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Gummy Bear (Respiration) Demonstration Teacher Notes

Basic Concepts of Science: 6 Teacher Demonstration

Grade leel: Grade 12 Biology, University Preparation (SBI4U)
Curriculum e!pectations: C2.2, C3.2
Biolo"y #in$ed Concept (%ntroduction)
Te o!idation o" #ar$oydrates ("or e!a%ple s&gar) prod&#es a large a%o&nt o" energy. 'it an
e!#ess o" o!ygen, prod&#ed $y te de#o%position o" potassi&% #lorate, te o!ygen (ill rea#t (it a
g&%%y $ear (s&gar), releasing a large a%o&nt o" energy (ligt and eat). Prod&#ts are tat o"
respiration ) #ar$on dio!ide, (ater and energy.
*+, gra%s potassi&% #lorate B&nsen $&rner
Test t&$e -ing stand (it #la%p ("or test t&$e)
G&%%y $ear(s)
Safety 'recautions
Te rea#tion prod&#es large .&antities o"/ eat, "la%e and s%o0e ((ater vapo&r), so it so&ld $e
#arried o&t in a ventilated roo%. Potassi&% #lorate is a strong o!idi1ing agent, espe#ially (en
li.&id. Co%$&sti$le %aterials so&ld not $e near te li.&id potassi&% #lorate. Sa"ely glasses, goggles
and a la$ #oat so&ld $e (orn at all ti%es. Point te open end o" te test t&$e a(ay "ro% te a&dien#e.
2et te test t&$e #ool, re%ove "ro% te #la%p. Soa0 te test t&$e in (ater "or appro!i%ately 1*
%in&tes and (as to re%ove resid&e. Te #e%i#als %ay $e (ased do(n te drain.
1. Set &p te stand and #la%p. S&pport te test t&$e in te #la%p in an &prigt position
2. 3dd *+, gra%s o" potassi&% #lorate to te test t&$e (appro!. 1 #% ig)
3. 4eat test t&$e (it te B&nsen $&rner &ntil te potassi&% #lorate $e#o%es a li.&id (#o%pletely li.&id)
4. -e%ove te B&nsen $&rner
*. 5rop te g&%%y $ear in te test t&$e &sing tongs and (at#6
Upon eating, potassi&% #lorate de#o%poses. Tis prod&#es eno&g o!ygen to ignite te s&gar in te
g&%%y $ear. 7!idation o" te s&gar is very e!oter%i#8 potassi&% #lorate (ill #ontin&e to
de#o%pose to o!ygen, and te rate o" #o%$&stion (ill rapidly in#rease.
29Cl73(s) 29Cl(s) : 372(g)
C12422711(s) : 372(g) ;C(s) : 3C72(g) : 427(g) : energy
Tis de%o displayed o( (e #onvert te $ond energy tat<s inside a gl&#ose %ole#&le to a di""erent
"or% o" energy + eat energy (tat yo& #an "eel) and ligt energy (tat yo& #an see). Tis rese%$led
respiration ) a pro#ess tat #onverts #e%i#al $ond energy ("ro% "ood s&# as gl&#ose ) g&%%y $ear)
into di""erent energy "or%s (ere into ones o&r $ody #an &se).
Cell&lar respiration : gl&#ose #ar$on dio!ide : (ater : energy (3TP)
Gummy Bear (Respiration) Demonstration Student (andout
Te $ond energy "ro% te gl&#ose (g&%%y $ear) is #onverted into (at types o" energy=
'at are te prod&#ts o" te rea#tion ((at is e%itted "ro% te test t&$e)=
'at is te overall e.&ation "or tis rea#tion=
Tis rea#tion is an e!a%ple o" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Te e.&ation des#ri$ing
tis pro#ess is/
Gummy Bear (Respiration) Demonstration Student (andout ()ns*ers)
Te $ond energy "ro% te gl&#ose (g&%%y $ear) is #onverted into (at types o" energy=
4eat energy (#an $e "elt d&e to te test t&$e $e#o%ing (ar%)
2igt energy (#an $e seen d&e to te #olo&rs e%itted (en te g&%%y $ear is added)
'at are te prod&#ts o" te rea#tion ((at is e%itted "ro% te test t&$e)=
'ater and #ar$on dio!ide
'at is te overall e.&ation "or tis rea#tion=
Gl&#ose : o!ygen #ar$on dio!ide : (ater : energy (3TP)
Tis rea#tion is an e!a%ple o" >>>>>>#ell&lar respiration>>>>>>>>>>. Te e.&ation des#ri$ing
tis pro#ess is/
29Cl73(s) 29Cl(s) : 372(g)
C12422711(s) : 372(g) ;C(s) : 3C72(g) : 427(g) : energy

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