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Bible Believers' Newsletter 668

"We focus on the present Truth what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. e are p!eased "ou cou!d #oin us in
fe!!o$ship around %od&s unchanging ord.
'his $ee( $e continue our teaching on The Mark of the Beast from the garden of )den to the present da".
'his Ne$s!etter ser*es those of !i(e precious faith. hoe*er $i!! recei*e the truth is $e!come to feed their
sou! from the $aters of the +i*er of Life. )*er"thing here presented shou!d ,e confirmed persona!!" in "our
o$n -i,!e.
.our ,rother-in-Christ/ 0nthon" %rigor-Scott
Comprehensive 22GB William Branham Storehouse Collection
'he fi*e 121s present 1188 audio &3essage& sermons and te4t. 0 po$erfu! Search engine to search a!!
&3essage& sermons/ ,oo(s and the 5J2 -i,!e. 'he i!!iam -ranham 3emoria! 6hotograph 0!,um $ith o*er
700 cata!ogued photographs and ,ac(ground. 'he 'ucson .ears 1869-6: 6hotograph 0!,um $ith o*er 200
cata!ogued photographs and commentar". 6!us man" ,oo(s/ *ideos and other items to he!p "ou stud" the
-i,!e and comprehend it&s 1i*ine perfection and re!e*ance toda". Full story: ;S<28.8:
Obama to hand Commerce Dept !uthorit" over C"bersecurit" #D
January 8, 2011 hite =ouse C",ersecurit" Coordinator =o$ard Schmidt to!d the $e,site it is >the
a,so!ute perfect spot in the ;S go*ernment> to centra!i?e efforts to$ard creating an >identit" ecos"stem>
for the Internet.
'he Nationa! Strateg" for 'rusted Identities in C",erspace is current!" ,eing drafted ," the @,ama
administration and $i!! ,e re!eased ," the president in a fe$ months. . . Schmidt stresses that anon"mit"
$i!! remain on the Internet/ sa"ing there&s no chance that >a centra!i?ed data,ase $i!! emerge. . .> Full
Comment: 0s @,ama ,egins re-focusing his forces from fighting 0merica&s foreign enemies/ to those
opposed to him in his o$n countr"/ it is important to remem,er the $arning a,out the impending Violent
Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act gi*en ," the former CI0 officia!/ 6hi!ip %ira!di/ $ho
had pre*ious!" $arned of the -ush-Chene" p!an to attac( Iran $ith nuc!ear $eapons/ and $ho saidA
&'he mainstream media has made no effort to inform the pu,!ic of the 0ct $hich $as sponsored ," Je$ish
Congress$oman Jane =arman of Ca!ifornia and passed in the =ouse ," an o*er$he!ming 40: to 6 *ote !ast
@cto,er 24 and is a$aiting appro*a! ," the Senate =ome!and Securit" Committee/ headed ," Je$ish
Senator Joseph Lie,erman of Connecticut. . .
0s an e4amp!e of those 0merican&s @,ama $i!! ,e targeting/ %ira!di further $rites that 'he Simon
iesentha! Center/ in testif"ing ,efore the ;S Congress in support of this ne$ !a$/ s$ore that an
organi?ation ca!!ed &0rchitects B )ngineers for 8C11 'ruth& $as an e4amp!e of a homegro$n terrorist
organi?ation/ !eading one +ussian dip!omat in this report to stateA
>If 1/200 of 0merica&s top architectura! and engineering professiona!s are deemed terrorists simp!" ,ecause
the" Duestion their go*ernments propaganda then tru!" no one is safe in the ;nited States an"more>.
0s another e4amp!e of ho$ dictatoria! the @,ama regime has ,ecome/ and as the %u!f of 3e4ico oi! de,ac!e
has no$ ,ecome the $orst eco!ogica! disaster our or!d has e*er seen/ the hite =ouse press secretar"/
+o,ert %i,,s/ this past $ee( s!ammed 0merican reporters for &as(ing too man" Duestions a,out -6.& 'he
;S po!ice state has ,ecome >'he !and of the s!a*e/ and the home of the co$ard>/ and 0mericans ha*e on!"
themse!*es to ,!ame. 5eep $atching as authorit" o*er the internet and freedom of e4pression is a,dicated
to the ;N Duasi $or!d go*ernment.
!s it was in the Da"s o$ %ot
January 12, 2011 In "et another po!itica!!"-correct/ socia! progressi*e s!eight-of-hand/ the @,ama
State 1epartment has surreptitious!" degenderi?ed parenthood in the ;nited States. 'he terms >Eather>
and >3other> ha*e ,een remo*ed from ;S. passport app!ications and rep!aced $ith gender-neutra!
termino!og". . .
>'hese impro*ements are ,eing made to pro*ide a gender neutra! description of a chi!d&s parents and in
recognition of different t"pes of fami!ies. . . 'he $ords in the o!d form $ere mother and father. 'he" are
no$ &parent one& and &parent t$o&.> Full story: ne$s$ith*ie$
Gentile Sperm leads to Barbaric O$$sprin&
January 12, 2011 +a,,i 1o* Lior/ a senior authorit" on Je$ish !a$ in the +e!igious Fionism mo*ement/
asserted recent!" that a Je$ish $oman shou!d ne*er get pregnant using sperm donated ," a non-Je$ish
manGe*en if it is the !ast option a*ai!a,!e. . . a ,a," ,orn through such an insemination $i!! ha*e the
>negati*e genetic traits that characteri?e non-Je$s.>
>If the father in not Je$ish/ $hat character traits cou!d he ha*eH 'raits of crue!t"/ of ,ar,arismI 'hese are
not traits that characteri?e the peop!e of Israe!.> Lior identified Je$s as mercifu!/ sh" and charita,!eG
Dua!ities that he c!aimed cou!d ,e inherited. >0 person ,orn to Je$ish parents/ e*en if the" $eren&t raised
on the 'orahGthere are things that are passed on Jto himK in the ,!ood/ it&s genetic/> he e4p!ained. >If the
father is a genti!e/ then the chi!d is depri*ed of these things.
>@ur pu,!ic has ,een inf!uenced ," a part of the estern cu!ture in $hich e*er" $oman/ instead of
,ecoming a mother/ needs to get a 3asters 1egree/> he !amented. >'he ro!e of $omenGchi!d rearingGis
not !ess important than an academic degree.> Lior noted that there is nothing $rong $ith attaining a
profession/ ,ut it shou!d not ,e a priorit".
Full story: "netne$
'( sends out )**m Diaries to Schools which list +uslim, Chinese and
-indu -olida"s but miss out Christmas and 'aster
January 14, 2011 'he )uropean ;nion has sent mi!!ions of diaries to schoo!s $hich !ist the dates of
3us!im/ =indu/ Si(h/ Je$ish and Chinese festi*a!s - ,ut omit an" mention of Christian ce!e,rations. In an
e4traordinar" mo*e/ three mi!!ion 2011 note,oo(s $ere printed at a cost of L4.4mi!!ion to the ta4pa"er.
Full story: dai!"mai!.co.u(
.esus o$ the New /estament is 0-W- o$ the Old
%enesis 2A4 M 'he L@+1 %od M in =e,re$ M is .== )!ohim.
.ah$eh is 3essiah Jesus in =is pre-incarnate state.
L@+1/ throughout the @!d 'estament/ is .==h $hen printed $ith sma!! capita!s.
%enesis 12A4 M "Now the LR! had said to A"ram# # #"
John 8A:8 M "$es%s said to them& Most ass%redl'& ( sa' to 'o%& "efore A"raham was& ( AM"#
)4odus 9A14-1: M "And )od said to Moses& ( AM *H ( AM# And He said& Th%s 'o% shall sa' to the children
of (srael& ( AM has sent Me to 'o%# Moreover& )od said to Moses& Th%s 'o% shall sa' to the children of
(srael+ The LR! )od of 'o%r fathers& the )od of A"raham& the )od of (saac& and the )od of $aco"& has
sent Me to 'o%"#
.ah$eh/ Jesus/ in =is pre-incarnate state/ is the @ne spea(ing to 3oses.
'his gi*es added significance to 6hi!ippians 2A8-11 M "Therefore )od also has highl' e,alted Him and given
Him the Name which is a"ove ever' name& that at the Name of $es%s ever' knee sho%ld "ow& of those in
heaven& of those on earth& and of those %nder the earth& and that ever' tong%e sho%ld confess that $es%s
Messiah is Lord& to the glor' of )od the -ather"#
3essiah is the trans!ated $ord. Christ is the trans!iterated $ord.
'he $ord Christ appears :77 times in the Ne$ 'estament. It shou!d ,e 3essiah/ the trans!ated $ord JJohn
1A41N 4A2:K. If "ou $ant peop!e to sa" 3essiah/ the" must thin( 3essiah. 'he $ord Christ does not ha*e
the spiritua! impact as 3essiah a!though ,oth $ords mean >the anointed @ne>.
John 4A2:-26 M "The woman said to Him .$es%s/& ( know that Messiah is coming .who is called 0hrist/#
*hen He comes& He will tell %s all things# $es%s said to her& ( AM the one s1eaking to 'o%"#
"( AM" is &ego eimi& in %ree(.
&)go eimi o !a!on soi.& "( AM the ne s1eaking to 'o%#"
Jesus is sa"ing/ "( AM the Messiah&" the @ne "ou are !oo(ing for.
'his is the most simp!e and direct $a" of trans!ating the %ree(.
'here is another emphasis that needs to ,e madeA
John 18A4c-8 M "*hom are 'o% seeking2 The' answered Him& $es%s of Nazareth# $es%s said to them& ( AM#
3ego eimi# The word "he" is not in the )reek4# And when He had said to them ( AM& the' drew "ack and fell
to the gro%nd#" J'he temp!e officers ,eing on the one hand the instruments of a god!ess/ Satanic p!ot/ ,ut
a!so/ on the other/ the ministers of an e4isting order of things and the instruments of 1i*ine 6ro*idence/
$ere o*ercome ," the re*e!ation of =is 1i*ine 3a#est" and ca!m *o!untar" surrender that confronted the
consciousness of their sinfu!ness J1anie! 10A10N +e*e!ation 1A17K. hen the Spirit of %od said through
-rother -ranham/ >-ecause "ou&*e cha!!enged the Spirit of %od/ tonight "ou&!! fa!! o*er m" feet.> 'he
maniac at 6ort!and dre$ his fist ,ac( to hit the 6rophet/ and said/ >I&!! sho$ "ou $hose feet I&!! fa!! o*er.>
0nd $hen he did/ -rother -ranham said/ >Satan/ come out of the man.> 0nd he fe!! and pinned his feet to
the f!oor so that the po!iceman had to ro!! him off his feetK.
"Then $es%s asked them again& *hom are 'o% seeking2"
"And the' said& $es%s of Nazareth# $es%s answered& ( have told 'o% that ( AM#"
Jesus is ma(ing the direct c!aim that =e is Lord and +edeemer #ust as %od the Eather is. Jesus& use of "(
AM" indicates that =e is .ah$eh/ that =e is %od and L@+1 of histor"/ and that =e is the Spiritua! +edeemer
of Israe!/ the @ne $hom the" had re#ected and $ou!d crucif".
'his emphasi?es the seriousness of Jesus ha*ing ,een re#ected and crucified ," the Judahites. 'his a!so
emphasi?es the harsh rea!it" and fina!it" of Jesus& pronouncements in 3atthe$ 21A49 and Lu(e 21A22-24A
3atthe$ 21A49 M "Therefore ( sa' to 'o%& the kingdom of )od will "e taken from 'o% and given to a nation
31eo1le4 "earing the fr%its of it"#
Lu(e 21A22 M "-or these are da's of vengeance 3A!55 to the cons%mmation4 that all things .regarding
$er%salem and (srael/ which are written .in the Law and the Pro1hets/ ma' "e f%lfilled" J1euteronom" 28N
1anie! 8A26-27K. =e,re$s 1A1-14 a!so gi*es credence to Jesus ,eing the .== of the @!d 'estament.
Jesus is .== manifest in f!esh/ the I 03/ the 3essiah/ $hose &parousia& Coming $as in 1869/ and $ho is
present no$. hen the 144/000 e!ect Israe!ites recognise =is &parousia& Coming to them/ "The' will see the
6on of Man coming in a 0lo%d with 1ower and great glor'" JLu(e 21A27K.
Comment: If "ou are $orshipping a 'rinit"/ no matter ho$ dear!" "ou !o*e %od/ "ou are $orshipping %od
in *ain.
/he +ar1 o$ the Beast 2 3art ##
'he =o!" -i,!e is %od&s unchanging ordA it is the LogosG=is eterna! thoughts e4pressed as Spirit and
eterna! Life in a form $e can recei*e ," faith JJohn 6A69K. It is the -oo( of Life $hich is the natura!
genea!og" of the first 0dam that contains the Lam,&s -oo( of Life $hich is the Spiritua! genea!og" of the
!ast 0dam. I John :A8-11 sa"s/ "He who does not "elieve )od7s witness that $es%s is His 6on makes Him a
liar "eca%se he has not "elieved the record of evidence that He has "orne to His 6on# And this is the
record& that )od has granted %s eternal Life& and this Life is in His 6on#" Jesus said in John :A40/ "8et 'o%
will not come to Me& 3the 9(N6MAN Redeemer of the first Adam7s race4& that 'o% might have Life#" 'hus the
record/ %od&s ord/ states p!ain!" and c!ear!" that Life/ eterna! Life/ is in the Son. It is no other p!ace. I
John :A12/ "He who has the 6on has that Life: and he who does not have the 6on of )od does not have
eternal Life" J3atthe$ 11A27N Lu(e 10A22N John 14A6K.
In 6art I of this series $e found Lucifer/ the 'ree of the 5no$!edge of %ood and )*i! and the 0d*ersar" of
3ichae!/ $ho is Christ/ the 'ree of Life/ side ," side in the garden of )den/ and $itnessed ho$ an"thing
counter to the ord of %od is sin and death. hen the righteousness of the ord of %od and Life is
per*erted it ,rings death. e sa$ ho$ Satan !aid the foundation of =is (ingdom $hen he su,stituted his
thoughts for %od&s ord/ and Jesus named him 1eath J+e*e!ation 6A8K. )*e ,e!ie*ed e*er"thing %od had
said ,ut $hen she compromised one ord she ,rought 1eath/ and an"thing "ou ,e!ie*e that is #ust one
$ord contrar" to the mind of %od is the (ingdom of Satan. @ne ord dis,e!ie*ed can cause "our name to
,e struc( from the -oo( of Life J+e*e!ation 22A18-18K.
We learned that the mark of the beast is reasoning against the reealed Word of !od and that
the original beast, a man"like #reature #alled the $er%ent, &as in#arnate by $atan and sedu#ed
'e &ho bore $atan(s i#arious son Cain, &ho is #ursed of !od as are his offs%ring )!enesis 2"*+
',ekiel 28-. II Corinthians 11A2-4/ "( feel a divine ;ealo%s' for 'o%& "eca%se ( have es1o%sed 'o% to
0hrist to 1resent 'o% as a chaste virgin to one H%s"and# B%t ( fear that as the 6er1ent "eg%iled <ve
thro%gh his c%nning& so 'o%r tho%ghts ma' "e led awa' from a sincere and 1%re devotion to 0hrist# 8o%
seem so g%lli"le that if someone comes and 1reaches another $es%s& whom we have not 1reached& or if
'o% acce1t a different s1irit from what 'o% have received& or a different gos1el from the one 'o% have
acce1ted& 'o% readil' s%"mit to it"#
%enesis 9A16/ "0ain went o%t from the Presence of the Lord& and dwelt in the land of Nod& 3"anishment or
wandering4& on the east of <den#" 'he natura! t"pes the spiritua!/ so as the Sun rises in the )ast and sets in
the est/ the Light of the %ospe! a!so has tra*e!ed from the )ast to the est/ and this accursed race $hich
must ma(e this $or!d its home is the $or!d!" in*entor of e*er" important ad*ance in $or!d!" cu!ture/ trades
and arts. -" the se*enth generation on!" Noah is found ,oth Spiritua!!" and genetica!!" pure/ for the $ho!e
h",rid antedi!u*ian ci*i!i?ation is immersed in music/ re*e!r"/ science/ commerce/ !u4ur"/ corruption/
*io!ence and out$ard sho$ !i(e the =o!!"$ood i!!usion in $hich $e d$e!! J%enesis 6A1-19N 3atthe$ 24A97-
:1K. %enesis 4A2:-26/ "And again Adam knew his wife and she gave "irth to a son& whom she named 6eth
3meaning 70om1ensation74+ for ")od has a11ointed me another seed instead of A"el& "eca%se 0ain killed
him# And to 6eth also a son was "orn& whom he named <nosh 3meaning 7mortal man74+ then "egan men to
call %1on the Name of the Lord"#
3an is a spirit d$e!!ing in a house of f!esh and ,!ood/ and $hose attitude and ,eha*iour is go*erned ," the
Spirit of %od or the spirit of this $or!d $hich is present!" ru!ed ," Satan. )*i! ,ecame so great the
righteous !ineage $as reduced to #ust one fami!" in a g!o,a! popu!ation eDui*a!ent to or greater that $hat
$e ha*e toda"/ so %od a!!o$ed man(ind to cause the %reat E!ood ," atomic po$ers/ destro"ing a!! !ife
outside Noah&s 0r(. 'hus a remnant of 0dam&s race $as preser*ed/ as $as a remnant of Cain&s race
through Noah&s $ife/ Naamah/ Jmeaning &!o*e!"&K/ the sister of 'u,a!-Cain $ho ,ore =am&s i!!egitimate son/
Canaan J%enesis 8A18-26K.
Noah&s renegade son/ =am/ re*i*ed the antedi!u*ian phi!osoph" and re!igion on this side of the E!ood.
>-a,e! is the origina! name for -a,"!on. It means confusion. It $as !itera!!" started ," Cush/ the son of
=am/ ,ut $as ,rought to a (ingdom of po$er and grandeur under his son/ Nimrod/ the might" hunter.
Nimrod/ according to the %enesis e!e*en account and a!so according to profane histor"/ set out to
accomp!ish three things. =e $anted to ,ui!d a strong nation/ $hich he did. =e $anted to propagate his o$n
re!igion/ $hich he did. =e $anted to ma(e a name for himse!f/ $hich he a!so accomp!ished. =is
accomp!ishments $ere so monumenta! that the (ingdom of -a,"!on $as ca!!ed the head of go!d amongst
a!! $or!d go*ernments. /hat his religion gained %rominen#e is %roen by the fa#t that $#ri%ture
identifies it &ith $atan #om%letely in 0saiah Cha%ter 14 and in 1eelation Cha%ters 12"18. 3nd
by history &e #an %roe that it inaded the &hole &orld and is the basis for eery system of
idolatry, and the theme of mythology, though the names of the gods differ in arious se#tions of
the land a##ording to the language of the %eo%le. 'hat he made a name for himse!f and his fo!!o$ers
goes $ithout sa"ing/ for as !ong as this present age goes on Junti! Jesus re*ea!s =imse!f to =is ,rethrenK he
$i!! ,e $orshipped and honored/ though under a different name from Nimrod/ and in a temp!e s!ight!"
different from the one in $hich he $as origina!!" adored. . .
)g"pt recei*ed her science and mathematics from the Cha!deans and in turn %reece recei*ed them from
)g"pt. No$ since the priests $ere in charge of teaching these sciences/ and since these sciences $ere used
as a part of re!igion/ $e a!read" (no$ the (e" as to ho$ the -a,"!onish re!igion gained its strength in these
t$o countries. It is a!so true that $hene*er a nation $as a,!e to o*ercome another nation/ in due time the
re!igion of the su,duer ,ecame the re!igion of the su,dued. It is $e!! (no$n that the %ree(s had the *er"
same signs of the Fodiac as did the -a,"!oniansN and it has ,een found in the ancient )g"ptian records that
the )g"ptians ga*e the %ree(s their (no$!edge of po!"theism. /hus the mysteries of 4abylon s%read
from nation to nation until it a%%eared in 1ome, in China, 0ndia and een in both 5orth and
$outh 3meri#a &e find the ery same basi# &orshi%.
O'his sho$s $here the Serpent&s seed/ $ho feed from the 'ree of the 5no$!edge of %ood and )*i!/
migrated fo!!o$ing the confusion of tongues and propagated the Satanic re!igion J%enesis 10A18/ 2:N 11A8-
8K. Interesting!"/ this dispersion ,egan 92: "ears after the E!ood as the doctrina! ,a,e! ,et$een 0rianism/
'rinitarianism and other cu!ts caused the dispersion from the doctrine of the apost!es and prophets at the
Eirst Nicean Counci! $here the Judaeo-+oman Catho!ic church organi?ed 92: "ears after the nomina! ,irth
of ChristP.
'he ancient histories agree $ith the -i,!e that this -a,"!onish re!igion $as most certain!" not the origina!
re!igion of earth&s ear!" peop!es. It $as the first to drift a$a" from the origina! faithN ,ut it $as not itse!f
the origina! one. =istorians such as i!(inson and 3a!!ett ha*e pro*en conc!usi*e!" from the ancient
documents that at one time a!! the peop!es of the earth ,e!ie*ed in @N) %@1/ supreme/ eterna!/ in*isi,!e/
ho ," the ord of =is mouth spo(e a!! things into e4istence/ and that in =is character =e $as !o*ing and
good and #ust. -ut as Satan $i!! a!$a"s corrupt $hate*er he can/ $e find him corrupting the minds and
hearts of men so that the" re#ect the truth. 0s he has a!$a"s attempted to recei*e $orship as though he
$ere %od and not the ser*ant and creation of %od/ he dre$ $orship a$a" from %od to the end that he
might dra$ it unto himse!f and so ,e e4a!ted. =e certain!" did accomp!ish his desire to spread his re!igion
throughout the $ho!e $or!d. 'his is authenticated ," %od in the -oo( of +omans/ "*hen the' knew )od&
the' glorified Him not as )od& %ntil the' "ecame vain in their imaginations& and thro%gh darkness of heart
acce1ted a corr%1ted religion to the e,tent that the' worshi11ed creat%res and not the 0reator#"
+emem,er/ Satan $as a creature of %od JSon of the 3orningK. 'hus $e find that $here once truth $as
disseminated amongst men/ and a!! he!d to that one truth/ there !ater came a da" $hen a *ast group
turned from %od and spread a dia,o!ica! form of $orship around the $or!d. =istor" ,ears it out that those
of the tri,e of Shem that stood $ith the unchanging truth $ere in so!id opposition to those of =am
Omeaning &to enf!ame&P $ho turned a$a" from truth to the 1e*i!&s !ie. 'here is no time to engage in a
discussion of thisN it is mere!" introduced that "ou ma" see there &ere t&o religions and t&o only, and
the eil one be#ame &orld &ide.
3onotheism turned to po!"theism in -a,"!on. 'he de*i!&s !ie and the de*i!&s m"steries rose up against the
truth of %od and the m"steries of %od in that cit". Satan tru!" ,ecame the god of this $or!d and e4acted
$orship from those that he had duped/ causing them to ,e!ie*e that he $as tru!" the Lord.
/he %olytheisti# religion of the enemy began &ith the /rinitarian do#trine. 0t &as &ay ba#k
there in anti6uity that the 7one !od in three %ersons7 idea #ame into e8isten#e. =o$ strange that
our modern theo!ogians ha*e not spotted thisN ,ut e*ident!" #ust as duped ," Satan as their fore,ears
$ere/ the" sti!! ,e!ie*e in three persons in the %odhead. Let us ,e sho$n #ust one p!ace in Scripture $here
there is an" authorit" for that doctrine. 0s it not strange that &hile the des#endants of 9am &ent on
their &ay in $atani# &orshi% &hi#h inoled a basi# #on#e%t of three gods that there is not one
tra#e of the des#endants of $hem belieing su#h a thing or haing any #eremonial &orshi% that
inoled een a ty%e of it: It is not strange that the =e,re$s ,e!ie*ed/ "Hear& (srael& the Lord th' )od
is N< )od&" if there $ere three persons in the %odheadH 0,raham/ the descendant of Shem/ in %enesis
18 sa$ on!" @N) %od $ith t$o ange!s> Ji!!iam/ -ranham/ 0n )4position of the Se*en Church 0ges/ p.
182A1 M 184A1N See a!so 0!e4ander =is!op/ 'he '$o -a,"!ons p. 19-40K.
%od ca!!ed 0,raham to separate from his countr" and his peop!e to a !and to $hich he $ou!d ,e !ed ," his
faith. =e promised to ma(e him a ,!essing/ his natura! seed a great nation/ and that through his Seed of
promise/ Jesus 3essiah/ a!! nations of the )arth $i!! ,e ,!essed. 'he ,irthright passed to Isaac thence to
)sau/ the first,orn of t$ins. -ut )sau marred his inheritance ," marr"ing into Cain&s race of ph"sica!
Serpent&s seed and ,ecame spiritua! Serpent&s seed. =e e4changed his ,irthright $ith his "ounger ,rother/
Jaco,/ for a ,o$! of soup/ and ha*ing ta(en the mar( of the ,east found no p!ace of repentance J=e,re$s
Jaco, fathered the patriarchs of the Israe!ite nation $hom 3oses !ed
out of )g"pt/ ,ut ,efore he had descended mount Sinai $ith the
ta,!es of the La$/ Israe! had *io!ated their Co*enant $ith the Lord and
turned to ido!atr"/ for $hich man" $ere ,!otted from the -oo( of Life
J)4odus 92A99K.3oses !ed Israe! to 5adesh--arnea/ the ,order of the
6romised Land ,ut $hen the spies ,rought ,ac( their report the nation dou,ted %od&s 6romise/ and in
ta(ing the mar( of the ,east the names of the adu!ts $ere ,!otted from the -oo( of Life JNum,ers 14N
6sa!m 8:A10-11N John 6A48N =e,re$s 9A7-18N 6A4-8N Jude :K. Li(e$ise/ after -rother -ranham had !ed the
Laodiceans to +e*e!ation 4/ the ,order ,et$een the Church 0ges and the Sea!s/ $hich he ca!!ed the
>,reach/> he stood in the gap and introduced Christ&s &parousia& Coming as the son of 3an/ the 6entecosta!s
and a!! of the denominationa! churches c!ung to their su,stitute creeds and re#ected the ord. 'hose $ho
too( the mar( of the ,east $ere smitten from the -oo( of Life and their churches $ander in a
denominationa! $i!derness $here the" $i!! perish $hi!e Christ&s end-time -ride is trans!ated to our
6romised Land of the 3i!!ennium.
0fter crossing the Jordan Joshua defeated Jericho and 0i/ he $as decei*ed ," the %i,eonites/ a Serpent&s
seed peop!e the Lord had commanded Israe! to "%tterl' destro'" J1euteronom" 7A2K/ and $ithout
consu!ting the Lord he made a co*enant $ith them/ to !et them !i*e/ and did not repent e*en though the
%i,eonites co*enanted in ,reach of faith !i(e a $oman $ho ta(es her $edding *o$s $ith unconfessed
'hree hundred and t$e!*e "ears after sett!ing Canaan Israe! re#ected faith in unseen hea*en!" Leadership
and demanded the *isi,!e ru!ership of an earth!" (ing. 0 simi!ar destin" ,efe!! Christendom in 01912 after
Constantine dec!ared himse!f a Christian ,ased on a p!edge/ not faith/ fo!!o$ing his *ictor" o*er 3a4entius
at the -att!e of 3i!*ian -ridge and proc!aimed the )dict of 3i!an in 919 $hich granted re!igious freedom to
a!!. 0s emperor he $as the head of all re!igions and there," patron of the +oman churches/ so this
heathen/ $ho $as ,apti?ed short!" ,efore his death a Duarter of a centur" !ater/ presided o*er the =ege!ian
dia!ectic of the Eirst Nicene Counci! in 92: $here the pagan 'rinit" dogma and fa!se ,aptism $ere
mandated and the Judaeo-+oman Catho!ic fa!se church $as organi?ed. Constantine $as a po!itician/ not a
Christian/ and united +ome&s pagan ceremonies $ith Christian superstitions into a uni*ersa! re!igion to
strengthen his (ingdom as =erod the %reat had gorgeous!" adorned the 'emp!e $ith greater than
So!omonic sp!endour $hi!e degrading the Judaic re!igion into a too! of po!itica! am,ition.
Erom =am came Cush and Nimrod/ $ho ,ui!t natura! -a,"!on
and ,rought ,ac( the antedi!u*ian 'rinitarian cu!t that $ou!d
po!!ute Israe! and Judah and re*i*e as "M86T<R8 BAB8LN
HARLT6 AN! ABM(NAT(N6 - TH< <ARTH" $hen emperor
Constantine organi?ed the Judaeo-+oman Catho!ic fa!se church
at Nicaea thus transforming Imperia! +ome to 6apa! +ome
J+e*e!ation 19A1-9N 17A:K. Natura! Israe! had se*en
dispensations !i(e the Church 0ges of Spiritua! Israe!. 'he
period of the Judges $as a t"pe of 6entecost/ after $hich the
e!ection of (ing Sau! to $hom -rother -ranham !i(ened -i!!"
%raham as >our son of 5ish/> t"ped the )phesian Church 0ge
$hich ,ecame !a4 and fe!! a$a" from her "first love&" Christ the
ord. 1a*id&s reign t"ped Sm"rna/ and So!omon&s reign after
$hich J891-CK his (ingdom $as di*ided ,et$een the ten
'ri,es of Israe! in the North and the tri,es of Judah and
-en#amin in the South/ t"ped the 6ergamean Church 0ge in $hich +ome di*ided ,et$een )ast and est.
0ha,&s marriage to pagan Je?e,e! ,rought ido!atr" into Israe! as 6rotestants married Catho!icism and
,rought ido!atr" into the church in the 'h"atira 0ge J+e*e!ation 2A18-26K. 0ha,&s ru!e $as a t"pe of the
1ar( 0ges ,rought upon )urope ," the +oman Catho!ic church. 'he ord $as restored through the
dispensations of 3artin Luther/ John es!e"/ and 6entecost $hich apostati?ed and %od spe$ed the
Laodiceans out of his mouth. Since 1869 =e has ,een ca!!ing the $ise and foo!ish *irgin out from +ome and
her har!ot daughter churches to the unit" of the faith for the manifestation of the Sons of %od and the
trans!ation ,efore =e returns to Israe! J3atthe$ 2:A6N I Corinthians 19A10N I 'hessa!onians 4A14-16N
+e*e!ation 10A1-7N +omans 11A92K. So the @!d 'estament is a t"pe of the Ne$.
>. . . the esta,!ishment of Christianit" as the state re!igion ,ecame a C;+S). )*er",od" sought
mem,ership in the church/ and near!" e*er",od" $as recei*ed. -oth good and ,ad/ sincere see(ers after
%od and h"pocritica! see(ers after gain/ rushed into the communion. 0m,itious/ $or!d!"/ unscrupu!ous men
sought office in the church for socia! and po!itica! inf!uence . . . 'he ser*ices of $orship increased in
sp!endor/ ,ut $ere !ess spiritua! and heart" than those of former times. 'he forms and ceremonies of
paganism gradua!!" crept into the $orship. Some of the o!d heathen feasts ,ecame church festi*a!s $ith
change of name and of $orship> JJesse =ur!,ut/ 'he Stor" of the Christian Church/ p. 78K.
/hat mark of the beast be#ame ingrained in 0srael &hen they ado%ted /rinitarian 4aal &orshi%
from their %agan neighbours, and the ;ord "rent Israel from the house of David . . . so Israel
was carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day" )00 <ings 12 as also foretold by
3mos 2:11-. Jeremiah 17A1/ "The idolatr' J16A18-21K of $%dah is engraved on the ta"le of their ston'
hearts& and on the horns of their 3idol4 altars with a diamond=ti11ed iron 1en" J=a,a((u( 2A18-18K. ;nder
the @!d Co*enant %od is represented as Israe!&s hus,and/ and ido!atr" as unfaithfu!ness or spiritua!
adu!ter" as found in Israe! and Judah JJeremiah 9N )?e(ie! 29N =osea 1K.
9osea 1 %ro%hesies the dis%ersion of 0srael and !od(s abandonment of Judah until the fullness
of the !entiles #omes in and Christ(s end"time 4ride has made herself ready for the
manifestation of the $ons of !od and the translation. 5ot until then &ill 0srael and Judahnot
Je&ryreturn to the land of the Coenant. =osea 1A10-11/ "8et the n%m"er of the children of (srael
shall "e like the sand of the sea& which cannot "e meas%red or n%m"ered: and in the 1lace where it was
said to them& 8o% are not M' 1eo1le& the' will "e called& 6ons of the living )od# Then the children of $%dah
and (srael shall "e gathered together& and %nite %nder ne Head 3$es%s Messiah4& and come %1 o%t of the
land of their e,ile+ for great shall "e the da' of $ezreel 3when )od will sow His 1eo1le in the fertile soil of
their own land again4"#
=osea 9A1-:/ "Again the Lord said to me& )o& love a woman who is "eloved of a 1aramo%r& herself an
ad%lteress: s%ch is the wa' the Lord loves the children of (srael& even tho%gh the' kee1 t%rning to other
gods& and love raisin cakes 3a festive offering to idols4# 6o ( "o%ght her for fifteen shekels of silver& and an
homer and a half of "arle'+ and ( said to her& "-or man' da's 'o% will remain here >%ietl' at home with
me: no more will 'o% 1la' the harlot& or "elong to another man: and so will ( also "e to 'o%#" -or the
children of (srael shall contin%e man' da's witho%t a king or a 1rince& and witho%t sacrifice or altar& and
witho%t an image& and witho%t an e1hod& and or even idols+ afterward the (sraelites will t%rn to seek the
Lord their )od& and !avid 3$es%s Messiah4 their king: and shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter
da's#" C!ear!"/ "for fear of the $ews&" neither Israe! nor Judah $i!! return to the !and of the Co*enant unti!
the first ha!f of 1anie!&s Se*entieth ee( J6sa!m 17A7N Isaiah 6A10-19N 11A11-16N 27A19N Jeremiah 9A12/
18N 16A1:N 29A8N 91A8N )?e(ie! 97A14N 98A27N 3icah :A9N Fechariah 10A8-12N 3atthe$ 24A28-91N
+e*e!ation 12A14/ etc./K.
3oses foreto!d the Capti*it" J1euteronom" 28A96-97 as did Isaiah 98A7K. Jeremiah prophesied Jerusa!em&s
destruction JJeremiah 1N 4K and the transportation of her peop!e J10N 11N 19A18K for se*ent" "ears J2:K
,ecause/ !i(e her sister Israe!/ Judah p!a"ed the har!ot against %od in the 'rinitarian re!igion of -aa! J2N 9N
:N 8K/ e*en offering their chi!dren ," fire J18A4-:K. )?e(ie! 4A1 M 7A27 a!so prophesied the catastrophic
destruction of Jerusa!em ,ecause of ido!atr" JII Chronic!es 96A14-21K.
'rinitarianism $as such an a,omination to %od/ =e dispersed the Northern 5ingdom to this da"/ and had
Ne,uchadne??ar destro" Jerusa!em/ ra?e =is 'emp!e and carr" the Judeans into e4i!e for a !ifespan. Since
the re*e!ation of the Se*en Sea!s has "finished the m'ster' of )od&" Christ is no !onger a 3ediator for this
pagan ignoranceN so $hat is to ,e the fate of this generation that persists in $orshipping the -a,"!onian
trinit"H "$es%s will destro' them with %n>%encha"le -ire" J3atthe$ 9A12K.
The New 0atholic <nc'clo1edia ac(no$!edgesA >'he formu!ation &one %od in three 6ersons& $as not so!id!"
esta,!ished/ certain!" not fu!!" assimi!ated into Christian !ife and its profession of faith/ prior to the end of
the 4th centur". . . 3mong the 3%ostoli# Fathers, there had been nothing een remotely
a%%roa#hing su#h a mentality or %ers%e#tie> J1867/ *o!. 14/ p. 288K.
Catho!icism is the mar( of the ,east/ for Christianit" is ""%ilt %1on the fo%ndation of the a1ostles and
1ro1hets& $es%s 0hrist Himself "eing the chief cornerstone" J)phesians 2A20K.
The (nternational 6tandard Bi"le <nc'clo1aedia gi*es this surprising admissionA >'he term &'rinit"& is not a
-i,!ica! term/ and $e are not using -i,!ica! !anguage $hen $e define $hat is e4pressed ," it. . . In point of
fact/ the do#trine of the /rinity . . . embodies a truth &hi#h has neer been dis#oered, and is
indis#oerable, by natural reason> J'rinit"/ *o!.:/ p. 9012K.
'he trinit" is not faith ,ut human reasoning against the re*ea!ed ord of %od $hich is the mar( of the
,east. +e*e!ation 18A20-21/ "And the "east 3or !evil=incarnate last 1o1e4 was taken& and with him the
false 1ro1het 3or 1o1e of the da'4 who wro%ght miracles in 6atan7s 1resence with which he deceived those
who had received the mark of the "east& and those who worshi11ed his image# These were cast alive into a
lake of -ire that "%rns with s%l1h%r# And the rest were slain with the sword that iss%es from the mo%th of
He who sits %1on the horse+ and all the "irds were gorged with their flesh"#
It has ,een estimated ," scho!ars that a,out :0/000 peop!e $ere marched into capti*it" in -a,"!on. 1anie!
records a deportation of Judean no,i!it" that occurred around 60:-C in the reign of Jehoia(im $ho $as
made a *assa! J1anie! 1A1-6N II Chronic!es 96A6-7K. Jeremiah :2A28-90 notes three distinct deportations.
'he first $as in the reign of Jehoiachin in :87 $hen the 'emp!e $as despoi!ed and the !eading citi?ens
remo*ed JII 5ings 24A10-19K. 'he second $as in the reign of Fede(iah in :86 $hen he *io!ated his oath
and re*o!tedN then Ne,uchadne??ar ra?ed the cit" and 'emp!e and deported the rest of the peop!e JII 5ings
2:A1-21K. Lamentations :A11-19/ "The' ravished the women in ?ion& and the maids in the cities of $%dah#
Princes are hanged %1 "' their hand+ the faces of elders were not hono%red# The' took the 'o%ng men to
grind& and the children fell %nder the wood#" 'he third deportation fo!!o$ed the assassination of go*ernor
%eda!iah in :81 JJeremiah :2A90K.
In -a,"!on/ the Judeans prospered and mu!tip!ied/ and after her defeat ," 6ersia JIranK/ C"rus encouraged
the priests and their peop!e to return to Jerusa!em. 42/960 Israe!ites/ 7/997 ser*ants and maids/ and 200
singers comp!eted the #ourne" of four months J)?ra 2A64-6:N Nehemiah 7A66-67K $ith a second return
1/7:4 ma!es p!us their $i*es and chi!dren/ man" of $hom $ere Serpent&s seed )?ra 8 M 10K.
=o$e*er/ most Judeans chose to remain in -a,"!on/ and so -a,"!on/ not Jerusa!em/ ,ecame the hu, of
Je$ish scho!arship unti! a,out 011200. =ere the" adopted the -a,"!onian ca!endar/ mercanti!e !a$ and
fractiona! reser*e s"stem of usur". -ecoming increasing!" $or!d!"/ the" adopted the Ca,,a!a/ a
compendium of magic $hose roots are Cha!dean/ and de*ised the s"nagogue form of $orship $herein
ra,,is usurped the Le*itica! priesthood/ and e*entua!!" codified the -a,"!onian 'a!mud/ the antithesis to
3oses and the prophets that "makes the *ord of )od of no effect" J3atthe$ 1:A1-8K. 'his is the dogma of
6harisaism/ (no$n as Judaism toda". It (i!!ed the Lord of g!or" and is at enmit" $ith the chi!dren of the
first and of the !ast 0dam to this da" J%enesis 9A1:K.
$atan neer #hanges his ta#ti#s. In the garden of )den he incarnate the Serpent/ a giant man-!i(e
,east/ to decei*e and seduce )*e $ith the o,#ecti*e of h",reeding 0dam&s race through >mu!ticu!tura!ism>
into a mo, of mamsers of mi4ed or spurious origins not in genea!og" of 0dam/ $hich is the -oo( of Life/
and $ithout redemption. 0 mamser is specifica!!" pre*ented ," 1i*ine 1ecree from entering the
congregation of the Lord e*en to his tenth generationA that is/ ne*er. So one ,orn of incest or adu!ter"/
e*en in 0dam&s race/ is prec!uded from the e!ection J1euteronom" 29A2-9K. 3iscegenation $ith the ph"sica!
Serpent&s seed is genocide to 0dam&s race/ for the offspring is Serpent&s seed and can ne*er ,reed ,ac(. -"
h",reeding %od&s ord manifested in 0dam and the Serpent/ Satan conspired to e!iminate the potentia! for
3ichae! e*er to possess a (ingdom and instead ,reed his (ingdom of perpetua! !ifeG,irth/ !ife/ 1)0'=G!i(e
'he 'ree of the 5no$!edge of %ood and )*i! h",rid the fruit of the 'ree of Life and the origina! sin $as
ce!e,rated e*er" "ear at the inter So!stice ," the $orship of e*ergreen trees as a s"m,o! of perpetua!
!ife. est %ermans decorated their houses $ith a paradise tree hung $ith app!es as in the %arden of )den
on 1ecem,er 24/ $hich $as the re!igious feast da" of 0dam and )*e. =ouses $ere decorated $ith
Christmas trees to dri*e a$a" e*i! spirits/ and after the commencement of the Ne$ .ear/ the pagan
)uropeans $ou!d set the decorated Christmas tree af!ame in remem,rance of the past "ear.
-" Noah&s da" g!o,a! popu!ation $as either natura! andCor Spiritua! Serpent&s seed J%enesis 6A1-19K. @ne
,ecomes spiritua! Serpent&s seed ," h",reeding %od&s unchanging ord $ith carna! reasoning/ $hich is the
mar( of the ,east and Spiritua! genocide. Satan hunts the peop!e of 0dam&s race J%enesis 9A1:K/ especia!!"
those in the circ!e of %od&s e!ect/ $ho $ere the chi!dren of Israe! in the post-di!u*ian era under the @!d
'estament. 'his is $h" the histor" of the 0damic descendents of =am and Japheth is scant in the @!d
'estament. 'oda" Satan attac(s the peop!e of a!! three 0damic races in the circ!e of this 3essage/ "And all
who will live godl' in 0hrist $es%s shall s%ffer 1ersec%tion" JII 'imoth" 9A12N 3atthe$ 24A97K.
'he 6harisee John ="rcanus/ high priest and prince of the =asmonean J3acca,eeK fami!"/ hired foreign
mercenaries and defeated and forci,!" assimi!ated the )domites $ho are Serpent&s seed and ,e!onged to
the fami!" of the =erodians/ $ho ,rought a,out the ruin of the =asmoneans through intermarriage. In
128-C 0mmouius $rote/ >'he Idumeans $ere . . . su,dued ," the Je$s Oi.e. Judahites under John
="rcanus in 129P and compe!!ed to ,e circumcised/ and to unite into one nation/ and ,e su,#ect to the
same !a$s/ the" $ere ca!!ed Je$s.> Numerica!!" greater and predominant!" Serpent&s seed/ these )domites
>$ere hereafter no other than Je$s> JJosephus/ 0ntiDuities of the Je$s/ QIII/ 8A1K. =ence in the da"s of his
f!esh Jesus !i*ed in ")alilee of the )entiles: He wo%ld not live in $ewr' "eca%se the $ews so%ght to kill Him"
JJohn 7A1K. I ,e!ie*e it $as to preser*e the !ife of =is 6rophet and his 3essage that the Lord had =is
prophet spea( in the *ernacu!ar and not in the more precise terms of a teacher.
Li(e Jesus/ -rother -ranham spo(e under inspiration in co!!oDuia! speech using such genera! terms the
)nem" of %od/ men and Israe! $i!! not understand ,ut the $ise $i!! understand. Eor e4amp!e/ he referred
to the peop!e and nation as Israe! ,ut I ha*e on!" three records in $hich he referred to the !and as Israe!
rather than 6a!estine or Canaan. 0nd he genera!!" used the modern $ord >Je$/> not Israe!ite/ "et this
unscriptura! $ord/ un(no$n in an" -i,!e prior to the !atter part of the eighteenth centur"/ has an entire!"
different meaning to the t$o $ords it has rep!aced. @ne refers to Judahites of the tri,e of Judah/ $hi!e the
other refers to residents of Judea regard!ess of their race or re!igion. 3ost modern so-ca!!ed Je$s are
neither/ nor are the" Semitic ,ut descendants the Serpent&s seed $hom 3oses and the Israe!ites $ere
commanded to "%tterl' destro'& against whom the Lord has indignation forever" J%enesis 9A1:N 4A11-1:N
1euteronom" 7A2N Isaiah 94N 69N 3a!achi 1A4K.
Satan&s program of >mu!ticu!tura!ism>Ga euphemism for miscegenation $hich is for,idden ," the %od of
0,raham/ Isaac/ and Israe!G$as so successfu! that in the da"s of Noah/ "The Lord was sorr' that He had
made man on the earth& and it grieved him at His heart#" 0nd a!though =e destro"ed a!! !ife outside the
ar(/ "also after that& the sons of )od came in to the da%ghters of man 30ain7s descendents4& and "ore
3mamsers& 6er1ent7s seed children4 %nto them" J%enesis 6A1-7K. 'hus 3ariamne/ the granddaughter of
="rcanus married the )domite >Je$/> =erod the %reat/ $ho ,ecame (ing of Judea and sought sti!! to
reco*er from Jaco, )sau&s forfeited ,irthright and ,!essing J%enesis 27A28-91K. So in the da"s of Israe!&s
3essiah/ our Lord Jesus Christ $ou!d not $a!( among Je$r"/ for "as it was in the da's of Noah&" the nation
$as apostate and Je$r" either natura! andCor Spiritua! Serpent&s seed.
So the spirit of antichrist that had enf!amed (ing 0ha, entered into Judas Iscariot/ the on!" Judean among
Jesus& discip!es/ and dri*en ," the mar( of the ,east/ he so!d his master for thirt" pieces of si!*er/ and
,etra"ed =im $ith a (iss. n!668.htm

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