Teofilo Gensoli Vs NLRC

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GR No.

Teofilo Gensoli & Co, Gloria Gensoli, Et. Al ( Petitioners )
NLRC and N!"#GT$Rodri%o &onar'a, Et. Al. ( Res(ondents )
T)is s(e'ial 'i*il a'tion for certiorari see+s to set aside and ann,l t)e -rder dated
A,%,st 11, 1..3 of t)e National La/or Relations Co00ission (NLRC) dis0issin%
(etitioners1 a((eal, and its s,/se2,ent -rder of !e(te0/er 33, 1..3 den4in% t)eir
0otion for re'onsideration for fail,re to (ost t)e re2,ired s,ret4 /ond.
Pri*ate res(ondents are far0 5or+ers of 6a'ienda Vista Ale%re and Gloria,
t5o (2) s,%ar far0s for0erl4 o5ned /4 Teofilo Gensoli and Co0(an4, a re%istered
(artners)i(. 7n 1.88, after t)e deat) of ori%inal (artner &er'edes Gensoli !iasat, t)e
re0ainin% (artners a%reed to dissol*e t)e (artners)i(. After t)e (artners)i( 5as
li2,idated, (etitioner Gloria . Gensoli infor0ed (ri*ate res(ondents of t)e dissol,tion of
t)e (artners)i( and 'essation of its o(erations, and offered to (a4 t)e0 se(aration (a4
e2,i*alent to fifteen (15) da4s for e*er4 4ear of ser*i'e rendered, and to %i*e t)e0 a
relo'ation site at Cal,0an%an, 9a%o Cit4, and a relo'ation allo5an'e of -ne
T)o,sand (P1,000.00) Pesos for ea') fa0il4.
!o0e of t)e 5or+ers a''e(ted s,') offer /,t t)e ot)ers, in'l,din% t)e )erein (ri*ate
res(ondents, de0anded a )i%)er se(aration (a4.
:issatisfied 5it) 5)at 5as offered to t)e0, t)e (ri*ate res(ondents filed 5it) NLRC
a Co0(laint for ille%al dis0issal a%ainst t)e )erein (etitioners, (ra4in% for
reinstate0ent 5it) /a'+5a%es and da0a%es.
:,rin% a (reli0inar4 'onferen'e, (etitioners reiterated t)e sa0e offer to (ri*ate
res(ondents /,t a%ain, t)e latter re;e'ted it. !o, on :e'e0/er 1, 1..3, at t)e
s,/se2,ent (reli0inar4 0andator4 'onferen'e /et5een t)e (arties, t)e La/or Ar/iter
r,led, t),s<
During the mandatory conference, the parties agreed to submit as an issue the vaidity
of the compainants! separation from "or#.
$espondents are ordered to sho" vaid cause for the compainants! separation from
%herefore the Petition is &ranted, the orders of '($) dated *ugust 11, 1++, and
-eptember 2,, 1++,, respectivey, are set aside, and '($) is hereby ordered to give
due course to the appea of petitioners, 'o Pronouncement as to costs
-o .rdered

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