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There is nothing more wonderful than to be utterly certain again that you have

love in your life. Lyn, you too must - fnd a man to make you happy. A career is
not enough - it does not fully compensate.
!e has taken her to the station. "he has money of her own and # don$t think she
will trouble us again. %ick was &uite prepared, you see, to tell 'ulio everything if
she refused to leave, and she loves 'ulio. "he wouldn$t want him to know that she
was ready to kill me for his sake."uddenly the eyes looking at Lyn were abla(e
with happiness.
)es. *h, it$s all right+ ,oncetta smiled and s&uee(ed Lyn$s hands. # am no
longer in danger from her. Last night # broke down and cried in %ick$s arms. # told
him my fears, and he guessed who had hurt me. !e decided that -ona .stella
should leave.# saw him driving o/ with someone0
)es. !er eyes were dark in the sudden pallor of her face.)ou have grown fond
of 1onterey, eh2 # hope when you are back in .ngland you will remember us,
now and again.
!is black hair had a raven glint under the sun, and he wore a slash-throated shirt
tucked into narrow black trousers ... a gaucho ... a corsair ... always she would
think of him like that.Are you bidding goodbye to "panish ,ove2 he asked

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