Plate: Waves (Owen

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Baud Motives.

Diaper Patterns. 9
71 and 19. Carvings in basrelief from the implements of savages.
18. Greek vase painting, Motive: the seam.
20. Waves with lotus, Egyptian w^all -painting, (Owen Jones).
Plate 3. Band Motives, in Arcs.
5 and 13. Undulate lines.
10. Motive of the "strung coin" pattern (coins threaded on a cord).
17. Romanesque ornament from an evangeliarium written for Charle-
magne, 8th century. Library of the Louvre, Paris.
18. Romanesque mural painting, Swedish church.
19. Chinese damaskeened ornament from a vase, (Racinet).
Plate 4. Band Moti\tes, ]\Iixed.
13. Romanesque glass painting, church of S. Urban, Troyes.
15. Frieze, house, Beaune, 17th century, (Racinet).
N. B. Where two arcs are joined: it is necessary, in order to avoid a
break, that the two centres and the point of junction should be in the
same straight line.
Diaper Patterns. (Plates

6 and 7 give a selection for flat patterns. Almost all
the constructions may be referred to the quadrangular or the trian-
gular Net. The examples in Plate 5 show junctions in a straight
line; those in Plate 6 are composed of arcs; and in Plate 7 the
regularly-placed points are joined by mixed lines.
The designs may be used as patterns for parquet flooring, window
glazing, and similar work, without further enrichment. They are at
the same time available as construction-lines for the further develope-
ment of richer patterns for mural and glass painting, carpets, tapestry,
ceilings, &c., as shown by the examples of application appended to
the simple motives.
Plate 5. Diaper Patterns, &c., with Straight LiNfis.
4 and 6. Roof- covering may be considered as the motive.
10. The natural motive is the cell of the honey bee.
15. Designs for coffer ceiling, by Sebastian Serlio, 16th century,
Plate 6. Diaper Patterns, with Arcs.
1, 4 and 7. Scale motives.
10. Romanesque glass painting. Cathedral, Bourges, (Racinot).

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