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Articles from General Knowledge Today

Second Anglo Maratha War

2011- 06- 05 07:06:03 GKToday
Second Anglo Maratha war 1803-1805
The war st art ed when deposed Peshwa Baji Rao II, ent ered Poona wit h t he
Brit ish Forces in May 1803. Brit ish at t acked f rom Nort h under General Lake
and f rom Sout h under Arthur Wellesley, brot her of t he Governor General. The
f ight ing st art ed f rom Gujarat , Bundelkhand, Orissa engaging all Marat ha
chief s in t heir homes but not let t hem "reunite". The war prolonged t wo years
and several t reat ies were signed by t he Marat ha rulers wit h t he Peshwa and
t he Brit ish. The result of t hese dif f erent t reat ies was t hat t he "Divided
Marat has" paid t he price t o t he "Unit ed" Brit ish. The result of t his war was as
f ollows:
1. In 1803, Aurangabad and Gwalior was t aken by Brit ish
2. Bhosle lost Cut t ack, Balasore and west of Wardha river
3. Scindia lost Jaipur, Jodhpur, Gohad, Ahamad Nagar, Bharuch, Ajant a
4. Bot h of Scindia and Bhosle accept ed t he Treaty of Bassein and gave
t heir sovereignt y t o Brit ish
Now t he powerf ul Holkar was lef t . He was a st ep ahead and approached Delhi
t o capt ure it . But he was def eat ed by Brit ish at Deeg, near Bharat pur,
Rajast han. At last he also signed a t reat y and lost t he places nort h of
Chambal River, Bundelkhand. Poona was sure not in his claim now.
Thus wit h t he second Anglo Marat ha war, Marat ha lost t heir independence.
India was now bound in chains. The Marat has made a last at t empt in 1817,
unsuccessf ully t o get Mot her India f reedom f rom t he colonist power.

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