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Yosemite Fire Update August 12, 2014

Update #13
General Information
Dark Hole Fire: This lightning caused fre began on July 17, 2014 in designated Wilderness,
near the Yosemite Creek Camground! The fre is being suressed by handline construction
using minimum imact suression tactics and natural barriers o" granite ridgelines and rock
out#croings! The fre is currently 1080 acres and is 70% contained. $moke has been
%isible "rom many locations &ithin Yosemite!
The fre began on July 17, 2014 due to lightning!
'ire resources assigned include (0 frefghters!
The fre erimeter is &ithin Yosemite )ational *ark designated &ilderness!
Yosemite Creek Camground is closed!
El Portal Fire: 'irefghters ha%e achie%ed 100+ containment o" the ,l *ortal 'ire! -nterior
smoldering and stum#hole fres &ill continue o%er the ne.t "e& days! This fre is in patrol
status. $moke may continue to be %isible!
The fre is currently 4,(/0 acres and is 100+ contained!
1esources assigned include ( ersonnel!
The fre is on both )*$ lands and $tanislaus )ational 'orest!
The fre began on July 2(, at aro.imately 2314 *5, near the community o" ,l *ortal!
Campgrounds & oads !"ected
6ll ark roads are oen!
#osemite Cree$ Campground is closed due to the %ar$ &ole 'ire!
6ll other ark camgrounds remain oen!
The 5erced 7ro%e o" the giant $e8uoias is oen to %isitors!
(ther #osemite 'ires ) *uly +ightning caused fres
The 9embert :unable to locate, but light smoke is in the area;, $tarr <ing :!74 acres;, and
Cathedral :!00 acres; are the only fres sho&ing acti%ity! These high ele%ation fres remain small
and are smoldering and creeing through sur"ace "uels! The 1ancheria and 5orrison fres are in
atrol status a"ter being suressed! 6ll other fres are inacti%e or ha%e naturally gone out! 6ll
o" these fres areas continue to recei%e rain due to daily a"ternoon thunderstorms!
6s &ith any fre incident in Yosemite )ational *ark, frefghter and ublic sa"ety is our number
one riority! We areciate e%eryone=s assistance &ith this riority!
'or ,ore Information
'ire in"ormation3 gary>&uchner?ns!go%, 200 272#04/0!
'or a recorded message3 200 272#0227!
'or health e@ects o" smoke3 &&&!mariosacounty!orgAinde.!as.B)-CD/0
'or Yosemite air 8uality3 &&&!ns!go%AyoseAnaturescienceAa8monitoring!htm
'or smoke udates3 &&&!cali"orniasmokein"o!blogsot!com
'or ,l *ortal 'ire and general in"ormation lease go to 3 &&&!inci&eb!go%
Yosemite )ational *ark Web age3 htt3AA&&&!ns!go%AyoseAarkmgmtAcurrent >fre!htm
Yosemite Wildland 'ire 'acebook3 htt3AA&&&!"acebook!comAagesAYosemite #Wildland#'ireA124(220(444204

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