Simple Bio Data Format

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Name : Type Your Name Here

Fathers name : Type Your Fathers Name Here
Mothers name : Type Your Mothers Name Here
Permanent address : Line
Line !
Line "
Line #
Present address : Line
Line !
Line "
$onta%t No& ' Mo(i)e : *++,-.... / ,"-!-...
Home Phone : ,"-!-...
Date o0 (irth : + Au1ust/ 2+3
Nationa) ID : -,.......
4-mai) : ...51mai)&%om
6e)i1ion : Is)am
Nationa)ity : Ban1)adeshi (y (irth
Marita) status : 7nmarried
4du%ation 8ua)i0i%ation :
Name o0 Year o0 passin1 Board'uni9ersity Di9ision':PA
;&;&$ !,,< $hitta1on1 Board #&<-
H&;&$ !,,+ Dha=a Board #&-!
B&$om >Pass? !,, Nationa) 7ni9ersity Di9ision
$omputer =no@)ed1e : Mi%roso0t Aord B 4.%e) !,,"
Internet and 4-mai) Operation
Ado(e Photoshop +&,
Aor=in1 e.perien%e : Duration: ,',-'!,, to ti))
Desi1nation: Trainee Asstt& O00i%er
AB$D $ompany Ltd&
Address and Phone No&
6e0eren%e : Type your 9ery nearest re0eren%e
Te)ephone No&

;i1nature :

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