First Impressions Project One

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Name: ______________________ Block: _______

First Impressions

The purpose of this project is to share about yourself with both myself and your classmates. I
want to learn about you all and I want your classmates to learn more about you, too. This will be
the easiest project this year because it is all about you! This project will allow me to measure
both your written and oral communication skills as well. Below are the items that you will be
graded on and therefore must be included in your project to receive full credit:

You will need to write a short essay about yourself. This essay must be written in MLA format
(double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font). It must also be at least five paragraphs long.
You will need to make sure you answer at least the questions on the back of this sheet (you may
include much more information than what I have asked you to include about yourself. I want to
know as much as possible about you!).

_____/ 10 : MLA Format and length

_____/ 50 : Writing Process has been completed (Pre-writing, rough draft, peer review, final
draft, presentation)

_____/ 10 : Essay has been typed

You will also be creating a visual interpretation of your essay that is all about you. This could be
a collage, a drawing, or a prezi/powerpoint. You will need to make sure you are neatly and
creatively representing every part of your essay in your visual.

_____/ 20: Each part of your essay (all information/questions) is represented.

_____/ 10 : Visual is neatly constructed.

Your project will be due on: _________________ at ______________________. For each
school day your entire project is late, 10% will be deducted from the final grade of this project. I
have a policy of no late work after the third school day following the due date. Please see me if
you have any questions or need clarification about my late work policy.

Name: ______________________ Block: _______
Pre-Writing Questions
These are just a starting point. Please answer more questions than Ive provided about yourself.

1. What are your favorite things to do when youre not in school?

2. What is your favorite color and why?

3. Who do you look up to as a role model and why?

4. What is your favorite book or author and what do you like about it/them?

5. What is your favorite food?

6. Who is your favorite superhero and why?

7. What do you think is your best personality trait and why?

8. What do you hope to do after you graduate from Lincoln?

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