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Your Name

August 18, 2013

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SSN: xxx-xx-xxxx | D!: xx"xx"xxxx

Name o# Credit !ureau
City, State, $ip

%&ease 'e ad(ised t)at t)is is my 2*d " +,-.D /.-++0N .0120S+ a*d 3-NA4
/A.N-N5 t)at - #u&&y i*te*d to pursue &itigatio* i* a66orda*6e 7it) t)e 3C.A to
e*#or6e my rig)ts a*d see8 re&ie# a*d re6o(er a&& mo*etary damages t)at - may 'e e*tit&ed
to u*der Se6tio* 919 a*d Se6tio* 91: regardi*g your 6o*ti*ued 7i&&#u& a*d *eg&ige*t

Despite my pre(ious 7ritte* re<uests #or you to pro(ide me 7it) t)e *ame o# t)e
perso* i* your 6ompa*y 7)o (eri#ied t)at t)ese a66ou*ts are a66urate a*d 'e&o*g o* my
#i&e, 7)at do6ume*tatio* did t)ey use to (eri#y t)at t)ese a66ou*ts are a66urate a*d
'e&o*g o* my #i&e you ig*ored my rig)ts a*d i*stead to&d me t)at you are &a'e&i*g my
dispute as =3ri(o&ous>; Your a6tio*s 6&ear&y demo*strate your 7i&&#u& (io&atio* o# t)e
3C.A a*d - 'e&ie(e t)e Courts 7i&& agree 7)e* - prese*t t)em 7it) 6opies o# my &etters
a*d your respo*ses to t)em;

!&a68?s 4a7 Di6tio*ary, @t) 0ditio*, 200@, de#i*es =Aeri#y> as, 1B C+o pro(e to 'e
trueD to 6o*#irm or esta'&is) t)e trut) or trut)#u&*ess o#D to aut)e*ti6ate;C 2B =to 6o*#irm or
su'sta*tiate 'y oat) or a##ida(itD to s7ear to t)e trut) o#;C a*d =Aeri#i6atio*> as,
=Co*#irmatio* o# 6orre6t*ess, trut) or aut)e*ti6ity, 'y a##ida(it, oat), or depositio*;
A##ida(it o# trut) o# a matter stated a*d o'Ee6t o# (eri#i6atio* is to assure good #ait) i*
a(erme*ts or stateme*ts o# a party;>

You say t)at your 6ompa*y )as rei*(estigated t)ese a66ou*ts a*d (eri#ied t)em as
'ei*g a66urate 'ut it is o'(ious t)at you )a(e (eri#ied *ot)i*g; A&& you )a(e do*e is
parroted i*#ormatio* gi(e* to you 'y ot)er sour6es a*d s)i#ted t)e 'urde* 'a68 to me to
pro(e t)at t)e reported items o* t)e a66ou*ts &isted 'e&o7 are *ot (a&id 7)i6) is 6&ear&y i*
(io&atio* o# F 1981GaBGHB;

-t is o'(ious t)at you do*?t )a(e a*y proo# o* #i&e to (eri#y t)at t)ese a66ou*ts
'e&o*g o* my #i&e; /)e* 7e go to &itigatio* you 7i&& 'e re<uired to produ6e t)e
do6ume*tsyou used to (eri#y t)ese items t)roug) t)e dis6o(ery pro6ess a*d si*6e you
do*?t )a(e a*y do6ume*ts i* your #i&es (eri#yi*g t)at t)ese items are (a&id t)e* t)at 7i&&
'e proo# t)at you did *ot proper&y (eri#y t)e a66ou*ts a*d t)ey 7i&& )a(e to 'e de&eted
a*d -?&& 'e e*tit&ed to damages;

%&ease 'e ad(ised t)at u*der Se6tio* 911 GIBGAB o# t)e 3C.A J you are re<uired to
=Kprompt&y D040+0 a&& i*#ormatio* 7)i6) 6a**ot 'e (er#ied;> +)e &a7 is (ery 6&ear as
to t)e Ci(i& &ia'i&ity a*d t)e remedy a(ai&a'&e to me GSe6tio* 919 L 91:B i# you #ai& to
6omp&y 7it) 3edera& 4a7; - am a &itigious 6o*sumer a*d #u&&y i*te*d o* pursui*g
&itigatio* i* t)is matter to e*#or6e my rig)ts u*der t)e 3C.A;

- dema*d t)at you se*d me 6opies o# t)e do6ume*ts you used to (eri#y t)e #o&&o7i*g
a66ou*ts &isted 'e&o7 or you de&ete t)em immediate&y; %&ease pro(ide me 7it) a 6opy o#
a* updated a*d 6orre6ted 6redit report s)o7i*g t)at t)ese items )a(e 'ee* de&eted;

Name o# A66ou*t: A66ou*t Num'er: %ro(ide %)ysi6a& %roo# o#
1; ,ea&t6are 3u*di*g M1200000H xxxx 3ai&ed to se*d %roo# o# (eri#i6atio*
2; Cap*e M I1:80I:2 xxxx 3ai&ed to se*d %roo# o# (eri#i6atio*
3; 5e6r'"o&d Na(y M 9018I@9239:8 xxxx 3ai&ed to se*d %roo# o# (eri#i6atio*
H; C)ase !a*8 M HII@I2I000000NNN 3ai&ed to se*d %roo# o# (eri#i6atio*
+)a*8i*g you i* ad(a*6e #or your a*ti6ipated <ui68 6o-operatio* o* t)is matter;
+)a*8 you,Your Sig*ature ,ere
Your Name
Atta6)ed: Copy o# my So6ia& Se6urity Card L Dri(ers 4i6e*se is atta6)ed
Se*t: 2S%S Certi#ied Oai&

De't Aa&idatio* Samp&e 4etter
+o: GName o# t)e Co&&e6tio*s Age*6yB
Address: GAddress o# t)e Co&&e6tio* Age*6yB
A66ou*t M 123HI9:8:
3rom: GYour NameB
Address: GYour AddressB
De&i(ery Co*#irmatio* M: 0000 0000 0000 0000
Dear Co&&e6tio* Age*6y,
%ursua*t to t)e 3C.A L t)e 3DC%A - *o7 exer6ise my &a7#u& rig)t to <uestio* t)e
(a&idity o# t)is de't your age*6y 6&aims )as 6ome due;
3air Credit .eporti*g A6t 90@ Dis6&osures to 6o*sumers: G6B G2B G0B:
A 6o*sumer reporti*g age*6y is *ot re<uired to remo(e a66urate derogatory i*#ormatio*
#rom a 6o*sumerPs #i&e, u*&ess t)e i*#ormatio* is outdated u*der se6tio* 90I or 6a**ot 'e
3air Credit .eporti*g A6t 911GaB 1 GAB %ro6edure i* 6ase o# disputed a66ura6y:
GaB .ei*(estigatio*s o# Disputed -*#ormatio* G1B .ei*(estigatio* .e<uired
GAB -* ge*era&; Su'Ee6t to su'se6tio* G#B, i# t)e 6omp&ete*ess or a66ura6y o# a*y item o#
i*#ormatio* 6o*tai*ed i* a 6o*sumerPs #i&e at a 6o*sumer reporti*g age*6y is disputed 'y
t)e 6o*sumer a*d t)e 6o*sumer *oti#ies t)e age*6y dire6t&y, or i*dire6t&y t)roug) a
rese&&er, o# su6) dispute, t)e age*6y s)a&&, #ree o# 6)arge, 6o*du6t a reaso*a'&e
rei*(estigatio* to determi*e 7)et)er t)e disputed i*#ormatio* is i*a66urate a*d re6ord t)e
6urre*t status o# t)e disputed i*#ormatio*, or de&ete t)e item #rom t)e #i&e i* a66orda*6e
7it) paragrap) GIB, 'e#ore t)e e*d o# t)e 30-day period 'egi**i*g o* t)e date o* 7)i6)
t)e age*6y re6ei(es t)e *oti6e o# t)e dispute #rom t)e 6o*sumer or rese&&er;
3air De't Co&&e6tio* %ra6ti6es A6t Se6tio* 80@; Aa&idatio* o# de'ts:
G'B -# t)e 6o*sumer *oti#ies t)e de't 6o&&e6tor i* 7riti*g 7it)i* t)e t)irty-day period
des6ri'ed i* su'se6tio* GaB t)at t)e de't, or a*y portio* t)ereo#, is disputed, or t)at t)e
6o*sumer re<uests t)e *ame a*d address o# t)e origi*a& 6reditor, t)e de't 6o&&e6tor s)a&&
6ease 6o&&e6tio* o# t)e de't, or a*y disputed portio* t)ereo#, u*ti& t)e de't 6o&&e6tor
o'tai*s (eri#i6atio* o# t)e de't or a*y 6opy o# a Eudgme*t, or t)e *ame a*d address o# t)e
origi*a& 6reditor, a*d a 6opy o# su6) (eri#i6atio* or Eudgme*t, or *ame a*d address o# t)e
origi*a& 6reditor, is mai&ed to t)e 6o*sumer 'y t)e de't 6o&&e6tor;
A66ordi*g to t)e 3air Credit .eporti*g A6t, Se6tio* 90@ GaBG1BGAB, your 6ompa*y is
re<uired 'y #edera& &a7 to (eri#y - t)roug) t)e p)ysi6a& (eri#i6atio* o# t)e origi*a& sig*ed
6erti#ied 6o*sumer 6o*tra6t - o# a*y a*d a&& a66ou*ts you re<uest to 'e posted a*d or
reported o* a 6redit report;
- dema*d to see a 6opy o# t)e Aeri#ia'&e, Aa&idated %roo# Ga* origi*a& Co*sumer Co*tra6t
7it) a 7et-i*8 Sig*ature o* it, 6opies o# 6opies are *ot Aa&idatio* a*d 'y 4a7 are *ot
6o*sidered proo#B, t)at you )a(e o* #i&e #or t)e a66ou*t &isted a'o(e;
2*der t)e 3C.A, u*(eri#ied, i*(a&id a66ou*ts must 'e remo(ed;
-# you are u*a'&e to pro(ide t)e me 7it) a 6opy o# t)e (eri#ia'&e"(a&idated proo# t)at you
)a(e o* #i&e 7it)i* 30 6a&e*dar days #rom re6eipt o# t)is *oti6e, #or t)e a66ou*t &isted
a'o(e t)e* you must at o*6e remo(e t)e a66ou*t #rom GYour NameB 6redit reports; -
dema*d t)e a66ou*t 'e (eri#ied or remo(ed immediate&yQ
+)e &a7 is (ery 6&ear as to t)e Ci(i& &ia'i&ity a*d t)e remedy a(ai&a'&e to me #or t)e
C*eg&ige*t *o*6omp&ia*6eC GSe6tio* 91:B i# you #ai& to 6omp&y 7it) t)is 3edera& 4a7;
GYour NameB
+)is is a temp&ate o# a (a&idatio* &etter 7)i6) - se*t out a#ter re6ei(i*g *oti#i6atio* #rom a
6redit 'ureau t)at a* item - disputed 7as C(eri#iedC; - )a(e )ad great su66ess 7it) t)is
o*e; Not o*&y #or me 'ut #or my #rie*ds 7)o )a(e used t)is to remo(e t)eir *egati(e
items as 7e&&;
Your Address
Name o# Co&&e6tio* Age*6y
.0: Name o# Co&&e6tio* Age*6y
A66ou*t No;
Dear Age*6y,
- re6ei(ed your &etter i* respo*se to t)e G0<ui#ax, +ra*su*io*, 0xperia*B dispute -
-*6&uded, - )a(e e*6&osed 6opies o# t)e &etter you se*t me; Gsee atta6)edB
+)e purpose o# t)is &etter is to ad(ise you t)at a* improper i*(estigatio* 7as 6o*du6ted
'y your age*6y; GName o# Co&&e6tio* Compa*yB #ai&ed to pro(ide me 7it) a 6opy o# a*y
origi*a& do6ume*tatio* #or examp&e, a 6o*sumer 6o*tra6t a 7it) my 7et-i*8 sig*ature o*
as re<uired u*der Se6tio* 90@ GaBG1BGAB L Se6tio* 911 GaBG1BGAB o# t)e 3air Credit
.eporti*g A6t;
3urt)ermore, you )a(e #ai&ed to pro(ide t)e met)od o# (eri#i6atio* as re<uired u*der
Se6tio* 911 GaB G:B;
%&ease 'e ad(ised t)at u*der Se6tio* 911 GIBGAB o# t)e 3C.A J you are re<uired to
C;;;prompt&y D040+0 a&& i*#ormatio* 7)i6) 6a**ot 'e (eri#ied;C
2*der +)e 3C.A i* Se6tio* 90@G6BG2BG0B it states: CA 6o*sumer reporti*g age*6y is *ot
re<uired to remo(e a66urate derogatory i*#ormatio* #rom a 6o*sumerPs #i&e, u*&ess t)e
i*#ormatio* is outdated u*der se6tio* 90I or 6a**ot 'e (eri#ied;C
%ursua*t to t)e 3air De't Co&&e6tio* %ra6ti6es A6t, - re<uest (eri#i6atio*"(a&idatio* o# t)e
de't i*6&udi*g t)e #o&&o7i*g:
Copies o# a&& i*#ormatio* regardi*g t)e a'o(e-re#ere*6ed de't, i*6&udi*g stateme*ts,
reports, &edgers, 6orrespo*de*6e, *otes, origi*atio* do6ume*ts Gi*6&udi*g a*y a*d a&&
app&i6atio* a*d usage"a6ti(ity sig*aturesB a*d do6ume*ts re&ati*g to a*y assig*me*t o#
su6) a66ou*t to a*d"or #rom a*y t)ird parties;
%&ease &a'e& a&& <ua*titati(e e*tries, su6) as, dates, payme*ts, 6redits, #i*a*6e 6)arges,
pe*a&ty #ees, 6o&&e6tio* 6ommissio*s, a*d attor*ey #ees;
A&so, p&ease pro(ide me 7it) a 6omp&ete des6riptio* o# your 6&ie*ts ide*tity, i*6&udi*g its
#u&& *ame, address, state a*d &o6a& &i6e*seGsB a*d state a*d #edera& tax *um'ers;
4ast 'ut *ot &east, you *eed to pro(ide a* origi*a& 6o*sumer 6o*tra6t 7it) my C7et-i*8C
sig*ature o* it;
Copies o# 6opies are *ot a #orm o# Aa&idatio*, a*d 'y 4a7 are *ot 6o*sidered proo#;
2*der t)e 3air Credit .eporti*g A6t, u*(eri#ied, i*(a&id a66ou*ts must 'e remo(ed; -#
you are u*a'&e to pro(ide me 7it) a 6opy o# t)e (eri#ia'&e"(a&idated proo# t)at you )a(e
o* #i&e, 7it)i* 30 6a&e*dar days #rom re6eipt o# t)is *oti6e, 'y &a7 you )a(e to
immediate&y remo(e t)e a#oreme*tio*ed item i* dispute #rom my 6redit report;
-# you do *ot i*itiate a* i*(estigatio* regardi*g my dispute, as is my rig)t u*der t)e 3air
Credit .eporti*g A6t, - 7i&& )a(e to ta8e &ega& a6tio* to prote6t my 6redit rati*g a*d
myse&#; As -Pm sure you are a7are, ea6) (io&atio* o# t)e 3air Credit .eporti*g A6t a&&o7s
damages o# R1000 s)ou&d t)is matter e*d up i* 6ourt;
%&ease se*d t)e resu&ts o# your #i*di*gs to:
Your Address
- &oo8 #or7ard to a* expedie*t reso&utio* o# t)is matter,
Your Name
No matter 7)at t)e resu&ts are o# a (eri#i6atio* pro6ess, or e(e* i# you *e(er 'ot)ered to
as8 t)e 6o&&e6tio* age*6y #or (eri#i6atio*, you )a(e t)e rig)t to te&& a 6o&&e6tio* age*6y to
stop 6a&&i*g you, period; Se6tio* 80IG6B o# t)e 3air De't Co&&e6tio* %ra6ti6es A6t simp&y
pro(ides t)at i# you i*stru6t a 6o&&e6tio* age*6y i* 7riti*g to stop 6o*ta6ti*g you, it must
stop e(eryt)i*g Gi*6&udi*g &ettersB;
*6e t)e age*6y re6ei(es your &etter, t)e &a7 a&&o7s it to se*d you o*e more &etter i* 6ase
it 7a*ts to te&& you t)at it is agreei*g to stop 6o&&e6tio* e##orts, or it p&a*s o* usi*g &ega&
remedies to 6o&&e6t t)e mo*ey you o7e, su6) as #i&i*g a &a7suit agai*st you or
repossessi*g property used to se6ure t)e de't;
Your Name
Your Address
+odayPs Date
Co&&e6tio* Age*6y Name
3ax Num'er Gi# a(ai&a'&eB
Att*: 4ega& Departme*t
.e: A&&eged rigi*a& Creditor
.e#ere*6e Num'er Gusua&&y pro(ided o* 6o&&e6tio* &etter-ot)er7ise try to o'tai* a*
a66ou*t or re#ere*6e *um'er 7)e* t)ey 6a&&-use &ast #our digits o# your so6ia& se6urity
*um'er i# *e6essaryB
Dear Sir"Oadam,
- )a(e repeated&y as8ed you to stop 6a&&i*g me; %ursua*t to t)e 3air De't Co&&e6tio*
%ra6ti6es A6t,
ea6) time you 6a&& me o*6e - )a(e as8ed you to stop, you are i* (io&atio* o# t)e #edera&
-# you 6a&& me agai*, you may 'e respo*si'&e #or statutory damages, 6ourt 6osts a*d my
attor*eyPs #ees;
+)ere#ore, immediate&y remo(e my te&ep)o*e *um'er #rom your #i&es; - trust you 7i&& *ot
attempt to 6o*ta6t me, or a*yo*e - 8*o7, agai*;
Si*6ere&y Yours,
%ri*ted Name
6; 3edera& +rade Commissio*
Attor*ey 5e*era& #or your state

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