghunathpur to Dhupchuria (1st inst.)
and Akandara to Fuljhore at

5.Asansol, West Sewerage Project for Raniganj 4008.82 2004.41 501.10

Bengal Municipality
(1st inst.)


6.Kohima: Integrated road and Multi-level Parking project at

Kohima (Presentation made by the ULB is at Annexure-V)

Secretary (UD), Govt. of Nagaland stated that Kohima is

strategically located from security point of view as NH 39, 61 and 150
pass through Kohima. Nagaland has existing population of 43.1 lakh
and most of the important Government offices of the State and
population are located in the capital city of Kohima. Most of the roads
in Kohima are highly congested, and due to rapid growth of vehicular
registration (5% per month), the traffic problem causing enormous
impact on transportation facilities. People are spending hours during
peak time for movement of traffic which moves at 5 to 10 km/h speed.
Inadequate parking spaces reduce area for vehicles and there are no
pedestrian facilities. The State has proposed to construct two parking
complex at 2 locations of two vital areas, one at Medical Directorate
Station (9158 sqm, 174 cars) and other at State Transport Station
(9158 sqm, 125 cars) along the National Highway -39 to National
Highway-61 and National Highway -150 within the city zone.
Development of new Ring roads, bypass and bye lanes are
proposed in the project. The bypass for NH 61 is proposed to be of 9.6
km length against the total length of 41 kms of outer Ring Road in CDP
including by lanes. The outcome is reduction of travel time, reduced
congestion, reduced fuel costs and vehicle operation cost, increase in
air quality, lower accidents and increased road user satisfaction. The

road will be operated by the State PWD while parking facilities will be
operated by the ULB. It is anticipated that there will be Rs. 42 lakhs
p.a income out of parking while Rs. 25 lakhs p.a. would be spent on
CSMC reviewed the progress of the ongoing Roads and
Transportation projects in Kohima and the proposal for second
instalment. Secretary, Govt. of Nagaland informed that work done on
the project so far is for Rs. 11 crores and by Sept’09 the expenditure is
expected to be Rs. 16 crores.
In response to query by Secretary (UD), the State informed that
they do not envisage any PPP due to security reasons and inadequate
profit margin, and also there are not many private players existing in
the State

CSMC approved the above project and second installment of

Kohima subject to observations of OSD (MRTS) and CPWD as under:
(Rs. in Lakhs)

Mission City/ Project Title/name Project Central Installment

State Cost Share (25% of Central Share) to

be released

6.Kohima, Integrated Road and 5042.43 4538.19* 1134.55 (1st inst.)

Nagaland Multi-level Parking
Project at Kohima

7.Kohima, Roads and 2525.60 2273.04 568.26 ( 2nd inst.)

Nagaland Transportation project in

* Project is against additional allocation as per Planning Commission’s O.M.

dated 24.12.2008.

B. Second & subsequent installments

Dehradun, Haridwar & Nainital:
(Presentation made by the city is at Annexure-VI)

Secretary (UD), Govt. of Uttarakhand made a presentation about the progress
of the three projects for which 2nd installment of ACA are being claimed viz. Water
supply reorganization scheme (Phase-I), Haridwar, Dehradun Water supply
reorganization phase-I and Augmentation and Renovation of Nainital water supply
Phase-I. He stated that these projects have made rapid progress.
It was noted that IRMA for Uttarakhand has approved, but the State has not yet
submitted the proposal for appointment of an agency as IRMA. Secretary (UD), Govt.
of Uttarakhand stated the agreement for IRMA has been signed and work will start
within a fortnight. DPRs for absorbing the regular as well as additional allocations for
all cities will be forwarded within a couple of months. In view of the Kumbh Mela, it
was requested that as bulk of the storage and source augmentation work is to be
completed by March 2010, the remaining installments for Haridwar project may be
released. Also for Dehradun additional Rs. 6 crores material has been procured
hence additional instalment may be released. For Nainital project available funds
have been utilized while for Haridwar project the specifications have been changed
to G.I. from PVC pipes and additional Rs. 8 crores spent by state Govt. JS (M)
advised the State Govt. to send a proposal for the approval of CSMC. The releases of
second installment in respect of above three projects were approved subject to the
condition that the next installments will be considered only after receiving IRMA
report as follows:

Rs. In lakhs

Sl. Mission City/ Project Title/name Project Central Install-

State Cost Share ment

(25% of Central Share)

to be released

8. Haridwar, Water Supply Re- 4784.43 3827.54 956.88

Uttrakhand organisation Scheme
(Phase-I) for Haridwar (2nd inst.)

9. Dehradun, Dehradun Water 7002.70 5602.16 1400.54

Uttrakhand Supply Re-
organization Scheme, (2nd inst.)

10. Nainital, Augmentation and 547.00 437.60 109.40

Uttarakhand Renovation of Nainital
Water Supply, Phase-I (2nd inst.)

West Bengal-Kolkata:

11. Construction of E.M. bypass connector from Padmapukur to Kamalgazi.

12. 30 MGD Dhapa water treatment Plant

It was informed that delay in project implementation was due to desilting and
roads widening. With regard to the ongoing Dhapa water supply project, it was noted
that the CSMC condition for water auditing and metering of household connections is
yet to be implemented by the ULB. State Govt. gave a commitment that this will be
done on project execution. Secretary (UD) advised the State to move fast in the
implementation of projects and various reforms within the timelines.

CSMC approved release of second installment of ACA in respect of above projects

is as under:

Rs. in Lakhs)

Mission City/ Project Title/name Project Central Installment

State Cost Share (25% of Central

Share) to be

11 Kolkata, West Construction of E.M. Bypass 5309.87 1858.45 464.61(2nd inst.)

Bengal connector from Padmapukur
to Kamalgazi

12. Kolkata, West 30 MGD (Phase-I) Water 9875.00 3456.25 864.06(2nd inst.)
Bengal Treatment Plant at Dhapa

Tamil Nadu:

Chennai, Coimbatore and Madurai:

CSMC considered release of second and third installments in respect of 15

on-going projects in the State. The cities clarified that the projects sanctioned for
Mission cities are making good progress. Projects for Chennai city have been
taken up after renegotiation of timelines on reforms that were overdue. There has
been some delay in the implementation of projects due to tendering process. The
Adyar River Bridge project is now scheduled for completion by December, 2009.

Regarding the CSMC conditions for providing of metering for Chennai water supply
project, the city informed that 11,029 household meters have been installed and
are already functional, bulk and high rise buildings metering is in progress, the
rest will be completed by 2010 when the project is completed. IRMA has started
working in the State.

The CSMC approved the release of second and 3rd installments in respect of 15
projects with observations indicated against each project as under:-
(Rs. in Lakhs)

Sl.N Mission Project Title/name Project Central Installment CSMC observation
o. City/
Cost Share (25% of
State Central
Share) to

13. Chennai, Construction of High 548.30 191.91 47.97 Expected

Tamil Nadu level bridge on completion date is
Adyar River at (3rd instt.) Dec., 09
Alandur Road,

14. Chennai, Strengthening of 32200.0 11270.00 2817.50 Expected date of

Tamil Nadu Chennai Water 0 completion is Dec,
Supply Distribution (2nd instt.) 2010.

15. Chennai, Construction of 4440.80 1554.28 388.57 Expected

Tamil Nadu ROBs and RUBs at completion date is
Chennai (6 Nos.) (3rd instt.) Dec., 09

4th instalment to be
given on IRMA

16. Chennai, Construction of 911.00 318.85 79.71 Project completed

Tamil Nadu sump cum pump 4th instalment to be
house over 90 cusec (3rd instt.) given on IRMA
canal near Poondi report.
reservoir for raw
water treatment
plant, Chenani

17. Chennai, Construction of ROB 3287.50 1150.63 287.66 Completion

Tamil Nadu at Perambur, schedule as per
Chenani (2nd instt.) DPR is Dec, 09
and expected
completion date is
February, 2010.

18. Madurai, Underground 22934.0 11467.00 2866.75 Delay in the

Tamil Nadu Sewerage Scheme 0 implementation is
for Phase III area (2nd instt.) due to tendering
and Renovation of problems.
existing sewerage Expected date for
system, Madurai completion is May

19. Madurai, Improvement of 788.00 394.00 98.50 Completion by

Tamil Nadu water Supply April 2010
Scheme to Anaiyur (2nd instt.)

20. Chennai, Improvement of 3261.60 1141.56 285.39 The project was

Tamil Nadu Water Supply to scheduled for
Tambaram (3rd instt.) completion by
Municipality, August 2009, now
Chennai expected date is
report needed for 18
4th instatement.

21 Coimbatore Improvement of 11374.3 5687.15 1421.79 Expected

, Tamil Water Supply 0 completion by

Surat and Rajkot: (Presentation made by the Mission cities are at Annexure-VIII)

The State informed that SLNA is preparing DRPs under additional

allocation for Ahmadabad. Two projects have already been submitted for
Ahmadabad and Vadodara.

18 projects have been completed and 5 projects remain for completion

out of list of projects that were to be completed by Dec’08. 3 more projects
would be completed by Sep’09. 20 IRMA Reports have been received, City Bus
services in 3 cities of Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, have started under JNNURM.

CPHEEO observed that water supply and storm water drains projects
should be segregated while preparing the DPRs under additional allocation.
Regarding the progress of implementation of the projects and reforms, the
State informed that out of 9 projects approved for Rajkot, 7 are completed.
90% of works in one water supply project has been completed with GSR/ESR’s
being now functional and the full completion is expected by September, 2010.
The State has set up facilities for three tier control system, and a quality
control cell under Central Vigilance Officer (Technical). It was noted that IRMA
has made some observations that the papers regarding the machineries,

equipments, terms and conditions, guarantee period etc. which were not
shown during the inspections. SLNA informed that IRMA has submitted fresh
report wherein no adverse remarks have been made.

CSMC approved the release of second installments in respect of 4 projects

of Gujarat with observations as follows:

Rs. In lakhs

Sl. Mission Project Project Central Installment CSMC observations

No. City/ Title/name
Cost Share (25% of
State Central
Share) to be

28. Surat, Sewerage and 11065.73 5532.86 1383.21 Expected to be

Gujarat Sewage treatment complete in Jan’2011.
system for New (2nd instt.) 29% physical work
East Zone areas, completed

29. Rajkot, Strengthening of 867.00 433.50 108.38 Fresh IRMA Report

Gujarat Solid Waste has been submitted.
Management (4th instt.) Releases are to be
Phase-I), Rajkot done after
examination of
SLNA’s comments on
IRMA report.
Expected completion
is March 2010.

30. Rajkot, Water Supply 8562.00 4281.00 1070.00 Expected completion

Gujarat Project for Rajkot date is September
(4th instt.) 2009

31. Rajkot, Underground 7542.00 3771.00 942.70 Expected completion

Gujarat Drainage Phase-II date is December
and Phase-III (4th instt.) 2009
(Part-I) (Sewerage
Disposal Network
and STP), Rajkot

Andhra Pradesh:
Maharashtra: (Presentations made by the Mission cities are at Annexure-IX).

Visakhapatnam and Nashik

Municipal Commissioner, Visakhapatnam informed that 3 out of 13
projects have been completed, 7 are under progress and 3 projects tenders
are under finalization. Project proposed on regularization of S.L. Canal has
been completed.
Officials from State Govt. Maharashtra informed that timelines on
reforms for Nashik have been renegotiated. Sewerage Phase-I project is now
scheduled for completion in Dec’10; trenches have been taken up. 50% of
water charges would be towards sewerage charges and water charge bills
would be as per consumption. Current revenues are of Rs. 4.5 crores and
recurring expenditure of Rs. 8 crores p.a. which will now rise to Rs. 15 crores.
Increase in sewerage charges will meet projected expenditure.
The CSMC approved the release of 2nd and subsequent instalment in
respect of 4 projects of Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh and one project of
Nashik, Maharashtra as under:
Rs. In lakhs

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.

Sl. Mission City/ Project Title/name Project Central Instalment CSMC

No. observation
State Cost Share (25% of
Share) to be

32. Visakhapatn Augmentation of Water 24074.00 12037.00 3611.10 Expected

am. Andhra Supply to Peripheral completion
Pradesh areas in Greater (2nd instt. + is Dec’10
Visakhapattanam balance of 1st
Municipal Corporation instt. as 1st
release was
only for 20%)

33. Visakhapatn Bus Rapid Transit 45293.00 22646.00 5661.63 (2nd Expected
am. Andhra System for inst.) completion
Pradesh Visakhapatnam (i) is Dec’10
Simhachalam Transit
Corridor (STC)
including tunnel (ii)
Pendrithi Transit
Corridor (PTC)

34. Visakhapatn Providing Sewerage 24444.00 12222.00 3055.00

am. Andhra System to Central Part
Pradesh of Visakhapatnam City (3nd instt.)

35. Visakhapatn Regularization of S.L. 339.00 169.50 42.30 Completed

am. Andhra Canal, Visakhapatnam project
Pradesh (3nd instt.)

36 Nashik, Underground Sewerage 14846.00 7423.00 1855.75 Expected

Maharashtra Project Phase-I completion
(3rd inst.) is Dec’10 21
A. New Projects approved in 76th CSMC held on 28.8.09

(Rs. in Lakhs)

Sl. Mission City/ Project Title/name Project Central Install-
State Cost Share ment

(25% of
Central Share)
to be released

1. Kohima, Integrated Road and 5042.43 4538.19 1134.55

Nagaland Multi-level Parking
Project at Kohima (1st inst.)

2. Kolkata, West Water Supply Scheme 24970.42 8739.65 2181.91

Bengal for Bhatpara Municipal
Area (1st inst.)

3. Asansol Construction, Widening 9492.26 4746.13 1186.53

(Durgapur), West and Improvement of
Bengal Road from (1st inst.)
Raghunathpur to
Dhupchuria and
Akandara to Fuljhore at

4. Asansol, West Sewerage Project for 4008.82 2004.41 510.10

Bengal Raniganj Municipality
(1st inst.)

5. Coimbatore, Storm Water Drainage 22675.00 11337.50 2834.37

Tamil Nadu System in the
Coimbatore City (1st inst.)
Municipal Corporation

6. Guwahati, Assam Storm Water Drainage 12536.00 11282.00 2820.00

project for Bahini and
Noonmati Basins (1st inst.)

Total 10667.46


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