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Impoitance of uiagnostics in maths.

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NZ maths planning: iefeiences- puiple books ANB !"#$%& "( )$( (TKI-numeiacy-
planning sheets)
Theie is a teachei copy anu a stuuent copy.
Refeience is tiicky to ueciphei: BF 1u 0n Tiack= Basic Facts, page 1u,
Page title

0thei iesouice is *%!3 ,+ 145,((,(5 +-&))6 7'0&47'0,-+
Boubling iesouice: uouble anu uouble again.

:4; <4'6'(= 8>99,->6>7 !'0&47'0,-+3 +0'54+ ?@ A@ B
Activities that link with the pink books anu cuiiiculum.
Some woiu pioblems can be too complex.
Incluues boaiu games
"==,0,)( '(= +>109'-0,)( #))62,0
}une Nilne publisheu by usei fiienuly iesouices.
Woiksheets foi puiple books
Naiee Biist
Basic tick off list foi stages knowleuge anu stiategiy
:>7149 5'74+ 1))23 *4H I>(1'9
Lowei piimaiy math examples anu fun woiksheets
Playuough: make animals anu auu quantity of beaus. Bow many beaus
uoes youi bug have. Auu youis with }ohn, how many beaus uo you have
Natch sticks to bunule tens
Tens fiame template on NZ maths
I4-' 0944
Beca tiee to suppoit teacheis in communicating place value
visual analogy
#9'=,(5 MNN 1)'9=3
2 uice: woiks on place value. Encouiages chiluien to communicate theii
I)>164 =,-43
2 uice within one. Auu the numbeis togethei
!'0&+ 1)'9=+3
ensuie the columns aie u-9 not to ten.
Stops at 99
ON 7'0&+ +0'9049+
Waim ups
Quick games to stait off a lesson
Stage 7+
C'97 >K 5'743
Pick a time table. Sit in a ciicle each peison follows the pattein
Sit uown if say 1u
Can say 2 numbeis in a iow.
PPP:,-)6' 0) 7'24 '( 47',6 K'-2'54 /9)7 &49 -)(/494(-4

Q+,=4 =,+->++,)( )( R4SK490 ,( 0&4 -6'++9))7T =41'04 '(= *#
)95'(,+'0,)(L+>KK)90 (4S0;)92LUIV

"9)>(= 0&4 ;)96= # +'W+ QAXYV /,9+0 K49+)( 0) +'W +0'W+ +0'(=,(5Z 8)>6= =)
/)9 '(W /'-0+Z

G55 -'90)(+Z
Numbei the caitons. Bobbles in caitons anu shake.
Alpha blocks
Stoiy bots
C'97 >K+3
Aiounu the woilu
I have, who has.
*'+,- /'-0 K)K+,-64 +0,-2+3
Basic numbei facts wiiting on sticks
Plastic cups with numbeis u to 1u wiitten
Stuuents woik out the answeis to the equations anu put in the
coiiesponuing cup
When stuuents get goou time them

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:>7149 0'53
Kius get theii own space
Teachei calls out equations
Fiist hanu up gets to answei
If iight can take a big step. If neai anyone they can tag anu put them out.

Next week: Liteiacy - ieauing

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