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TEAMS games tournaments- A Cooperative Learning Strategy

* can be used to replace test or to review students learning before or instead of a test.
* works best with objective information i.e. There is one answer
* make up your list of questions and answers into sections of 4 i.e. Hearts, Diamons, Clubs and
Spades.( put cover sheet marked answers and Questions over these lists of Qs)
* sort out cards so if there is 5 Qs in each section you have the cards to match the questions (ace
to 5 picked out and a jack)
* make up a score sheet
* you can differentiate i.e. Q 1 is easy 5 is hard
* plan who will work with who in pairs.
* decide if you want kids to study the info before hand
* do up revision sheet or reinforcing sheet if required

* put desks in place so two students facing two students FACE to FACE with two desks in between
* place Question sheet and answer sheet on table along with pre organised deck of cards.
* outline the Group social skill or collaborative skill eg Being a good sport, ensuring equal voice etc.
* display the rules clearly
* set out amount of time they will be given
* outline motivation to do well eg no homework, 10% of next test! help with revision etc.
* decide which group will go first
* teacher must be mobile (Group processing)
* in copy's write down Qs they got wrong.
* on sheets get students to process how their pair and group worked as a pair and group.

At end
* decide what follow on work you want to do eg write down Qs you got wrong and find answer
* make up matching exercise and hand it out
* reward team that won and maybe the group that worked best together ie good sport or very little

SAMPLE RULES you can vary
1. One person from Team A picks a card if it's the Jack they go again until they pick an Ace or a
number eg 2 of hearts
2. Team b asks team A the Q. Eg 2 of hearts Q
3. Team A confer and give answer in prompt manner ( if one member shouts out answer without
conferring it is final answer)
4. Team B check the answer sheet promptly as they cannot be allowed look over answers and
then write down the Q number and score team B received on answer sheet eg 2 of hearts
equals two points. a jack first means you double the score eg jack followed by 4 of clubs would
mean 8 points if they get q right
5. Repeat now with team B picking a question and follow the same process as outlined above.
6. Make sure used cards are put in a separate pile as they cannot be used again i.e the Q has
been already asked
7. With one minute left ask students to check if an equal number of Qs have been asked. If not
allow team that is short one go to answer 1 Q to catch up.
8. Then ask students to add up scores and make sure other team agrees
9. Ask them to write on back of score sheet how the pair worked and how group worked.

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