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Post Listening Exercise

The length of the school year

The school year in public schools in Malaysia is split into two terms. The first term
usually starts in early January and ends at the end of May. In mid-March there is a
mid-term break of about one week. A mid-year break of about two weeks starts
around the end of May. The second term usually starts in mid-June and ends mid-
November. A mid-term break of about one week starts around the end of August.
The school year ends in mid-November and lasts until early January.
Teacher and student interaction
Teacher would start the class with some ground rules for discussion, and
engage students with comfortable, simple discussion topics and tasks early in the
semester. Then, teacher will try to use more challenging problems, subjects, and
discussion formats. The following are some ways used by teachers for getting
their students to interact more often and move effectively in class:
Be sure that the silent (or wait) time exceeds ten seconds.
Be prepared to break the question down to more simple questions in the
event that students do not answer the first time.
Call on those who do not participate.
Have students write out an answer to a problem or question.
Be aware of and watch facial and body gestures as teacher ask questions.
Develop a language of respect so that teacher does not alienate students
when he disagree with or misunderstand them.
School rules
Horseplay- Horseplay is not allowed on our campus. This include play fighting,
pushing or shoving of other students, running in the hallways, evading other
students, throwing objects like water and/or water bottles, and anything that
generally disrupts the regular school day. Any student caught "horse playing"
on campus will be suspended from school.
No Exit Policy - To keep our students safe in the classroom and protect
instructional minutes, Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom
during class time. Statistics show that uninterrupted class time will benefit
students on test and dramatically improve their overall grades. This will also
keep hallways clear of traffic and improve the overall safety of school.
Food and Drink- Students are prohibited from eating or drinking in the
classrooms and hallways. Selling of food items, including candy is also
prohibited. Students will be subject to progressive discipline for this behaviour.

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