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What day is it Today?

We are going to

1. Seating Chart:
Were you able to read the Seating Chart?

2. Learn & practice about:
Use of this Agenda
Use of Participation Log
Supply List - Handout
How to copy /gngk/ in your
/Jshbn/ (Agenda Book)
Other USES for /Jshbn/

3. Get involved with Chinese
Facebook Card
Profile Picture
4. Our Community:
Essential Agreement
5. Inquiry Words:
Zhe shi sheme?
Shenme shi?

We are going to

6. Review:
Class beginning procedure
Use of this Agenda &
Participation Log
How to copy /gngk/ info in your
Question Words
7. Summer Vacation:
Ni shujia qu nail?
Ni jiyue jiri qu?

8: Listen and Talk:
Wo shujia qu
9. Our Community:
Jobs Application
Character Writing 4 times each:
(Pinyin and meaning included)

We are going to

11. Review:
Ni shujia qu?
Jintian jiyue ji ri?
Learner Profiles
12. Practice:
Learner Profile
13. Writing:
Learner Profile Index card
14. Practice:
xianzai ji dian?
15. Culture:
Chinese Fathers Da!

Get required supply from supply list by Thursday/Friday, August 14/15.

4 Blue Day

5 White Day 6 Blue Day

7 White Day 8 Blue Day 9 10
11 White Day

12 Blue Day:
* Back-to-School
13 White Day: 14 Blue Day: 15 White Day: 16 17
/xux mbio/ (Learning Objectives-Language & Content):
Students will be able to:
a) become familiar with Chinese classroom & Hallway procedures
b) begin to form a Chinese classroom community via school & classroom procedures
c) tell time, day of the week, and date
d) begin to identify themselves in IB unit and learner profiles

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