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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers
the question.
1) Which of the following nations was allied with the Triple Entente?
A) Bulgaria
B) Italy
C) Sweden
D) Norway
E) Spain

2) Lions Led by Donkeys is a criticism of

A) Germany's army.
B) WWI political leaders.
C) soldiers.
D) WWI military leaders.
E) the American foreign policy.

3) Who was France's prime minister during WWI?

A) Petain
B) De Gaulle
C) Marshall
D) Daladier
E) Clemenceau

4) The largest one-day loss in British military history occurred in the first eight hours
of the battle of
A) the Marne.
B) Verdun.
C) the Somme.
D) Chateau-Thierry.
E) Jutland.

5) How was Africa affected by the Great War?

A) Money used to operate schools and hospitals was withdrawn from Africa in
order to finance the war.
B) African nations gained their independence because of European preoccupation
with the war.
C) Africans were largely ignored during the Great War, causing a great
depression on the continent.
D) Africans were forced to fight in the war and Britain and France attacked
German colonies in Africa.
E) The Great War highlighted the racism prevalent in European colonialism,
which eventually led to their liberation.

6) In Russia, the government encouraged wartime sacrifice by banning the sale of

A) vodka.
B) coal.
C) weapons.
D) German-made products.
E) oil.
7) Which of the following nations remained neutral in WWI?
A) Spain
B) Portugal
C) Serbia
D) Finland
E) Greece

8) The "blank check" refers to

A) Russia's unconditional support for Serbia.
B) America's unconditional support for Britain.
C) Spain's unconditional support for Portugal.
D) France's unconditional support for Russia.
E) Germany's unconditional support for Austria.

9) Which country withdrew from the war after an internal rebellion and civil war?
A) Serbia
B) Russia
C) Ottoman Empire
D) France
E) Austria

10) Which ethnic group was targeted for persecution in the Ottoman Empire?
A) Jews
B) Slavs
C) Muslims
D) Armenians
E) Kurds

11) The Gallipoli Campaign was designed to open supply lines to

A) Bulgaria.
B) Italy.
C) Russia.
D) Britain.
E) Austria.

12) Which country's armies staged mutinies in 1917?

A) Russia
B) Britain
C) Germany
D) Austria
E) France

13) Which of the following nations was NOT a part of the Triple Alliance?
A) Austria
B) Germany
C) Italy
D) Russia
E) All of the above were part of the Triple Alliance.

14) The czar survived the Russia Revolution of 1905 by

A) winning the war against Japan.
B) reducing taxes on the middle class.
C) adopting Christianity.
D) agreeing to share power with the Duma.
E) freeing the serfs.

15) The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

A) divided the Central Powers.
B) officially destroyed the Ottoman Empire.
C) officially ended WWI.
D) gave Russian territories to Germany.
E) gave Bosnia and Herzegovina to Serbia.

16) India expected autonomy from Britain because of

A) Britain's failing economy.
B) Ireland's eventual victory.
C) British losses in WWI.
D) American pressure.
E) India's role in WWI.

17) The Triple Entente included all of the following EXCEPT

A) Italy.
B) Russia.
C) Britain.
D) France.
E) none of the above

18) Nicholas II lost support as a result of

A) Russia's losses in WWI.
B) Bloody Sunday.
C) economic problems.
D) his wife's relationship with Rasputin.
E) all of the above

19) The Central Powers included all of the following EXCEPT

A) Germany.
B) Bulgaria.
C) Italy.
D) Austria-Hungary.
E) the Ottoman Empire.

20) Britain entered WWI after Germany violated the rights of a neutral
A) Serbia.
B) Belgium.
C) Denmark.
D) France.
E) Russia.

21) Falkenhayn lost his position as commander due to his losses at

A) Verdun.
B) Chateau-Thierry.
C) Jutland.
D) the Somme.
E) the Marne.

22) Which of the following was NOT a member of the Allied Powers?
A) France
B) Britain
C) Switzerland
D) Japan
E) the United States

23) Alexandra became increasingly unpopular with the Russian people because
A) she was Austrian.
B) of her tumultuous relationship with the tsar.
C) she refused to become a Russian citizen.
D) of her relationship with Rasputin.
E) all of the above

24) Which of the following states was NOT mentioned in the Zimmermann Note?
A) California
B) Texas
C) New Mexico
D) Arizona
E) none of the above

25) Alexandra's relationship with Rasputin was largely based on

A) her son's illness.
B) sexual relations.
C) their common ethnicity.
D) their familial connection.
E) his religious beliefs.

26) What was the name of Wilson's proposed peace settlement of WWI?
A) 14 Points
B) New Deal
C) Treaty of Versailles
D) Treaty of Paris
E) Square Deal

27) Which country lost the most men aged 18-25 in the Great War?
A) France
B) Germany
C) Russia
D) Italy
E) Britain

28) The overall commander of Allied forces in 1918 was

A) Petain.
B) Churchill.
C) MacArthur.
D) Clemenceau.
E) Foch.

29) Russia defended Serbia in the Bosnian Crisis because

A) the czarina was Serbian.
B) both were Slavic.
C) Serbia was in a formal alliance with Russia.
D) Russia and Germany were at war.
E) all of the above

30) Which of the following nations was NOT a part of the Triple Entente?
A) Italy
B) Russia
C) France
D) Britain
E) All of the above were part of the Triple Entente.

31) Which of the following was NOT a member of the Central Powers?
A) the Ottoman Empire
B) Bulgaria
C) Germany
D) Austria
E) Italy

32) Who was the leader of Russia during WWI?

A) Alexander II
B) Nicholas II
C) Alexander III
D) Leon Trotsky
E) Nicholas I

33) Which nation switched sides because of territorial promises?

A) Russia B) Britain C) Italy D) France E) Austria

34) The Soviet Union declared war on Japan

A) after the suicide of Hitler.
B) after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
C) after the bombing of Hiroshima.
D) after the bombing of Nagasaki.
E) They did not declare war on Japan.

35) The Sudetenland could best be described as the

A) easternmost region of Czechoslovakia.
B) area in Austria where numerous Germans lived.
C) Catholic region of Poland.
D) western region of Germany.
E) western rim of Czechoslovakia.

36) Which two countries switched sides from WWI to WWII?

A) Japan and China
B) Germany and Italy
C) Japan and Italy
D) Italy and Austria
E) Germany and Italy

37) Which of the following answers contains the list of Hitler's conquests in correct
chronolo gical order?
A) Austria, Memel, Sudetenland, Danzig
B) Poland, Sudetenland, Memel, Austria
C) Austria, Sudetenland, Danzig, Memel
D) Sudetenland, Poland, Denmark, Austria
E) Austria, Sudetenland, Memel, Danzig

38) At which battle did the Japanese attempt to stage a diversionary attack near Alaska
to split the American forces?
A) Guadalcanal
B) Coral Sea
C) Midway
D) Iwo Jima
E) Okinawa

39) Which battle's remains are visible from outer space even today?
A) Stalingrad
B) Midway
C) D-Day
D) Kursk
E) El Alamein

40) Which of the following groups was NOT targeted by Nazi extermination policies?
A) Catholic clergy
B) homosexuals
C) college-educated Poles
D) gypsies
E) All of the above were targeted.

41) The assassination of Engelbert Dollfuss led to

A) the Rome-Berlin Axis.
B) Hitler's annexation of Austria.
C) the formation of the Axis powers.
D) an improvement in Hitler's international reputation.
E) tension between Hitler and Mussolini.

42) Chamberlain boasted of finally achieving "peace in our time" after

A) the signing of the Versailles Treaty.
B) the Munich Conference.
C) the D-Day invasion.
D) September 2, 1945.
E) the Battle of Midway.

43) The British won the battle of Britain largely due to

A) the Royal Navy.
B) Germany's lack of fuel.
C) the United States.
D) the Royal Army.
E) radar.

44) Japan's strategy failed at Midway because

A) several American battleships were on routine training missions.
B) they ran out of supplies.
C) assistance from the Luftwaffe never arrived.
D) Nimitz had intercepted Japanese intelligence.
E) two of their vessels collided with each other.

45) The turning point of the war on Europe's eastern front was the battle of
A) D-Day.
B) Okinawa.
C) Stalingrad.
D) Iwo Jima.
E) Dunkirk.

46) In the 1930s it became clear to everyone that the League of Nations
A) had amassed a great deal of money.
B) was corrupt.
C) would enforce international law.
D) had a strong military.
E) had no power.

47) The demilitarized zone known as the Rhineland bordered all of the following
nations EXCEPT
A) Luxembourg.
B) Belgium.
C) Denmark.
D) the Netherlands.
E) France.

48) The man who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor was
A) Hirohito.
B) Toyoda.
C) Yamamoto.
D) Nimitz.
E) Tojo.

49) Which American president made the decision to launch a nuclear attack on Japan to
end the war?
A) Hoover
B) Eisenhower
D) Wilson
E) Truman

50) The horrors of ground warfare were highlighted by the atrocities committed by the
Japanese at
A) the Philippines.
B) Midway.
C) Coral Sea.
D) Pearl Harbor.
E) Australia.

51) The Germans were surprised by D-Day because

A) they believed that the United States would defeat Japan before arriving in
B) they did not expect an amphibious assault.
C) the inclement weather made the strike unlikely.
D) they believed the attack would come at Calais.
E) they expected a bombing raid instead.

52) In 1935, Mussolini announced that he was creating a "New Roman Empire" after his
invasion of
A) Ethiopia.
B) Germany.
C) Yugoslavia.
D) Austria.
E) Libya.

53) When the Nazis initially invaded the Soviet Union

A) they were welcomed and treated as liberators.
B) the Soviets were well prepared.
C) Stalin launched a counter-attack.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

54) Who was the president of the United States when Pearl Harbor was bombed?
A) Eisenhower
B) Truman
D) Hoover
E) Wilson

55) The relationship between Hitler and Mussolini improved because, after Mussolini’s
invasion of Ethiopia, Italy needed
A) coal.
B) an air force.
C) munitions.
D) concentration camps.
E) oil.

56) Bloody ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Kosovo resulted from the disintegration of
A) Yugoslavia.
B) the Soviet Union.
C) the Soviet Bloc.
E) the Warsaw Pact.

57) The Soviet Union formally collapsed in the year

A) 1980. B) 1990. C) 1991. D) 1986. E) 1989.

58) Which of the following nations did NOT join NATO?

A) Ireland
B) France
C) Norway
D) Spain
E) Iceland
59) By 1950, all of the following nations were communist EXCEPT
A) Poland.
B) Yugoslavia.
C) China.
D) Greece.
E) East Germany.

60) Massive retaliation was a policy that depended heavily on

A) nuclear weapons.
B) the Navy.
C) the Air Force.
D) Star Wars.
E) public support.

61) Which man, in a 1988 United Nations meeting, called on all countries to renounce
the use of force?
A) the pope
B) Kennan
C) Gorbachev
D) Reagan
E) Bush

62) Who was Patrice Lumumba and why did the United States orchestrate his ouster?
A) He was the leader of the EU, and he wanted to allow membership to
communist nations.
B) He was the president of Romania, and he used excessive force in crushing
anticommunist rebellions.
C) He was the leader of the EEC, and he was sympathetic to Khrushchev.
D) He was the president of the Congo, and he was supported by the USSR.
E) He was the leader of Czechoslovakia, and he was communist.

63) Truman's demeanor became increasingly assertive at Potsdam because

A) he had been informed that the atomic bomb had been successfully tested.
B) he was angry at Stalin due to his insistence that Eastern European nations
adopt communism.
C) of the controversy surrounding the Berlin Air Lift.
D) he was forced to deal with socialist Clement Attlee instead of Winston
E) Stalin refused to join American efforts to defeat Japan.

64) Which American president referred to the Soviet Union as an "evil empire"?
A) Kennedy
B) Bush
C) Reagan
D) Nixon
E) Carter

65) Which American president wanted to reduce U.S. defense costs by adopting a policy
of massive retaliation?
A) Reagan
B) Eisenhower
C) Truman
D) Nixon
E) Kennedy

66) To improve conditions in the Soviet Union, Gorbachev promoted glasnost, or

A) union with eastern Europe.
B) a free market economy.
C) open discussions of the country's problems.
D) annexation of additional territories.
E) a restructuring of Soviet society.

67) The Soviet Union provided aid to all of the following EXCEPT
A) Pakistan.
B) Algeria.
C) Indonesia.
D) Egypt.
E) India.

68) Which of the following nations was NOT part of the Soviet Bloc?
A) Hungary
B) Yugoslavia
C) Poland
D) Bulgaria
E) Romania

69) The Soviets supported a mystical Muslim named Sukarno as he led the nation of
A) Poland.
B) Algeria.
C) Vietnam.
D) Indonesia.
E) North Korea.

70) Which American policy maker coined the phrase "containment"?

A) Nixon
B) Truman
C) Kennan
D) Carter
E) none of the above

71) Which of the following best explains the kaiser's logic in resuming unrestricted
submarine warfare?
A) The only way to win the war was to deter American involvement.
B) If the United States decided to enter the war, they would need months to
prepare and their soldiers would travel by ships that U-boats could sink.
C) The British navy's defeat would end WWI before the United States ever
decided to enter the war.
D) He was against resuming unrestricted submarine warfare, but he had lost
control of his country.
E) The United States was too preoccupied with economic issues to enter the war.

72) Seven hundred and fifty thousand Germans died of malnutrition primarily due to
A) collectivization of private farms.
B) the failure of the turnip crop.
C) Britain's naval blockade.
D) the army's annexation of farmland.
E) none of the above

73) "Peace, land, and bread" was the slogan adopted by

A) Rasputin.
B) Lenin.
C) Alexandra.
D) Nicholas II.
E) Stalin.

74) Who was America's president during WWI?

A) Woodrow Wilson
B) Theodore Roosevelt
D) Calvin Coolidge
E) Herbert Hoover

75) Which European nation's people suffered the least in WWI?

A) Germany
B) Austria
C) Britain
D) Russia
E) France

76) The war reached a stalemate in

A) eastern Belgium near Brussels.
B) northeastern France near the Marne.
C) the east near Tannenburg.
D) the south of France.
E) Austria's southern provinces.

77) France's will to resist was symbolized in the city of

A) Dunkirk.
B) Amiens.
C) Paris.
D) Verdun.
E) Calais.

78) Which belligerent nation brought submarines onto the naval front in WWI?
A) Germany
B) Russia
C) Britain
D) the United States
E) Japan

79) The hero of Verdun was eventually appointed army chief. What was his name?
A) Chirac
B) Petain
C) Daladier
D) Clemenceau
E) De Gaulle

80) In 1918, Germany was ravaged by

A) influenza.
B) syphilis.
C) smallpox.
D) malaria.
E) rubella.

81) Prior to the dropping of nuclear weapons, Japan

A) had broken away from the Axis powers.
B) wanted to surrender if they could keep their emperor.
C) refused to surrender.
D) was planning another bombing of the United States.
E) none of the above

82) Rommel's defeat in Africa was largely due to

A) the development of the tank.
B) lack of leadership.
C) lack of military planning.
D) the lack of reinforcements.
E) incompetent strategy.

83) Which country safely evacuated its Jewish population to Sweden?

A) Poland
B) Belgium
C) Switzerland
D) Denmark
E) Russia

84) The Anschluss was Germany's

A) alliance with Italy.
B) union with Japan.
C) invasion of Poland.
D) union with Austria.
E) annexation of Sudetenland.

85) Who was the leader of Hitler's forces in Africa?

A) Rommel
B) Goebbels
C) Montgomery
D) Goring
E) none of the above

86) What was the approximate death toll from the Second World War?
A) 66 million
B) 100 million
C) 1 billion
D) 12 million
E) 54 million

87) Which of the following stated that the United States would intervene to protect any
country threatened by armed minorities or outside pressure?
A) Truman Doctrine
D) Marshall Plan
E) Comecon

88) The expansion of the Common Market was hampered by

A) Leonid Brezhnev.
B) Lech Walesa.
C) Winston Churchill.
D) Charles de Gaulle.
E) Clement Attlee.

89) Richard Nixon did all of the following EXCEPT

A) suspend the draft.
B) expand war to Cambodia.
C) resign due to the Watergate scandal.
D) reduce the American role in Vietnam.
E) fail to secure American withdrawal from the Vietnam War.

90) Which Soviet leader attempted to improve his image by visiting American cities,
touring places such as an Iowa cornfield, Broadway, and even attempting to visit
A) Gorbachev
B) Stalin
C) Andropov
D) Brezhnev
E) Khrushchev

91) Who was Russia's leader during the Bloody Sunday massacre?
A) Nicholas II
B) Nicolas I
C) Alexander II
D) Lenin
E) Alexander III

92) The United States entered WWI primarily because of

A) unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmermann Note.
B) alliances with Britain and France.
C) the Zimmermann Note and the Lend Lease Act.
D) the Zimmermann Note and imperialism.
E) the fall of France.

93) Germany's two-front war strategy involved

A) an air attack on the east and a ground invasion of the west.
B) blitzkrieg on both fronts.
C) a quick defeat of Russia before turning to France.
D) a quick defeat of France before turning to Russia.
E) an air attack on the west and a ground invasion of the east.

94) The Rape of Nanjing caused global condemnation against

A) Germany.
B) Nimitz.
C) MacArthur.
D) China.
E) Japan.

95) In WWII, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Hungary were all

A) occupied by the Axis powers.
B) allied with the Allies.
C) allied with the Axis powers.
D) neutral.
E) occupied by the Allies.

96) Which two leaders squared off in the Cuban Missile Crisis?
A) Eisenhower and Khrushchev
B) Kennedy and Khrushchev
C) Reagan and Gorbachev
D) Kennedy and Brezhnev
E) Eisenhower and Brezhnev

97) Who led the defensive forces at Gallipoli?

A) Churchill
B) the Anzacs
C) Nicholas II
D) Kemal
E) Montgomery

98) Which two Japanese cities were destroyed by nuclear weapons?

A) Tokyo and Nagasaki
B) Nagasaki and Edo
C) Hiroshima and Nagasaki
D) Hiroshima and Edo
E) Tokyo and Hiroshima

99) Which Soviet leader pushed for a "peaceful coexistence" with the United States?
A) Khrushchev
B) Gorbachev
C) Brezhnev
D) Andropov
E) Stalin

100) Which city was the site of a battle-scarred landscape that resembled the moon's
A) Covington
B) Paris
C) Verdun
D) Berlin
E) Tannenburg

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