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Topic 1 Causes, practices and effects of war

War was a major feature of the 20th century. In this topic the various types of war
should be identified, and the causes, nature, effects and results should be studied.
Questions will be set on major themes. Some of these will require knowledge of two regions.
Major themes
Different types of 20th century warfare

civil, guerrilla, limited, revolutionary
total war

Origins and causes of war

long-term and short-term causes, failure of diplomacy
World War 1 World War 2
Long-term Alliance system
(failure of diplomacy)
Versailles treaty
Economic + Imperial

Arms Race
Battle Plans
Short-term Crises 1905-1913
Public opinion

economic, ideological, political, religious causes
World War 1 World War 2
Economic Economic + Imperial
Great Depression
The Masons Thesis
Political Alliance system Versailles Treaty
(More accurately
Versailles guilt)

Crises 1905-1913 Rise of the Nazis
foreign policy (Hitler
giving in on his

Failure of League of

Battle Plans
Public opinion
Arms Race
Ideological Greater Germany

Nature of 20
century wars

technological developments, tactics and strategies, air, land, sea

the home front, the role of women
resistance and revolutionary movements

Effects and results

treaties, and wars ending without treaties
political repercussions, territorial changes
social and cultural effects, changes in the status of women
post-war economic problems

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