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Rathmines Pembroke Community Partnership

Local and Community Development Programme

Starting in
Are you an entrepreneur? Thinking about starting
your own business? This six session introductory
programme is intended to motivate and assist anyone
thinking of setting up their own business.
This course, and other enterprise supports, provided by
the Rathmines Pembroke Community Partnership are ony
avaiabe to!
Those that are not in empoyment and are in receipt of
socia wefare payments.
"ndividuas iving in the partnership catchment area
#$ubin %&%' and parts of $ubin ( and $ubin )* + pease contact our office
beow to check your eigibiity for this course,
The course wi take pace twice a week, for three
consecutive weeks, on -onday and Thursday mornings.
/ach session wi cover a different topic to assist you in
your research and to make accurate and considered
decisions in regard to business panning, company
formation, marketing and finance etc.
Start Date! -onday 0
1ovember *2)(
End Date! Thursday *2
1ovember *2)(
Venue! * Parker 3i, Rathmines, $ubin %
ime! )2am to )*.02pm
o apply !or a place on this course" please contact the o!!ice by
telephoning RPCP on el# $% &'()))* or email# laurab+rpcp,ie
Please note places are limited
Local and Community Development Programme
Start Your Business Course
Course runs Monday and Thursday mornings, 10am to
1!"0pm starting Monday "
#ovem$er 01%
at Par&er 'ill, (athmines, Du$lin )
Session Details of session
Session One
Monday 3
Entrepreneur Fundamentals
Overview of course programme
Introduction of trainers
Review entrepreneurial traits and personal skills inventory
Consider motivation for starting a business
Explore ways to identify and develop an idea
Session Two
Thursday 6
Business lannin!
Identify the key elements of a business plan using examples
Understand important role of business planning
How to use your plan to set and review business targets
Understand legal structures key steps to set up a business
Session Three
Monday "#
Finan$ial %e&uirements ' Ta(ation
Identify business start up costs
Understand tax registration process for different legal structures
Estimate your business income and expenditure
Understand difference between cash!flow and profit
Session Four
Thursday "3
Mar)etin!* Mar)et %esear$h and Sales
Explore customer!centred marketing
"efining your idea # $ %&s
'ssessing and researching the market opportunity
Understand the $ (&s )product* price* promotion and place+
"evelop advertising,promotional plan for start up business

Session Five
Monday "+
,sin! the -nternet to advanta!e your business
Review various internet business models
Understand the costs of setting your business up on!line
Identify ways to use the internet as a business marketing tool
Introduction to -earch Engine Optimisation )-EO+ -ocial .edia

Session Si(
Thursday .#
Enterprise Supports ' /oal Settin!
Identify necessary resources to progress starting your own business
Review enterprise supports available in local area
Explore funding and finance needs for your business/
How to manage your time for you and your business
Identify and set clear goals for your business going forward
o apply !or a place on this course" please contact the o!!ice by
telephoning RPCP on el# $% &'()))* or email# laurab+rpcp,ie
Please note places are limited
o apply !or a place on this course" please contact the o!!ice by
telephoning RPCP on el# $% &'()))* or email# laurab+rpcp,ie
Please note places are limited

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