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Mrs. Gaddy
Dear Parents,
Welcome to our Kindergarten grade classroom. I will be working
very closely with you and your child to provide the best possible
learning environment. If at any time throughout the school year, you
have a question or concern, please feel free to call or email me and I
will make every effort to get back with you in a timely fashion.
rs. !addy" #$%"&#''
I believe that parents are a vital part of the education process.
Without parent support and involvement, no educational program can be
successful. I will make it my goal to keep you informed of classroom
activities and school related issues. I also encourage parents to
become involved in the classroom, as much as possible. If you would
like to help in our classroom, but are unable to volunteer time during
the school day, please let me know as I have various pro*ects that you
can help out with at home.
I also believe that children learn best in an environment free from
fear and criticism. +herefore, I will make every attempt possible to
create a non"threatening, positive atmosphere in the classroom. ,very
child should feel that he-she is an important member of the group. y
goal is to make all children feel good about themselves and their ability
to learn.

Drop Off/Pick-Up:
+he official school day begins at ./0' and ends at 1/2&.
(ate arrivals will be marked tardy, so please try to be
on time.
(ate bus arrivals will not be marked tardy.
If you are picking your child up from school early, you
must sign him-her out in the office.
Please send a note if your child is going to be picked up
or if transportation is changing. 3therwise he-she
must go home as usual.
Please remind your child what bus he/she will ride
home until a normal routine is established.
If your child misses a day of school, please call the
office or send in a note e4plaining the absence.
If you would like to send in a special treat on your
child5s birthday, let me know ahead of time and we can
set up a time that works best during our school day.
!tra "lothin#:
In Kindergarten we have many spills and 6uh"ohs7 that
may happen. Please have your child keep an e4tra
change of clothes in his-her backpack in the event that
an accident occurs.
8our child will be responsible to take his-her folder
home each night. Please check the folder for any
important notes and return it each day. Please send
notes to me using the folder.
When sending money to school for any reason, please
put it in an envelope and label it with your child5s name
and what the money is to be used for. Please place the
envelope in your child5s folder. +his way I am sure to
find it.
9ecess will be outside daily, so please dress your child
according to the weather. ,very child is e4pected to
go outside.
&pecial &chedule
'onday- P..
(uesday- 'usic
)ednesday- P..
(hursday- "omputers
$riday- "omputers
* +unch will take place from ,,:-.-,/:/.
* +ibrary day is (BD
&chool &upply +ist
:0 Pencils
$ !lue ;ticks
0% pack <rayola <rayons
9ectangular ,rasers
>iskars ;cissors
% pack Dry ,rase arkers
0 ?o4es Kleene4
1 pkg. <loro4 Wipes
2 pair ear buds
*1O Pencil Bo! 1eeded
2inder#arten )ants
<rayola arkers @fat or thinA
Paper (unch ?ags
Paper +owels
Paper Plates @small and largeA
Ciplock ?aggies @all siDesA
=and ;anitiDer

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