Relief India Trust An Introduction

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Relief India Trust: An Introduction

Relief India Trust, an Indian based non-profit organization, has been striving hard for years to
make life worth living for less privileged and economically deprived class in India. There are so
many widespread issues related to health, scarcity of resources, lack of awareness and poor
standards of education which have been continuously slowing down the progress towards
prosperity and betterment. In such circumstances Organizations like RIT becomes of paramount
significance in any developing society.
How and What Relief India trust does:
It is very important to realize the severity of the most concerning problems in India such as
poverty of catastrophic proportion, the alarming situation of education, homelessness, population
management, gender discrimination, diseases like HIV and AIDs. RIT creates an impulse in
society, in general, and in the have-nots, in particular to fight their social and financial problems.
In this respect some of the major achievements of RIT are:
Number of relief programs for poor and homeless children
Rehabilitation programs
Protection of global environment
Development of awareness about health and education
Empowerment of woman

There is no denying the fact that emergence of organized collective efforts has brought drastic
changes in the political, economic and social landscape of civil society. In this capacity, the
voluminous contribution of RIT can justly be cited. The Relief India Trust has been successful
and actively addressing the hardcore problems of the underprivileged through mobilization,
dedication and determination. The characteristics and values of true volunteerism are explicitly
shown by the people who participate in the welfare activities of RIT.
Popularity of Relief India Trust:
In the last few years, RIT has demonstrated some serious output in eliminating poverty and
uplifting the overall quality of life in India. There are considerable numbers of programs of RIT
that have been widely acknowledged across the globe. It is important to enlist the major
programs initiated by RIT:
Donation of blood and organs
Fighting Thalassemia
Mobilization of people
Health, disability check-up camps
Best services to orphan children and the homeless

Generation of Resources:
People all around the globe donate money and other resources to RIT. Apart from that, RIT has a
huge number of volunteers. Moreover, anybody can volunteer in the ongoing battle to remove
social and economic evils from the society. There is a competent team of doctors who
contributes whole heartedly in making the health situation better. Special children are given
serious attention and care. That is exactly how Relief India Trust, basically, carries out its
welfare activities. Its the contributions of people that put RTI in a position to help the poor out.
Role RIT played in empowering society:
In the twenty first century, NGOs have resumed a crucial role so far as complex problems of a
society are concerned. RIT has been guiding and motivating people to understand the importance
of being independent and progressive. The dedication and enthusiasm have distinguished the RIT
among other NGOs working in India. The feature of campaigning in various departments help
spread the basic information and facilities among needy people.

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