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Saying Good-Bye to Robin Williams

What was your reaction when you found out that Robin Williams
passed away?
Jon: I thought it was just a rumor being spread on the Internet. Robin Williams was one of the
actors who seemed to be always around, making movies and being funny. I could never have
guessed he would have left the world the way that he did.
What were your first memories of watching him perform as an actor?
Jon: When I was a kid, I would watch "Mork and Mindy." I remember an episode where he had
a sword duel with someone else on the show. The swords were like lightsabers, only they were
completely invisible. And, they had a son who apparently was born as a middle-aged man but
with the mind of a small child. I guess that was Jonathan Winters.
I heard later on that the creators basically built the whole premise of the show around Robin's
crazy comedic acting style. They would have a basic plot, and he would just run with it.
There seemed to be a point where he became big enough to only be a movie star, and then
later on he took these more serious roles. I watched a thriller where he played this creepy guy
who worked at a photo center.
He was such an iconic actor, like Tom Hanks or Morgan Freeman. You just figured he had a lot
of time left.
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