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Desiree Ramos

Texas A&M International ni!ersit"
Laredo, TX
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with a Minor in Mathematics May 2014
Academic Achievements:
The College of Education Honor Roll
NCAA Heartland Conference Commissioners Honor Roll
Extra Curricular Activities
Texas A! "nternational #niversit$ NCAA %ivision "" &oft'all Team
Texas A! "nternational #niversit$ NCAA %ivision "" &oft'all Team Ca-tain
.ello/shi- of Christian Athletes
0resident ()*(+()*,
1ice 0residents ()**+()*(
Incarnate #ord $i%h &chool
&an Antonio, TX
August 2006-May2010
Extra Curricular Activities
1olle$'all ())2+())3
4as5et'all ())2+()*)
+ .our 6ear 1arsit$ letter
+ (
Team All &tate and *
Team All district 7unior and &enior 6ear
&oft'all ())2+()*)
+ .our 6ear 1arsit$ letter
+ (
Team All state and *
Team All district 7unior and &enior 6ear
AA# 4as5et'all ())(+()*)
A&A &oft'all ())(+()*)
(une-Au%ust 201) and *resent
De!astation &o+t,all- &an Antonio, Texas
Assistant Coach 2013
ea! Soft"all Coach 2014
"nstructed and taught the -h$sical and mental s5ills of soft'all to 3+*( $ear old girls
enhancing their level of com-etitiveness for summer and s-ring soft'all8
9ave one on one lessons /ith several individual athletes to 'etter their s5ills on
o:ense and defense8
%esiree Ramos
-e,ruar" 201.- Ma" 201.
Tutor ; TA!"# &oft'all Team, Laredo, Texas
Stu!ent Athlete #ntern
0rovided tutoring to m$ individual teammates /ho needed assistance in classes8
Assisted and taught various !athematics and <inesiolog$ su'=ects8
Technical &/ills
*ro0cient s/ills in or%ani1ation and communication.
*ro0cient in Microso+t 23ce *ac/a%e4 includin%:
> ?ord 0rocessing
> &-readsheets
> %ata'ase
> 0resentation &oft/are
> Electronic mail and scheduling
> 0ro0resenter
5ommunit" &er!ice6 7olunteer
.ello/shi- of Christian Athletes @.CAA *(B()*)+
1olunteers &erving The Need .all
.ood %rive for 1eterans of TA!"# &-ring
Chic5+El+a 1olunteer Event &ta: @Laredo, TXA &-ring
TA!"# &oft'all Cam- @Laredo, TXA &-ring
.CA &-orts Cam- &ummer
Laredo .irst Assem'l$ Church &ummer Cam- &ummer
4lessed &acrament 4as5et'all Cam- &ummer
!edia for 6oung AdultsB!ain Church &ervice )FB()*) ;
*(B ()**
"ncarnate ?ord High &chool 4as5et'all Cam- &ummer

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