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Train Your Accent: Cooking Breakfast

Actual Transcription:
Cooking breakfast can be fun if you enjoy it , and making food for someone else is even
better. I usually cook eggs and bacon. First, I warm up the stove and then beat the eggs in
a bowl. I prefer scrambled eggs, but I can make just about any type. I warm up the burner
on the stove, and I pour the eggs in a frying pan. I use a spatula to mix and turn over the
eggs. Once the eggs are done, I remove them from the pan and serve them to the family.
If the eggs arent salty enough, the kids can add more salt or pepper.
Reduced Speech:
Cooking breakfast kn be fun if y! enjoy it , !n making food f!r someone else is even
better. I usually cook eggs !n bacon. First, I warm up th!stove !n then beat th! eggs
in ! bowl. I prefer scrambled eggs, but I knmake just about any type. I warm
up th! burner on th! stove, !n I pour th!eggs in ! frying pan. I
use ! spatula t! mix !n turn over th! eggs. Once th!eggs are done, I
remove !m from th! pan !n serve !m t! th! family. If th!eggs arent salty
enough, th! kids kn add more salt !r pepper.
#. Discussion" $xplain how y! prepare eggs your favorite way. If y!dont cook, then
pretend youre cooking f!r ! friend. %hat things kny! do t! improve your cooking
The Internet" (ook f!r ! new egg recipe online, !n share the ideas with ! partner.

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