Holiday Hill Parent Letter - Extended School Day

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Tammy L.

Haberman, Principal
6900 Altama Road
Jacksonville, FL 32216
p: 904.720.1676 :
A#%#st 4, 2014
&ea$ 'a$ents,
()d like to t!ank eac! o *o# o$ *o#$ active pa$ticipation in +#esda*)s ni%!t comm#nit*
meetin% at ,olida* ,ill. -#pe$intendent &$. .itti !as p$ovided me /it! t!e oppo$t#nit* to
make a sc!ool 0ased decision $e%a$din% t!e additional !o#$ at ,olida* ,ill.
( !ave concl#ded, and t!e -#pe$intendent is s#ppo$tive, t!at /e /ill not $e1#i$e t!e
additional !o#$ o $eadin% o$ all st#dents. 2e /ill, !o/eve$, enco#$a%e all pa$ents to
commit to t!e additional !o#$, especiall* t!ose /!o a$e pe$o$min% 0elo/ %$ade level.
+!e dist$ict !as a%$eed to o3e$ t/o 0#ses to allo/ st#dents /!ose pa$ents cannot pick
#p t!ei$ c!ild at 4 p.m.
'a$ents /ill need to make a decision $e%a$din% t!ei$ /illin%ness to opt in 0* -eptem0e$
, 2014
(no$mation a0o#t t!is p$o%$am /ill 0e comm#nicated to pa$ents 0* -eptem0e$ 12, 2014.
+!ank *o# so m#c! o$ *o#$ pa$ental inte$est and s#ppo$t in *o#$ c!ild)s ed#cation.
5o#$s in ed#cation,
+amm* L. ,a0e$man
67$o/in% toda*8s st#dents into tomo$$o/8s leade$s9

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