MSC IBM FT 1st Sem

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MSc International Business Management - 1/14 - Full Time

Term Module Title Uni Code Start date End date Exam Week
Global Economic Environment & Marketing SOE1172 !o "ritten exam
Su#taining Organi#ational $er%ormance SOE1172& !o "ritten exam
'ntercultural (u#ine## Communication )!G117*+ 12,1+ Ma- 1.
/uman 0e#ource Management in an 'nternational Context /0M11771
)eader#1i23 Strateg- & 'nnovation E!T117*+
Global Marketing M4T117*5
Tri6 $o#tgraduate $ractice 0e2ort SOE1176& *+,Oct,1. 12,7ec,1.
Submi##ion o% $$08
!ote8 T1i# #c1edule i# correct a# o% & !ov 2*169 T1e Univer#it- and $S( :cadem- re#erve t1e rig1t to amend t1e #c1edule "1en it i# deemed nece##ar- "it1out 2rior notice9
Scheduled holidays (public and School) and / or term brea !or course"
61 Marc1 1. , . :2r 1.
5 Ma- 1. , Ma- 1.
1 Ma- 1. , 16 ;un 1.
& Se2t 1. , 6 Oct 1.
2 7ec 1. , 2* <eb 15
$ublic 1olida-# "ill %ollo" t1e 2ublic 1olida-# a# announced b- MOM9
!ote8 T1i# #c1edule i# correct a# o% & !ov 2*169 T1e Univer#it- and $S( :cadem- re#erve t1e rig1t to amend t1e #c1edule "1en it i# deemed nece##ar- "it1out 2rior notice9
#$amination and/or other assessment period"
Examination date "ill be 12t1 "eek o% t1e term including #tud- break#9
!ote8 T1i# #c1edule i# correct a# o% & !ov 2*169 T1e Univer#it- and $S( :cadem- re#erve t1e rig1t to amend t1e #c1edule "1en it i# deemed nece##ar- "it1out 2rior notice9
#$pected e$amination/or other assessment release date"
0e#ult# "ill be relea#ed 1* "eek# %rom t1e la#t da- o% %inal exam=a##e##ment #ubmi##ion date
!ote8 T1i# #c1edule i# correct a# o% & !ov 2*169 T1e Univer#it- and $S( :cadem- re#erve t1e rig1t to amend t1e #c1edule "1en it i# deemed nece##ar- "it1out 2rior notice9
#$pected %&ard con!erment date"
MSc 'nternational (u#ine## Management Jun 2015
!ote8 T1i# #c1edule i# correct a# o% & !ov 2*169 T1e Univer#it- and $S( :cadem- re#erve t1e rig1t to amend t1e #c1edule "1en it i# deemed nece##ar- "it1out 2rior notice9
'ayment (ue (ates"
$eriod 7ate#
1#t in#talment 2.,;an,1.
2nd in#talment 1+,Ma-,1.
6rd in#talment 5,Se2,1.
!ote8 T1i# #c1edule i# correct a# o% & !ov 2*169 T1e Univer#it- and $S( :cadem- re#erve t1e rig1t to amend t1e #c1edule "1en it i# deemed nece##ar- "it1out 2rior notice9
Tri1 2.,<eb,1. *2,Ma-,1.
1,5 Se2t 1.
Term (reak#
Tri2 1+,;un,1. 22,:ug,1.
Stud- (reak#

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