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Appendix 8.1 - Gantt Chart

Appendix 8.2 - Resources / Sste! Re"uire!ents
Flash Drive (4GB)
Microsoft Word 2007
Microsoft Publisher 2007
!dobe Photoshop
Appendix 8.) - Pro*ress Reports / Acco!p+ished E,a+uation
MULPROJ Multimedia and Web Designing Project 1
Semester AY !1"#!1$
PRO%R&SS R&POR' (1 )OR )or t*e +eriod, Januar- "#./ !!0
MICJEM: An Expert System for Course Scheduling of Date submitted, October !1/
Regular Students of ____________________________
%rou+ 1ame, The E! "roup
%rou+ Members,
Ma# athema $ela Cuadra
!ilie Ann Sil%a
Eric& Joseph Tornea
12 State +rogress against +lanned time scales2 34nclude an estimate o5 *o6 muc*
more 6or7 needs to be done to 5inis* t*e +roject8
At this time the group is still designing there 'e(site# They must impro%e the designing
for the 'e(site#
2 9a:e all objecti:es and tas7s 5or t*e +eriod been met; 45 not/ 6*ic* ones *a:e
not been met/ 6*- and 6*at is being done to reco:er sli++age;
All the o()ecti%es and tas& for the period ha%e (een met (ecause each mem(er of the
group ha%e an assignment for the pro)ect#
"2 List objecti:es 5or t*e ne<t +eriod2
or the next period* the group 'ill start designing there 'e(site# The group ha%e to
de%elop there design for the 'e(site#
$2 List 6orst +roblem areas2
At this time* the group ha%e still not yet finish designing the 'e(site#

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