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Communication and Collaboration Plan

Teacher and parents alike can easily feel a lack of communication in their relationship.
Communication always starts off strong and my goal is to create an opportunity to keep this
communication open and constant.
My goal is to create a class website where parents and students can go for additional
resources. All handouts and school events will have postings on this site as well as the correct
protocol to schedule a conference with me in person or by phone.
This course website will include:
- A link to a weekly blog
- An outline of the current Unit
- Any postings from the school
- An Edmodo link for students
- A list of assistive technological sources approved for learning for the unit
Due to the fact that many families do not have internet access, during the beginning of the
school year a form will be sent home with each student requesting information back from the
parent/guardian on their technology options. For those families that do not have technology at
hand, additional resources will be provided such as handouts sent directly home or time created
for their student to use technology sources under another resource, for example, a public or
school library.
This communication needs to stay open for the best opportunity to impact both the
children and their families. Middle school can be a rough time and if this communication is built
and continued, the parents/guardians and teachers can work together to give each child their best
opportunity to grow in their current and future settings.

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